
zǒng shōu rù
  • Total income;general income
总收入[zǒng shōu rù]
  1. 依据三阶段DEA和Malmqusit指数模型的要求,选取了文化产业增加值和文化产业总收入作为产出变量,文化产业固定资产投资和文化产业工资福利支出作为投入变量。

    According to the requirements in three-stage DEA model and Malmquist index model , this paper chooses value added and general income in cultural industry as input index and choose fixed investment and salary and welfare expenditure as output index .

  2. 虽然国内的银行已经得到一定程度的发展,但仍存在一定的差距,特别是中间业务占总收入的比例远低于国外水平。

    Although our domestic banking has developed a lot , we can still see the gap between ours and foreign one . Especially the proportion of intermediate service to general income is much smaller than that of foreign ones .

  3. 她一年总收入为25000英镑。

    She earns £ 25 000 a year gross .

  4. 我是个工厂工人,去年的总收入为12,900英镑。

    I 'm a factory worker who grossed £ 12,900 last year

  5. 到目前为止,这些电影的票房总收入已超过了5.9亿英镑。

    So far the films have grossed more than £ 590 million .

  6. 只有在消费总额超过总收入的7%时才可免税。

    Expenses are deductible only to the extent that in aggregate they exceed 7 percent of gross income .

  7. 参加欧洲杯的全部24个球队将会由可口可乐、喜力和其他10家顶级赞助商支付一部分奖金,而这些赞助商也是欧足联近20亿欧元(约合人民币154亿元)欧洲杯总收入的来源。

    All 24 teams will get some of the money paid by Coca-Cola , Heineken and 10 other top-tier sponsors that contribute to UEFA ’ s total tournament revenue of almost 2 billion euros .

  8. 但就母公司而言,Rational产品只占IBM总收入中相当小的比例。

    Yet in terms of the parent company , the Rational brand represents a relatively small percentage of IBM 's overall revenues .

  9. 应付给每个用户个人的费用将为总收入的1/N,N为用户总数。

    The value of what is owed to any one individual would be 1 / N where N is the size of the customer base used .

  10. 戈登伯格不愿意透露西班牙购物中心的销售额,不过他表示,ValueRetail的所有购物中心在2013年的总收入是19亿欧元。

    Goldenberg would not break out the Spanish mall 's sales , but he said the combined revenues in all Value Retail malls was 1.9 billion euros in 2013 .

  11. 这个数字不同于证券交易委员会(SEC)所报告的总收入数。

    This figure may differ from the total compensation reported under a formula dictated by the SEC .

  12. 在其1999年首次公开发行(IPO)前的两年内,交易业务所贡献的收入占到总收入的三分之一。

    Trading contributed about a third of its revenues in the two years leading up to its 1999 initial public offering .

  13. 利用二次移动平均模型,引入均方拟合误差最小的原理确定出时段数N,对国民经济总收入、人口数量等项目进行了预测。

    The total income of national economy and the amount of population are predicted with second-degree moving model and with the principle of least mean square fit error determining designated value N.

  14. 周三上午,这名喜剧演员在Twitter上称,其最新特别节目的下载量已突破13万大关,总收入为65万美元。

    On Wednesday morning , the comedian tweeted that sales of the new special had reached 130,000 downloads , for a gross of $ 650,000 .

  15. 根据我们的总收入,目前我们仍是最大的商用UNIX服务器供应商,我们的市场份额仍在增加。

    We continue to be the number one commercial Unix server vendor , as measured by revenue , and we continue to gain market share .

  16. 据《福布斯》杂志称,最近她的“RebelHeart”巡演赚了1700万美元,这样就使她的巡演总收入(税前)达到了14亿美元。

    Her recent " Rebel Heart " tour grossed $ 170 million , bringing her career total on the road to $ 1.4 billion pretax , according to the magazine .

  17. 来自zynga(基于facebook平台的社交游戏公司)的支付业务收入占到总收入的12%。

    Payment transaction fees from Zynga , the social gaming company built on the Facebook platform , accounts for 12 per cent .

  18. 另外,根据IDC的统计,UNIX在去年第四季度占据了服务器市场总收入的36%。

    Furthermore , according to IDC , UNIX accounted for 36 % of overall server market revenue in last year 's fourth quarter .

  19. 根据《福布斯》(Forbes)数据,乔丹是史上最高薪的运动员,自1984年以来总收入达17亿美元。

    Mr Jordan is the highest-paid athlete of all time with earnings of $ 1.7bn since 1984 , according to Forbes .

  20. 2008年,经合组织成员国的平均援助支出占国民总收入的0.3%,这一比例远远低于联合国(UN)设定的0.7%的目标。

    OECD member countries gave on average 0.3 per cent of their national income in aid in 2008 , well below the 0.7 per cent target set by the United Nations .

  21. 巴克莱银行(Barclays)预计今年富士康的总收入将会超过3.9万亿新台币。

    Barclays , a bank , forecasts that the company 's revenues will exceed NT $ 3.9 trillion ( $ 134 billion ) this year .

  22. 去年,Facebook的资本支出为收入的30%,达10亿美元,上季度更是达到总收入的近一半。

    Capital expenditures amounted to 30 per cent of revenues , or $ 1bn , at Facebook last year , and chewed up nearly half of revenues in the most recent quarter .

  23. Facebook的移动业务随后显示出了增长迹象,尤其是在2013年第二季度,在该公司移动业务广告收入占广告总收入的比重上升之后,Facebook的股价出现了大幅反弹。

    The stock rebounded sharply once Facebook was able to show traction in mobile , notably from the second quarter of 2013 when mobile advertising jumped as a percentage of total ad revenue .

  24. 销售额非常庞大,我估计Netflix成立之后的第一个夏季,公司总收入中有95%来自DVD销售。

    So many , that by the end of our first summer , I would guess that 95 % of our revenues were coming from the sales of DVDs .

  25. 2000年,我国旅游总收入达到4519亿元,占GDP的比例首次突破5%,是我国旅游经济发展的重要里程碑。

    In 2000 , it was an important milestone of tourism economic growth that the income of tourism gross achieved 451.9 billion Yuan and broke through 5 % of the proportion of GDP for the first time in China .

  26. 事实上,威尔逊的薪酬远高于教育考试服务中心(EducationalTestingService,下文简称ETS)总裁库尔特•德格拉夫在同一年的收入(130万美元),而ETS的总收入要比GMAC多8倍。

    Indeed , Wilson made substantially more than educational testing service president Kurt Landgraf , who was paid $ 1.3 million in the same year for leading an organization with total revenues that are eight times greater .

  27. DFC相信,游戏业的总收入将有望从今年的670亿美元增长到2017年的820亿美元。

    DFC believes that the gaming business will see revenue soar from $ 67 billion this year to $ 82 billion in 2017 .

  28. 进入HINARI获取计划是依据国民总收入来评定的。

    Eligibility for HINARI access is based on gross national income ( GNI ) .

  29. 最近万达宣布旗下文化旅游业务——万达文化产业集团(WandaCulturalIndustry)的2015年总收入(占集团总收入的17%)同比增长近50%,而集团总收入增长五分之一。

    last weekend Wanda said 2015 revenues for its culture and tourism arm , Wanda Cultural Industry ( which accounts for 17 per cent of the total top line ) , were up nearly one-half year on year against group revenues up a fifth .

  30. 奥纬咨询(OliverWyman)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的一份报告称,在十年的快速扩张之后,亚太地区投行收入占全球投行总收入的份额仍仅为五分之一左右。

    But after a decade of turbocharged expansion , Asia-Pacific still counts for only about a fifth of global investment banking revenues , according to a report by Oliver Wyman and Morgan Stanley .