
chéng gōng zhī dào
  • The Way to Success;an avenue to success
成功之道[chéng gōng zhī dào]
  1. 对Facebook来说,成功之道在于创造更好的社交体验。

    For Facebook , it was about delivering a better social experience .

  2. 哈里斯最近出了本书,题为《志在必得:一名华尔街元老的成功之道》(ExpecttoWin:ProvenStrategiesforSuccessfromaWallStreetVet)。

    Harris recently published a book titled expect to win : Proven Strategies for success from a Wall Street vet .

  3. QC小组、ISO9000和6SIGMA整合应用&企业质量改进成功之道

    Integrated Application of QC , ISO9000 and Six Sigma

  4. 阐述了CAV丽声音响的经营理念及其成功之道。

    The management concept and the road to success of CAV Stereo were discussed .

  5. 例如,十年前EBay把网络供应商们聚到一起建了一个群组,鼓励它们交流组织拍卖、打造网络业务的成功之道。

    EBay ( eBay ) , for example , started a group a decade ago by bringing together online vendors and encouraging them to exchange tips on running auctions and how to build successful online businesses .

  6. 瑟利夫并不打算让Turkcell的增长放缓,也不打算停止宣传他的公司和国家是取得这些成就的成功之道。

    For his part , Ciliv has no intention of letting Turkcell 's growth slow or ceasing to spread the word on how his company and country do it .

  7. 从财务目标谈沃尔玛的成功之道

    Talking about the Successful Road of Wolman Company From Financial Target

  8. 企业规模与效益不等式&TNC成功之道

    Inequality Between Enterprise Size and effciency TNC ' Way to Success

  9. 解析特许经营的成功之道与风险因素

    Analyzing the Way of Success And Factor of Risk About Franchise

  10. 努力而诚实的工作是最可靠的成功之道。

    Hard and honest work is the surest way to establishment .

  11. 你认为你的成功之道是什么?

    What do you think has made you so successful ?

  12. 论商务印书馆早期成功之道

    On the Methods of Success of the Commercial Press 's Earlier Period

  13. 雅欣将原动力视为自己成功之道。

    Kylie cites motivation as the key to her success .

  14. 成功之道,找马来骑。

    The key to success is to find a horse to ride .

  15. 突破单一的价值链&IKEA的成功之道

    Breaking Through Single Value Chain - IKEA 'S Successful Strategy

  16. 自信是任何成功之道的关键因素。

    Self-confidence is the key factor in any successful career .

  17. 真正的成功之道是发现对手的弱点

    The true path to victory is to find your opponent 's weakness

  18. 那位影星谈了她的成功之道。

    The film star talked about her formula for success .

  19. 他政治生涯的成功之道是什么?

    What is the making of him as a politician ?

  20. 有效注意力:电子商务的成功之道

    Effective Attention : the successful Way for Electronic Commerce

  21. 新兴技术的动态评估与小灵通的成功之道

    Dynamic Evaluate of Emerging Technology : PHS ' the Way to the Success

  22. 解析泰国大米成功之道

    Analysis on how Thai Rice Industry Gets to Success

  23. QAD:潜行巨人的成功之道

    QAD : The Silent Giant 's Way to Success

  24. 利益平衡是世界级企业的成功之道。

    Balance of interests is a world-class business success .

  25. 勤奋是可靠的成功之道。

    Hard work is a sure avenue to success .

  26. 真正的成功之道是发现对手的弱点…

    The true path to victory is to find your opponent 's weakness ...

  27. 董的童年对英语的执着与热情,已成为她传递人们走向成功之道。

    Tong 's childhood passion for English became a vehicle for personal achievement .

  28. 关于市场的成功之道,更为全面的描述包括三个因素。

    A more thoughtful account of the success of markets has three elements .

  29. 自主乃最佳成功之道。

    Self-help is the best way to success .

  30. 王者成功之道&解读汉王科技

    Hangwang : Successful way of the top enterprise