
luǒ bēn
  • streak ;streaked
  1. 裸奔是有书面记载的最古老的玩笑之一

    Streaking is one of the oldest tricks in the book .

  2. 1973年斯蒂芬·F.奥斯汀州立大学刮起了一场裸奔的流行之风。

    In 1973 , Stephen F. Austin State University was hit by a full-blown " streaking epidemic . "

  3. 就当大卫·尼文公布伊丽莎白·泰勒荣获奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名时,34岁的罗伯特·欧贝尔肆无忌惮地裸奔冲上颁奖台,炫耀起他的小胡须和男子气概,还大胆地比着V字形手势。毫无疑问,这一举动进一步加固了欧贝尔的历史地位。

    As David Niven introduced Elizabeth Taylor to present the award for Best Picture , 34-year old Robert Opel cemented his place in history as he streaked across the stage flaunting his moustache , manly bits , and a very daring peace sign .

  4. 他们称它为“鼻涕机器人”。这架无人机是大疆Inspire1。2015年三月,两个男人在渥太华装备了一架有光泽的白色、带有罗马烛光烟花的无人机并在这架机器发射喷射火花的弹丸时裸奔。

    They called it " SnotBot . " It was a DJI Inspire 1 . In March 2015 two men in Ottawa equipped a sleek white drone with Roman candle fireworks and sprinted away shirtless as the machine fired spark-spewing projectiles .

  5. 其中一件T恤衫上的标语用葡萄牙语写道“Eujogopelada”,这个标语一语双关,既可理解为“裸奔”,也可表示“踢足球”。

    " Eu jogo pelada " read one of the Portuguese-language slogans , playing on a phrase that means both " I play naked " and " I play football ".

  6. 其他的裸奔者包括“吉米蹦”和罗恩·本斯姆霍恩。

    Other serial streakers include Jimmy Jump and Ron Bensimhon .

  7. 就像你喝醉了在附近裸奔的事?

    Personal stuff like you running through the neighborhood drunk and naked ?

  8. 我们要裸奔穿过院子跑进体育馆。

    We 're going streaking through the quad and into the gymnasium .

  9. 我就绕整个镇子裸奔一圈。

    I 'll run around the village stark naked .

  10. 如果一只乌龟没有壳,那它是在裸奔还是无家可归?

    If a turtle doesnt have a shell is it naked or homeless ?

  11. 再说了,这裸奔参加婚礼,婚纱的钱不就省下了嘛!

    It certainly saved on a wedding dress . '

  12. 像是在街道中央裸奔吗?

    Like stripping in the middle ofthe street ?

  13. 看来这就是裸奔的终点了。

    Looks like the naked trail ends here .

  14. 在1996年的男子决赛中,一名女裸奔者突现赛场,这是温网入侵史上首位裸奔者。

    A female streaker first took to the court in the 1996 men 's final .

  15. 出乎意料的是,他们的“裸奔守则”十分“保守”,他们只组织进行清醒状态下的“裸奔”,并拒绝未成年人参与其中。

    Their surprisingly modest rules include to only streak when sober and to abstain from streaking children .

  16. 他们只是我行我素地在宿舍楼前放烟花,或是裸奔。

    They just went ahead and set off firecrackers in front of dorm buildings or ran naked .

  17. 他们先穿着衣服在校园中跑一趟,选择要裸奔的地点。

    While still clothed , the team makes a first run through the campus to choose where to streak .

  18. 阿根廷国家足球队主教练马拉多纳承诺,如果阿根廷队赢得本届世界杯冠军,他将在布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心裸奔。

    Diego Maradona has promised to run naked through the center of Buenos Aires if Argentina wins the World Cup .

  19. 厌倦了在汉米敦校园裸奔,这群学生还跑到临近的学校如科兰盖特、理,以及米德伯里学院。

    Tired of streaking at Hamilton , the students hit nearby schools such as Colgate , Wellesley , and Middlebury College .

  20. 这可是一英里裸奔.别人都是一丝不挂,除了那个家伙。

    Well , it is the naked mile run , everyone else is in their birthday suits , except that guy .

  21. 一个裸奔运行在百年橄榄球联赛澳大利亚和新西兰之间的测试在悉尼2008年5月9日在比赛现场。

    A streaker runs across the field during the centenary rugby league test match between Australia and New Zealand in Sydney May9,2008 .

  22. 不管是在美国橄榄球超级联赛,世界小姐比赛上,还是潘普洛纳的奔牛节,温布尔登网球公开赛的决赛上,他都裸奔过。

    His streaks includes the Super Bowl , Miss World , the running of the bulls in Pamplona and the Wimbledon final .

  23. 去年,莎拉波娃在与对手艾丽娜·戴蒙蒂娃进行四分之一赛时,被一位跃入中央球场的裸奔者吓了一大跳。

    Last year , Maria Sharapova was startled by a streaker who leapt on to Centre Court during her quarter-final against Elena Dementieva .

  24. 今天,我把父母从监狱里保释出来了,他们觉得裸奔挺好玩的。

    Today , I had to bail both my parents out of jail . They 'd thought it would be fun to go streaking .

  25. 不幸的是,他们惹来了麻烦——裸奔时进的球不计分。而在“马克·罗伯茨事件”中,罗伯茨本人也遭到了巨额罚款。

    Unfortunately despite all their trouble , their goals didn 't count and in Mark Robbert 's case , all he received was a hefty fine .

  26. 通过对一个成年人裸奔时的表面积和发热量以及风对热量损失的影响进行估算,

    Well , using some estimations for the surface area and energy generation of an adult human running naked and the effects of wind on heat loss ,

  27. 但在1974年3月7日,诞生了一项最大裸奔团体的记录,来自乔治亚大学的1543名学生集体脱光,只戴着古怪的滑雪面罩,穿着运动短裤。

    On March 7 , 1974 , the record for the largest group streak was established when 1543 students at the University of Georgia streaked as one .

  28. 在本届世界杯赛开战前,阿根廷教练马拉多纳声称,阿根廷队捧杯,他将裸奔穿过布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心。

    Before the start of the tournament , Argentinean coach Diego Maradona promised to run naked through the center of Buenos Aires if Argentina wins the2010 World Cup .

  29. 当这位男子裸着身体侧手翻出现在莎拉波娃面前时,莎娃避开了自己的目光。之后,这名裸奔者被保安用一只红毯子包裹起来,迅速送往了场外。

    She averted her gaze as he cart-wheeled naked in front of her before being bundled off court by security guards who wrapped him in a red blanket .

  30. 但当她被告知这名裸奔男子的体型给一些女观众留下了深刻的印象时,她回答说:“或许下次我会看一眼。”

    But when told that some women spectators had been impressed by his physique , she replied : " Maybe next time I 'll take a look . "