
zǒng lùn
  • General;pandect;preface;summa
总论 [zǒng lùn]
  • (1) [summa]∶各种学科的综合或概要

  • (2) [preface]∶绪论

总论[zǒng lùn]
  1. 目的:提高《外科护理学》总论课教学效果。

    Aim To improve the effect of Surgical Nursing Pandect teaching .

  2. 第1章,总论。

    Chapter 1 , pandect , introduces research background and significance .

  3. 总论;二维Poisson方程的通解

    The general solution of two dimensional Poisson equation

  4. 对1995年至2001年《Nature》和《Science》上发表的天文学论文的统计表明,行星天文学领域的论文数量明显超过天文学的其它分支学科,占天文学总论文数的1/3左右。

    By analyzing the number of the papers on astronomy published in Nature and Science from Jan. 1995 till Dec. 2001 , it is concluded that planetary astronomy is one of the most active fields .

  5. 同心环隙有压科特(Couette)流总论

    On Couette Flow in a Concentric Circular Clearance With Pressure Gradient

  6. 在淹水条件下,采用连续培养法研究了后海沉积物(HH)、环科院沉积物(HK)和土壤(TR)的氮素矿化过程。(2)总论;

    Under waterlogged incubation conditions , the nitrogen mineralization of two different sediments ( HH and HK ) and a general soil ( TR ) were investigated with the method of the continuous incubation .

  7. 利用Wigner分布函数,对复杂像散高斯光束的并合问题进行了详细研究,得到了相干和非相干并合光束的光强分布和M2因子的解析表达式。(2)总论;

    By using Wigner distribution function , the beam combination characteristics of general astigmatic Gaussian beams are studied . The analytical formulas of intensity profiles and beam propagation factor ( M 2 ) for incoherent and coherent combinations are derived .

  8. 交通工程总论双语教学的实践与探讨

    Researches and Practices on Bilingual Teaching of Introduce to Traffic Engineering

  9. 第一章为“《南齐书》副词总论”。

    First : Outline of the Book of Nan Qi Dynasty .

  10. 总论部分主要介绍本文研究的主要脉络。

    The preamble introduces the main lines of this study .

  11. 其中,总论部分是合同法学的核心。

    The general part is the core of contract law .

  12. 第一章,十才子总论。

    The first chapter is the general introduction of the ten talents .

  13. 他的书从全面总论写到具体细节。

    His book moved from the general to the particular .

  14. 该章由两部分构成:研究群体总论和研究群体分论。

    The chapter consistes of two parts : pandect and specified part .

  15. 社会法总论研究的反思与完善

    Retrospect and Perfection of Research on Social Law Pandect

  16. 计算机辅助可靠性估算微机辅助文献标引系统的设计与研究1.总论

    Computer aided reliability estimation DESIGN AND STUDY ON PC AIDED INDEXING SYSTEM 1.INTRODUCTION

  17. 外科学总论多媒体辅助教学思考

    Application and Reflection of Multimedia in Surgery Pandect Teaching

  18. 本课题由四部分组成:第一部分:总论。

    This essay consists of four parts : Part I : General introduction .

  19. 多元教学法在外科护理学总论教学中的应用

    Application of Diversified Teaching in Pandect of Surgical Nursing

  20. 加强医学生外科学总论实践教学及规范带教过程的研究与探讨

    Discussion on basic surgical skill education : enhancing practice-based instruction and standardizing teaching process

  21. 第一篇为总论,论述中医性别医学的基础理论的问题。

    This part inquires into the fundamental theory of the gender medicine of TCM .

  22. 论文共分为五个大的模块,第一章:总论。

    The thesis is divided into four major modules , Chapter I : General .

  23. 本文包括一个总论及五部分正文。

    This thesis consists of an introduction and a main body of five parts .

  24. 本文总论《沧浪诗话》的诗学体系。

    It researches the poetics system of Notes On Poets and Poetry by CangLang .

  25. 一篇不错的总论。

    A good overall review of the field .

  26. 现代汽车活塞制造技术总论

    Manufacture technology for modern automobile engine piston

  27. 第一部分总论:理论分析,即本文的第二章。

    First part , Introduction : theory analysis , namely chapter two of this paper .

  28. 略论炭素科学的形成和进展&Ⅰ.总论

    A brief exposition on the formation and progress of carbon science ──ⅰ . general remarks

  29. 第一部分:第一章和第二章,为总论,第一章为导论,介绍研究背景、研究意义、研究的视角、方法、途径、结论以及理论创新和不足。

    Chapter one is to analyze its background , significance , approaches and theory innovation .

  30. 本研究共八章,可分为三个部分,前三章为总论部分,以理论分析为主。

    The first three chapters are the general remarks which based on a theoretical analysis .