
  • 网络assessment;Grading;grade;Classification
  1. 多元统计分析对等级成绩评定的优化

    Optimization of the assessment of educational practice by multivariate statistical analysis

  2. 学生成绩评定方法研究

    Study on the Correct Methods for the Assessment of Students ' Performances

  3. AHP在大学物理实验综合成绩评定中的应用

    Integrative achievement test in college physics experiment course based on AHP

  4. 讨论教育实习成绩评定一致性信度K指标评鉴标准

    Preliminary study on the evaluation standard of the classification reliability K index about students ' practice performance

  5. 影响小学生内外向(E)的因素有是否班干部、自我成绩评定、父亲文化程度、父母关系;

    The E dimensions ( extroversion and introversion ) were influenced by the factors of parents'relationship , self-evaluation in her class , being a leading cadre , education level of her father .

  6. 在治疗0、2、4、6天时按JOA肩关节疾患治疗成绩评定标准评分。

    The therapeutic effects were scored by the JOA results-evaluating standards for shoulder diseases on 0 , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th and 6th day of the treatment .

  7. 其判读系统接收CCD视频信号,经自动或半自动判读进行二维图像叠加及三维数据处理,得出10密位圈内的弹数,完成实弹射击成绩评定。

    The evaluation system accepted CCD video frequency signal and read the count of the passing points in the 10-mill circle by automatism or half-automatism judgment to carry out 2-dimension image addition and 3-dimension data disposal , accordingly accomplish the evaluation of the firing results .

  8. 高校体育课成绩评定方法的探讨

    Exploring the Method of the Achievement Assess of University Sports courses

  9. 基于模糊数学的测量学平时成绩评定

    Evaluation of usual performance in surveying teaching based upon fuzzy mathematics

  10. 反坦克导弹飞行模拟训练成绩评定方法

    Evaluation Method of Flight Training Quality of Antitank Missile Training Simulator

  11. 利用计算机提高专业课程实践教学环节成绩评定的科学性

    Improve the Evaluation of Teaching Practice of Subjects with Computers

  12. 数学教学改革与高职学生成绩评定

    Math Teaching Reform and Achievement Evaluation of Higher Vocational Students

  13. 大学物理实验课程的综合成绩评定

    The synthesizing grade evaluation of university physics experiment based on reliability factor

  14. 地理野外实习成绩评定方法探讨

    A Probe on the Method of Evaluating the Result of Geographical Fieldwork

  15. 大学生体育成绩评定方法的若干问题及其对策

    Discussion on problems and countermeasures of scoring methods of undergraduate physical education

  16. 信息检索课课程成绩评定的思考与研究

    Thinking and Research on the Evaluation of Information Retrieval Course

  17. 对普通高等学校体育课成绩评定研究的综述

    Research Analysis of Physical Education Course 's Evaluation of Regular Higher Education

  18. 高校基础化学实验课程成绩评定方法的探讨

    Discussion on grading method of the basic chemistry experiment course in universities

  19. 便携防空导弹训练仿真系统成绩评定方法

    An Assessment Method of Training Result of Portable Anti-air Missile Training Simulation System

  20. 浙江省普通高校学生体育成绩评定方法的研究

    Researching of ways to assess physical education achievement of undergraduate in Zhejiang province

  21. 新的成绩评定方式客观、可靠,值得深入研究。

    The new evaluation way is objective , reliable and worth deep studying .

  22. 因子分析与聚类分析在毕业论文成绩评定中的应用

    The Use of Factor Analysis and Clustering Analysis for the Assessment of Theses

  23. 因子分析法在学生成绩评定中的应用

    Application of factor analysis to students ' performance rating

  24. 体育专业学生学习成绩评定的定位审思

    On orientation of assessment of performances of sports majors

  25. Excel97表格处理软件在学校体育成绩评定中的应用

    Software The application of Microsoft Excel 197 in the recording of physical education

  26. 大学生毕业设计(论文)成绩评定方法探讨

    A Discussion on the Methods Of Graduation Design ( Thesis ) and Grading

  27. 教学方法与成绩评定较为传统;

    The teaching methods and evaluation are rather traditional .

  28. 使课程设计成绩评定过程和成绩评定结果透明。

    Make the evaluation process and outcome more transparent .

  29. 基础物理实验课程成绩评定方式的改革与实践

    An Innovation and Practice of the Assessment System of Basic Physics Experiment Curricula

  30. 新课程指导纲要下普通高校学生体育成绩评定改革研究

    Study The Reform Of Students ' P.E Performance Assessment in the New Curriculum Design