
guì chú
  • cupboard;cabinet;showcase
柜橱 [guì chú]
  • [cabinet;cupboard] 一种收藏衣物的家具

柜橱[guì chú]
  1. 整齐的柜橱、房间、一排书、花园

    A neat cupboard , room , row of books , garden

  2. 为什么我们藏在柜橱里?

    Why are we standing in the cupboard under the stairs ?

  3. 她要吃皮塔饼和鹰嘴豆泥,我就把面包切成完美的三角形,从她的柜橱找出精致的小碗,小心翼翼盛上三种蘸酱,就像托马斯·凯勒(ThomasKeller,美国名厨——译注)在身边监视。

    When she asked for a pita and hummus , I cut the bread into perfect little triangles , found elegant small bowls in her cupboards , and carefully quenelled three dipping options , as if Thomas Keller were watching over my shoulder .

  4. 我不知道他们要把柜橱放在哪儿。

    I don 't know where they will put the cupboards .

  5. 浴室的柜橱里有一卷备用的手纸。

    There is a spare toilet rill in the bathroom cupboard .

  6. 我们回来得早,没想到正撞见有贼正在偷柜橱里的东西。

    We returned early and surprised the burglars searching through the cupboards .

  7. 煤气表安装在楼梯底下的柜橱里。

    The gas meter is housed in the cupboard under the stairs .

  8. 你能把咱们需要的配料从柜橱里拿出来吗?

    Do you want to get the ingredients we need out of the cupboard ?

  9. 现在她开始按次序整理起所有的抽屉和柜橱。

    Now she began to examine systematically the contents of her drawers and cupboard .

  10. 椅子、桌子、柜橱&你说出什麽她都会做。

    She can make anything : chairs , tables , cupboards you name it .

  11. 最后给这个柜橱打一层虫胶清漆这种涂料是虫胶与酒精的混合物。

    Applied a shellac finish to the cabinet . The coating was a mixture of shellac and alcohol .

  12. 旧的假肢被替换下来后就被放在柜橱后面,沾满灰尘。

    As limbs are replaced or outgrown , the old ones gather dust in the backs of closets .

  13. 房间里什么都有:一张沙发床、个小柜橱、把椅子、个书架和一张桌子。

    The room has a sofa-bed , a small wardrobe , a chair , a bookshelf and a desk .

  14. 那个钮扣盒仍躺在那个柜橱的架子上,而一次轻轻的摇动就让我再次听到它熟悉的碰撞声。

    The button tin was still on the closet shelf , and a gentle shake released its familiar jangle .

  15. 那个不爱整洁的孩子的玩具、靴子及书籍都乱堆在一个柜橱里。

    The untidy boy 's toys , boots and books were all jumbled together ( up ) in a cupboard .

  16. 你进去一个黑暗的地方,一般来说大的柜橱最实用,必要时厕所也行

    You go into a dark place , big cupboards are very useful generally . Toilets , at a pinch .

  17. 她打开了她的柜橱,指着上层架上的一排匣子和贴有标签的瓶子。

    She opened the door of her locker and pointed to the row of boxes and labelled phials on the upper shelf .

  18. 她打开柜橱想扔东西时,一只老鼠从垃圾桶里跳出来,窜进了黑暗里。

    The mouse leaps out of the trash can and skitters into the darkness after she opens the cupboard to throw something away .

  19. 接着我们存放食品罐的架子上、柜橱里也开始堆满一罐罐的腌渍食品,有番茄汁、葡萄汁、李子、果酱和果冻。

    Then our canned-goods shelves and cupboards began to grow with preserves , tomato juice , grape juice , plums , jams and jellies .

  20. 食品储藏室一个小房间或柜橱,通常与厨房相邻,用来储藏食物、。

    A small room or closet , usually off a kitchen , where food , tableware , linens , and similar items are stored .

  21. 壁橱,橱柜:直立的,类似于柜橱的贮藏间,带有架子、抽屉或分隔间,用于保存或展示一批物品或物资。

    An upright , cupboardlike repository with shelves , drawers , or compartments for the safekeeping or display of a collection of objects or materials .

  22. (厨房的)工作面(柜橱、冰箱等的顶部,用以制作食物等的)。

    Work top ( flat surface in a kitchen , on top of a cupboard , refrigerator , etc , used for preparing food , etc on )

  23. 人们还将花椒散置于箱笼柜橱内,不仅能使香味久驻,还能杀虫防蛀。

    It will also be placed in cages pepper powder inside cabinets , not only make the smell for a long time resident , but also insecticide moth .

  24. 渴望搜索出什么苍白的、长鸡皮疙瘩的穿便衣的非专业人员的形象,却只找到了实验室的玻璃器、镀镍柜橱和闪着凄凉的光的陶瓷。

    hungrily seeking some draped lay figure , some pallid shape of academic goose-flesh , but finding only the glass and nickel and bleakly shining porcelain of a laboratory .

  25. 那酒店粗糙地装置着一两个柜橱,几条光板凳,和几块放在酒桶上当作桌子的木板。

    The alehouse was coarsely furnished with a press or two , a number of naked benches , and boards set upon barrels to play the part of tables .

  26. 那里墙壁斑驳,书籍遍地,不管是窗台还是柜橱上。“硬皮书软化了/迎接着晨曦”

    The paint was peeling , and books were piled everywhere : on window sills , on top of cupboards . " Hard covers melt / welcome the sun * "

  27. 那时没有防护儿童的药瓶盖,没有防护儿童的门或柜橱,我们骑自行车时,不知道要带头盔,更别提我们经常拦路搭车的风险了。

    We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles , doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes , we had no helmets , not to mention , the risks we took hitchhiking .

  28. 每年出版的商业图书有数千种其中多数似乎都会被堆到我的办公室,在我周围摆得到处都是:箱子里、桌子上、地板上,在柜橱上摇摇欲坠。

    Every year many thousands of business books are published most of which seem to be piled all around me in the office , in crates , on desks , on the floor and falling out of cupboards .