
  • 网络Basic salary;base pay
  1. JX公司的新方案中,薪酬体系包括四个部分:(1)基本工资,包括保证员工基本生活的基础工资和反映员工工龄和学历情况的履历工资;

    The focus is compensation system . That includes four parts : ( 1 ) Basic Wage , including essential standard of living and employee 's vitae pay .

  2. 基础工资也较去年上涨了7%。

    Basic salaries are up 7 per cent on last year .

  3. 但不是所有的银行都必须对上调基础工资的压力作出回应。

    Not all banks should respond to the upward pressure on base salaries .

  4. 岗位工资包括基础工资、工龄津贴、职称津贴三部分。

    The former is composed of basic wage , longevity pay , and title allowance ;

  5. 此举与更多投行提高基础工资、减少奖金的做法形成鲜明对比。

    The move contrasts with the broader investment banking market where base salaries are increasing and bonuses decreasing .

  6. 但一旦情况好转,基础工资水平又将变得微不足道,银行家们又会拼命攫取巨额奖金。

    But once the good times return , base salary levels will become a non-issue and bankers will be clawing for big bonuses .

  7. 事实上,野村欲建立全球业务薪酬一致性并降低基础工资的举措可能是一个精明的决定。

    In fact , the move to create compensation consistency across its global operation and decreasing base salaries may be a canny decision .

  8. 在市场经济条件下,劳动力是商品,劳动者的基础工资由市场决定,是市场经济的一般规律。

    In market economy , it , s a general rule that labor force is commodity and laborers ' basic wages is determined by market .

  9. 基础工资按大体维持公务员本人基本的生活费用确定的,各职务人员均执行一样的基础工资。

    Base salary by the general maintenance of the officer himself identified the basic cost of living , are the implementation of the official of the same basic salary .

  10. 在新考核方案的具体内容上,提出了工资由基础工资、岗位津贴和绩效工资三块构成,详细解析核算过程。

    In the specific contents of the new assessment scheme , I advice that forward the basic wages , salaries and allowances form , detailed performance salary three analytical accounting process .

  11. 基础工资以档案工资标准全额发放,解决职工生活保障问题,岗位津贴留住特殊人才,绩效工资反映员工岗位目标完成状况。

    The living security will be resolved for file salary standard sum to extend . Allowances will be used to retain special talents . Performance-based pay reflects completion status of staffs job .

  12. 基于此,本文就学校分配制度改革的目的、原则进行了阐述,提出了构建新型的学校内部分配的形式:基础工资+岗位工资+绩效工资。

    So this paper sets forth the reform purpose and the principles of distribution system in institutions , and puts forward a new way of distribution : basic wage + post wage + beneficial result wage .

  13. 首先,为什么是奖金,而不是总收入,成为人们注意的焦点,以至于一些知道自己的奖金支付可能会受到限制的银行,索性把关键员工的基础工资提高了一倍?

    First , why are bonuses the centre of attention rather than total pay , to such an extent that some banks who knew that they might be restricted in bonus payments simply doubled the basic salary of their key staff ?

  14. 以劳动力商品论和劳动价值论为基础的工资理论,是马克思经济学的重要组成部分,也是其最独特的理论。

    The wage theory , based on the theory of labour power as a commodity and labour theory of value , is one of the most important parts in Marx 's economics .

  15. 需要在增加生产的基础上增加工资。

    It 's necessary to put the wages up on the basis of increasing production .

  16. 第四:利用1980-2009年中国的投入产出数据计算了中国经济的全要素生产率;在此基础上对工资与全要素生产率之间的关联性进行了实证分析,并考察了其可能的作用路径。

    According to the input-output data from 1980 to 2009 , we calculate the TFP of China in this time period . Then this article analyzes the relationship between labor wage and TFP and the possible action mechanism .

  17. 经过几次的改革,特别是改革开放以后,地方综合性高校教师在国家统一工资制度的基础上,工资分配自主权不断扩大,真正拥有了薪酬决策的话语权。

    After few times of reform , especially after the reform and opening up , the local comprehensive university teachers in the national unified wage system , on the basis of autonomy in the distribution of wages is expanding constantly , really have salary decision power .

  18. 在借鉴成功企业案例的基础上,提出工资结构优化要服从于企业战略目标,要基于对公司现存薪酬管理体系优劣的把握,从企业自身的实际需要出发,不断进行自我完善与改进。

    Learning from the successful cases , this paper suggests that optimizing the salary structure should submit to the strategic target of the corporation , know the advantages and disadvantages of the present salary management system and improve constantly from the practical necessity .

  19. 在此基础上制定了以岗位价值评价为基础,计件工资为主体,年度绩效工资为辅助的薪酬方案。

    Based on the post evaluation analysis , the salary program takes the piece rate as research point and the annual performance salary complimentary .