
  • 网络performance bonus;Merit Bonuses
  1. 因此,配音演员们有了获得二次补偿的想法——每当一款游戏卖出200万份游戏包或下载量,或者拥有200万订阅时,即获得一笔业绩奖金,上限为800万。

    So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of secondary compensation — a performance bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads , or reaches 2 million subscribers , with a cap at 8 million .

  2. 一个业绩奖金,根据军官的性能。

    A Performance Bonus , subject to the officer 's performance .

  3. 这是我的业绩奖金。

    This is my performance bonus .

  4. 曾经,在金融服务业“赚取”业绩奖金是那么容易。

    It used to be so easy to " earn " a performance bonus in financial services .

  5. 收取你的业绩奖金吧。

    Collect your performance fee .

  6. 如果某位雇员总能赢得本月最佳员工,或者总能赢得最佳销售业绩奖金,老虎伍兹效应就会在办公室里发生作用。

    In particular , the Tiger factor could affect offices where one worker keeps winning ' employee of the month ' or regular bonuses for making the most sales .

  7. 在可变对价存在的情况下(比如,对冲基金的业绩奖金),新标准采用的估算(希望这些估算都是基于良好的判断)会比现有会计标准更多。

    More estimates ( and hopefully , good judgment ) are in the process than under current accounting when variable consideration exists – like a performance bonus for a hedge fund .

  8. 顶尖业绩者奖金中,现金部分所占比例微小,在银行里引发了担忧,因为许多员工都依赖2月份入帐的现金来支付曼哈顿的公寓和私立学校学费。

    The minuscule cash portion of the bonuses for top performers is a cause for concern at the bank , since many employees rely on the February infusion of cash to pay for apartments in Manhattan and tuition at private schools .

  9. 在一个长期拥有高收益率、继而会出现巨额账面减记的行业中,雇员理想的雇佣合同会为短期业绩提供高额奖金。

    In an industry with long periods of high profitability , followed by massive write-offs , the ideal employment contract for the employee has high bonuses for short-term performance .

  10. 通过基于短期业绩支付巨额奖金(在此系统中是没有负额奖金的),银行极大地鼓励了以价值创造为名的冒险行为。

    By paying huge bonuses on the basis of short-term performance in a system in which negative bonuses are impossible , banks create gigantic incentives to disguise risk-taking as value-creation .

  11. 若企业减少根据某一指标表现发放的期权的价值,并制定切实条款在业绩欠佳后追回奖金,就将获得投资者的信任,并从中受益。

    Companies which reduce the value of option grants by the performance of an index and have real provisions to claw back bonuses after poor performance will benefit from investor confidence .

  12. 与我国传统的业绩评价指标&财务指标相比,EVA能把企业的投资决策、业绩评价和奖金激励统一起来。

    With our country 's traditional performance evaluation index - The financial index is compared ; EVA can appraise and encourage uniting with the bonus the investment decision , performance of enterprises .