
  • 网络close rate;closing ratio
  1. 本文利用来自eBay的拍卖数据对声誉模型进行了实证分析。利用概率单位模型和对数单位模型研究了卖方声誉对成交率的影响,结果发现卖方声誉可以显著地提高成交率。

    Probit Model and Logit Model are used to study the relationship between seller reputation and the sale rate , and our data suggest that positive feedback can increase the sales rate significantly .

  2. 假如核心要害词选择得当,在SEO的过程中可以事半功倍,并且可以提高网站流量和业务成交率。

    If core keyword choice is proper , OK in the process of SEO get twice the result with half the effort , and can increase website discharge and business clinch a deal rate .

  3. 贸易成交率的下降对这个国家的经济造成了影响。

    Falling trade rates have made an impact on the country 's economy . ( n.strong impression , effect )

  4. 从而在增加交易规模、利润和成交率的同时缩短销售周期,减少折扣和资源使用。

    The end goal is to increase average heal size , margins and close rather while reducing sales cycles , discounting and resource usage .

  5. 但是,虽然旅游企业与高职酒店管理专业人才供需两旺,却出现成交率不高的错位现象。

    But although supply and demand of tourism enterprises and vocational hotel management professionals are booming , it also has a dislocation of low deal rate .

  6. 陈年名酒专场不仅创下高价新纪录,而且整场拍卖的成交率也达到100%,多个标的超过起拍价十倍甚至几十倍落槌。

    Besides record transaction price , the auction also set100 percent sale rate record and many liquors were sold a dozen or scores times of their base prices .

  7. 然而,就是在这样的一种背景下,分时度假消费市场上仍有一个怪异现状,即:强烈的消费需求与强大的供给能力之下却无与之相对应的高成交率。

    That is , both suppliers ' abilities and consumers ' demands are on the upward trend , however , the rate of trade is still in a low level .

  8. 然而,这份报告再次强调,网民实际成交率较低,平均成交率仍约为3%。

    However , the report again highlighted the low percentage of people who proceeded from entering a site to an actual purchase , with average conversion rates remaining at about 3 per cent .

  9. 目标价格影响谈判结果:相对于低目标价格来说,高目标价格谈判成交率低,但其成交价格高。

    A low rate of negotiation agreement is reached in the condition of high target price . However the price of the agreement with higher target price is significantly higher than in the lower target price cases .

  10. 主要目的是进行客户价值分析和销售精准度。然后,根据所建立的销售系统模型,对现有客户进行价值细分,提升公司订单成交率和风险管理水平。最后,对文章的成果和不足进行总结。

    The main purpose is to conduct customer value analysis and sales forecast accuracy . Then , based on the established sales forecast system model to streamline existing customer value and improve successful order rate and risk management . Finally , summarize the achievements and shortages in this thesis .