
mò fáng
  • mill
磨坊 [mò fáng]
  • (1) [mill]

  • (2) 亦作磨房,磨面粉等的作坊

  • (3) 安装有能将谷物磨成面粉的机器的厂房

磨坊[mò fáng]
  1. 他沿着河边漫步走到磨坊。

    He sauntered along the river to the mill .

  2. 我们看着木头朝磨坊漂去。

    We watched the logs floating towards the mill .

  3. 作为该国最著名的古典小号演奏家,莫里斯·墨菲曾师从黑堤磨坊铜管乐团。

    Maurice Murphy , one of the country 's leading classical trumpeters , learnt his craft with the Black Dyke Mills band .

  4. 驴却大相庭径,他有很多的事情要做;到磨坊去推磨,到树林去背回木材,或到农庄去驮运货物。

    The ass , on the contrary , had much work to do , in grinding the corn-mill and in carrying wood from the forest or burdens from the farm , .

  5. 2010年,安妮•帕森斯在不知情的情况下向通用磨坊公司(GeneralMills)递交了一份非传统意义上的简历。

    In 2010 , Annie Parsons unknowingly submitted to general mills as unorthodox a resume as it gets .

  6. 历史上的今天-加利福尼亚淘金潮1848年的今天,加利福尼亚淘金潮:詹姆斯•W•马歇尔在萨克拉曼多的萨特磨坊附近发现金块

    California Gold Rush 1848 - California Gold Rush : James W. Marshall finds gold at Sutter 's Mill near Sacramento .

  7. n.磨坊vt.碾碎我们把麦子带到磨坊去让它碾碎成麦粉。

    mill We brought the wheat to the mill to be crushed into flour .

  8. 1848年1月24日,詹姆斯W·马歇尔在加利福尼亚北部萨特的磨坊发现金块,这引发了49年的淘金热潮。

    On Jan. 24 , 1848 , James W. Marshall discovered a gold nugget at Sutter 's Mill in northern California , sparking the gold rush of ' 49 .

  9. MoulinRouge红磨坊只要贝兹路曼着手工作,就总会有些特别的结果。

    When Baz Luhrmann goes to work , the result is always something unique .

  10. 盖利斯用构思精巧的小故事和案例,阐明了冥想的种种好处,这些好处是从通用磨坊(GeneralMills)到安泰保险(Aetna)的许多企业都希望利用的。

    Using expertly crafted anecdotes and case studies , Gelles illustrates the benefits of meditation that companies from General Mills to Aetna are seeking to harness .

  11. 其中一个团体北美磨坊主协会(NorthAmericanMillers'Association)的负责人MaryWaters表示,即使非常少量的新型玉米与用于制造食品的玉米混合,也会产生问题。

    Mary Waters heads one of those food groups , the North American Millers ' Association . She says even a small amount of the maize could cause problems if it corn used to make food .

  12. 通用磨坊大中华区总裁朱玺(GaryChu)表示,该公司去年速冻饺子销售额增长率为两位数,达到2亿美元。

    Gary Chu , head of General Mills ' China business , said dumpling sales were growing at double-digit rates annually and topped $ 200m last year .

  13. 美国食品公司通用磨坊(GeneralMills)是中国市场上领先的速冻饺子生产商。它的畅销品牌湾仔码头(WanchaiFerry)占据了中国市场44%的份额。

    General Mills , the US food company , is the leading frozen dumpling maker in China , with its popular Wanchai Ferry brand accounting for 44 per cent of the market .

  14. 评论家说她最好的角色出现在其职业生涯早期出演的《红磨坊》(MoulinRouge,1952)和《莉莉》(Lili,1953)里面。

    Critics said her best roles were early in her career , in Moulin Rouge ( 1952 ) and Lili ( 1953 ) .

  15. 伦敦庄园主及店铺业主克里斯奥斯特瓦尔德(chrisostwald),正着手在这片具有非凡自然美景的指定地区,建造一座原始的新英格兰风格的磨坊。

    Chris Ostwald , a London landlord and shop owner , is in the process of creating an original new England-style mill in this designated area of outstanding natural beauty .

  16. 值得关注的商品有香料磨坊(LeMoulinàEpices)的食用盐,从鱼香到木槿花,各类风味应有尽有(50克3欧元),还有Les20desHalles的隆河谷地区红酒。

    Noteworthy offerings include a variety of salts flavored with everything from fish to hibiscus flower ( 3 euros for 50 grams ) at Le Moulin à Epices and wines at Les 20 des Halles .

  17. 然而附近的男爵磨坊(BaronyMill)是个没什么幻想的地方,磨坊主布莱恩·约翰斯顿(BrianJohnston)在那里磨bere,一种味道比小麦还要鲜明的地方品种大麦。

    But there was no fantasy involved at the nearby Barony Mill , where Brian Johnston , the miller , grinds bere , a landrace barley , with a flavor more pronounced than wheat .

  18. 该公司首席执行官肯•鲍威尔(KenPowell)表示,通用磨坊的产品总体上受惠于人们晚上减少外出用餐的趋势。该公司产品还包括Progresso汤和家庭烘焙食品。

    Ken Powell , chief executive , said the company 's products , which also include Progresso soup and home baking brands , have in general benefited from a shift away from eating out in the evening .

  19. 她在塔斯马尼亚的一次短暂度假旅行后爱上了这里,然后在历史名城朗塞斯顿市一处19世纪30年代的磨坊里开了一家名为Stillwater的餐馆。

    Stillwater , which she set up after falling in love with Tasmania on a brief vacation , is housed in a 1830s mill in the historic town of Launceston .

  20. 通用磨坊还打算在中国进军速冻食品以外的领域。

    General Mills is also looking beyond frozen food in China .

  21. 我对红磨坊、西德勒。

    I knew nothing of the Moulin rouge , Harold zidler .

  22. 磨坊急流是指能推动水车的一种水流。

    A mill-race is the stream of water driving a water-mill .

  23. 磨坊附近住着一些人,多半是男人。

    About the mill do live some people , mostly menfolks .

  24. 一个设计或建立磨坊和磨粉机的人。

    A workman who designs or erects mills and milling machinery .

  25. 通用磨坊和卡夫均发起了全新的网络口碑营销。

    General Mills and Kraft have both launched new WOM networks .

  26. 技术娴熟的磨坊主用雪橇杀死了上百万头狮子。

    The skilful miller killed millions of lions with his ski .

  27. 那家磨坊将玉米磨成玉米分,小麦磨成面粉。

    That mill grinds corn into meal and wheat into flour .

  28. 从前磨坊常常得依靠风力或水力来作动力。

    Mills used to depend on wind power or water power .

  29. 或者时常一起坐在磨坊的火炉旁。

    Or they often sat together by the fireside in the millhouse .

  30. 你的樱草花多可爱啊!磨坊主大声说道。

    How lovely your primroses are ! Exclaimed the miller .