
zǒng bāo
  • involucre;periclinium;anthodium
总苞[zǒng bāo]
  1. 结果表明,正常栗总苞和坚果直径增长呈双S曲线,空苞栗总苞直径在花后65d(7月下旬)以前与正常栗没有明显差异,从花后65d起一直比正常栗低;

    The results showed that , the diameter growth of normal chestnut involucre and nut followed a Double S model . No obvious difference of involucre diameter was observed between empty shell chestnut and normal chestnut before the 65th day after bloom ( late July ) .

  2. 在菊科植物中,苞片数目多而聚生在花序外围,称为总苞。

    In the daisy family the numerous bracts which subtend the inflorescence are known as an involucre .

  3. 板栗种子在生长季节,种仁的pH值最大,柱头的pH值其次,总苞的pH值最小。

    In growing season of chestnut , seed kernel pH get the highest value , followed by stigma pH , and then involucrum pH. Along with the maturation of chestnut , seed kernel pH increased and involucrum pH fell while stigma pH kept stable .

  4. sieboldiana内的变型处理,因为总苞性状高度变异,即使在同一个体上也是如此。

    Sieboldiana because this involucral character is highly variable even within the same individual .

  5. 苍耳子(XanthiiFructus)为菊科植物苍耳XanthiumsibiricumPatr.干燥成熟带总苞的果实,为历代治疗鼻渊及头痛的要药,在治疗鼻病的常用方剂中占有重要的地位。

    Xanthii Fructus is the fruit with dry and mature involucre of Xanthium sibiricum Patr . Xanthii Fructus which play the important role of treat nose diease in commonly used Prescriptions , is the important medicine to cure nasosinusitis and headache in ancient time .

  6. 芽变在总苞形态,出实率,坚果大小及品质上与对照相似;

    Nut was similar with contrast in size and quality .

  7. 美国西南部的一年生植物,因为它的头状花序具紫色边花和篮状总苞而常栽培之。

    Annual of southwestern United States cultivated for its purple-rayed flower heads and its basket-like bracts .

  8. 总苞片的性状是翅果菊属及其近缘属间、属内种间的划分依据。

    The traits of bracts between this genus and relative genera are the foundation in their classification .

  9. 子房、子叶中的18种氨基酸含量均高于总苞。

    The amounts of 18 kinds of amino acids in ovary and cotyledon were higher than that in involucre ;

  10. 坚果平均质量、总苞平均质量是不稳定的数量性状。

    The average mass of involucre ; ( 3 ) other traits . The former two are unstable quantitative traits .

  11. 结果表明:气孔器分布于叶的远轴面、茎表皮和总苞片的远轴面,其中在叶的远轴面上具两型性气孔器。

    The results showed that stomata apparatus distributed in the abaxial leaf epidermis , stem epidermis , abaxial involucrum epidermis and abaxial petal epidermis ;

  12. 叶片大小、物候期、总苞形态、出实率、坚果大小和坚果品质等方面与对照无显著性别差异。

    There was no difference between the sport and the contrast in leaf size , phenophase , morphology of bur , nut rate , weight and quality of nut .

  13. 本文研究了空篷栗、正常栗的总苞和子房、子叶发育过程中蛋白质和氨基酸含量的变化。

    The fluctuations of protein and amino acide contents in the development process of involucre , ovary and cotyledon were studied between empty shell 's chestnut and normal chestnut .

  14. 大丽花花芽分化形态变化过程,可分为营养锥阶段、生殖锥阶段、总苞分化阶段、舌状花分化阶段、管状花分化阶段5个时期。

    The morphodifferentiation of dahlia flower bud is divided into five stages : vegetative cone , reproductive cone , involucre differentiation , half flourish differentiation and tubular flower differentiation .

  15. 结果表明:空篷栗在幼胚发育期、子叶发育期,其总苞和子房中的蛋白质含量均低于正常栗;

    The results showed that in the developmental periods of young embryo and cotyledon , protein contents of ovary of empty shell chestnut were lower than that of normal chestnut ;

  16. 雄球花序中的不育胚珠和雄球花以及雌球花序中的胚珠均起源于环状总苞基部的分生组织。

    The abortive ovules and male flowers in male cone inflorescence and the ovules in female cone inflorescence are originated from an annular meristem which differentiates from the base of each collar . 2 .

  17. 次总苞,小总苞次级花被,如处于复合伞形花序中一个伞形花序基部之花被中国的一种草本植物,小叶,花小,淡绿色,伞状花序,结成鲜红的浆果。

    A secondary involucre , as at the base of an umbel within a compound umbel . Chinese herb with palmately compound leaves and small greenish flowers and forked aromatic roots believed to have medicinal powers .