
  • 网络common petiole
  1. 以七叶树当年生的嫩梢上的茎段、总叶柄和叶片为外植体诱导产生了愈伤组织。

    Callus of Aesculus Chinensis is induced from its explants of current growth , such as shoot segments , petioles and leaflets .

  2. 与单硝营养相比,增铵营养显著提高了棉株叶面积、主根根长、一级侧根条数、总干重和叶柄中的干物质分配,但对株高、出叶速度影响不大。

    Compared with single nitrate nutrition , EAN significantly increased cotton 's leaf area , taproot length , primary lateral root number , dry weights ( DW ) of whole plant and petiole respectively .