
  1. WTO对大中专毕业生就业的挑战

    Challenges of WTO to the Employment of Graduates of Universities and Colleges

  2. 大中专毕业生是我国最为宝贵的人才之一。

    College graduates are valuable talent resources in our country .

  3. 江苏调查大中专毕业生择业观

    Jiangsu investigates the outlook of college graduates in choosing jobs

  4. 多民族地区大中专毕业生就业形势展望与对策

    Employment Prospects Facing College and Polytechnic School Graduates in the Minority Areas and Possible Solutions

  5. 影响当前大中专毕业生就业的主要原因

    Elementary Analysis of the Main Causes Influencing the Employment of the Present Day College Graduates

  6. 丽水职业技术学院大中专毕业生就业过程中的误区

    Lishui vocational & technical college The Mistaken Ideas in the Process of Employment of Technical Secondary School and Junior College Graduates

  7. 大中专毕业生就业过程中的误区走出地方大学发展的误区

    The Mistaken Ideas in the Process of Employment of Technical Secondary School and Junior College Graduates Coming out of the Long-standing Mistaken Ideas of Local University Development

  8. 大中专毕业生择业动机维度的因素探析中美员工激励认知特点差异性比较

    Factor Construction Exploring of the College and Technical Secondary School Graduates ' Selective Work Motivation The Differences in Perceptions of Work Motivation between the Chinese and the American Employees

  9. 服务业不仅可以吸纳大批农村剩余劳动力的转移,而且为大量城镇下岗职工提供了再就业的机会,同时也是大中专毕业生就业的主渠道。

    Services not only to absorb large numbers of rural surplus labor transfer , but also provides a large number re-employment opportunities to urban laid-off workers , and become the main employment channel for college graduates .

  10. 据统计,2009年云南省大中专毕业生人数约24万人,还有历年未就业的毕业生近4万人,毕业生就业形势严峻。

    According to statistics , in 2009 the number of college graduates , Yunnan Province , about 24 million people , add to unemployment of the graduates over the years nearly 4 million people , graduate employment situation is rigorous .

  11. 与院校对接,建立大中专院校毕业生人才数据库为院校毕业生就业拓宽渠道。

    Docking with the university to establish a database of graduates , to help broaden employment channels . 7 .

  12. 论大中专院校在毕业生资源配置中的职能和任务

    On Functions of Colleges and Universities in Graduates ' Job - assignment

  13. 大中专、技校毕业生如何约定见习期与试用期?

    How does graduate of school of old technical secondary school , ability agree novitiate and probation ?