
  • 网络Gymnospermae;gymnosperm
  1. 秦岭种子植物补遗&裸子植物门和被子植物门的单子叶植物

    Addenda on seed plants of Qinling Mountains & Gymnospermae and Monocotyledonae of Angiospermae

  2. 种子不为子房所包被的裸子植物门。

    Plants of the class Gymnospermae having seeds not enclosed in an ovary .

  3. 银杏是银杏目植物的唯一成员,属裸子植物门,最早能追溯到2亿7千万年前的二叠纪。

    The Ginkgo tree is the only living representative of the order Ginkgoales , a group of gymnosperms dating back to 270 million years ago in the Permian period .