
jī běn jià ɡé
  • Base Price;basic price
  1. 我们必需商定一个统一的基本价格。

    We need to agree on a unified basic price .

  2. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。

    It 's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price .

  3. 怎样来确定基本价格?

    How would such a fundamental price be calculated ?

  4. 本文研究了当基本价格过程为一类连续半鞅过程时log最优的自融资投资组合的财富过程与等价鞅测度之间的对应关系。

    In this paper , a relationship between the optimal growth portfolio and a martingale measure is studied when the underlying asset price processes are modeled by some continuous special semimartingale .

  5. 阅读CNET的全面检讨价格范围:基本价格是39.940美元;

    Read CNET 's full review Price range : Base price is $ 39,940 ;

  6. 能告诉我你们出口的基本价格吗?

    Could you give me some preliminary indication of your export prices ?

  7. 这些附件及专用工具的费用应包括在该品目的基本价格之中。

    The cost of these accessories and special tools shall be included in the basic price of the item .

  8. 碳排放交易的对象是碳排放信用,其价格根据每吨二氧化碳的基本价格来确定。

    The currency is carbon credits , which are measured on the basis of price per tonne of carbon dioxide .

  9. 首先谈到的是基本价格理论,该理论是用来说明竞争性的市场优于不具有竞争性的市场。

    The basic price theory that explains the advantage of competitive conditions over the absence of competition is presented first .

  10. 研究者揭示,在企业资助的试验中,作者通常避免讨论药物的费用,因为那些药物基本价格昂贵。

    Authors of industry-funded trials may avoid discussion of costs because these products are usually more expensive , the researchers note .

  11. 绝大多数消费者希望在购买产品或服务之前,了解它们真正的基本价格。

    The vast majority of consumers want to know the true , underlying cost of a product or service before they buy .

  12. 在孟加拉国,几乎一半的人口每天的生活水平低于一美元,粮食和日用品的基本价格使斋月到来受挫。

    In Bangladesh , where nearly half of the population lives on less than a dollar a day , prices of basic foodstuffs and commodities have seen a spike in the lead-up to Ramadan .

  13. 请一位僧人的基本价格是3.5万日元(约合300美元),包括交通费和捐赠费,这是东京一家新兴的廉价公司——敏雷维公司所给出的报价。

    A basic plan for monk , transportation and a donation offered by the Tokyo-based provider , Minrevi Co. , one of dozens of emerging budget companies , costs 35000 yen ( $ 300 ) .

  14. 利率作为金融市场的基本价格指标,成为金融体制改革的重要方面,利率市场化也已经成为实现市场经济的基本要求。

    As the basic price index of financial markets , interest rates become an important aspect of reformation of the financial system . Interest rate liberalization has become the basic requirement to achieve the market economy .

  15. 目前能够获取的信息水平差别很大,有的机构会披露互换交易对手的身份、抵押篮子的构成和互换的重置频率,有的却只提供基本价格信息。

    The level of information currently available varies significantly , with some providers disclosing the identity of swap counterparties , the composition of the collateral basket and how often swaps are reset , while others give only basic pricing information .

  16. 国家宏观调控下主要由市场形成价格的机制已经成为我国的基本价格制度,但在充分发挥价格机制的作用,与国际价格接轨等方面尚存不是。

    Markets forming price under the national macro-control has become the basic price system of our country . But , problems exist in the aspect of fully bringing the role of price system into play and being connected with the international price .

  17. 美国、日本等国家ISP所需的基本线路价格非常低廉,为ISP提供了良好的生存环境。

    The fairly low rental prices of the basic lines in the US and Japan are creating a favorable surviving environment for ISPs .

  18. 尽管朝鲜政府似乎是想通过改革来控制物价,但首尔民间团体goodfriends表示,随着许多卖方撤出市场,其他人囤积居奇,市场混乱状况已导致朝鲜基本必需品价格飙升。

    Although North Korea appears to be trying to control prices with reforms , good friends , a Seoul-based civic group , said market confusion had sent the cost of basic goods soaring as many vendors stayed away and others held back stock .

  19. 首先,文章介绍了几种利率风险测量的方法,包括基本点价格值、久期以及凸性。接下来文章讨论了两种典型的ALM的技术和策略,即现金流匹配技术和缺口分析技术。

    First , the thesis introduces several methods of interest risk measurement including price value of basic point , duration and convexity .

  20. 据伦敦金属交易所(lme)统计,基本金属价格自今年初以来平均上涨了72.8%。

    Base metal prices on average have risen 72.8 per cent since the start of the year , according to the London Metal Exchange .

  21. 摘要做市商制与集中竞价制是证券市场两种基本的价格形成机制。

    Market maker system and aggregate auction system are two basic pricing mechanism in securities market .

  22. 大米和其他基本食品价格的飙升在很多亚洲国家都引发了安全上的关注。

    The soaring cost of rice and other basic food in Asia has raised security concerns across many Asian countries .

  23. 《含名义刚性的最优化模式。一个基本粘性价格模型》第三章第2节。

    Woodford , M. " Optimizing Models with Nominal Rigidities . Inflation Dynamics with Staggered Price Setting . " Chapter 3-2 .

  24. 北京动用了冻结电价以及几类其他基本商品价格的生硬手段,但如今开始显得适得其反。

    Beijing also has resorted to the blunt tool of freezing prices of electricity and some other basic goods , but that is starting to backfire .

  25. 当时其它国家并没有重视中东态势,基本食品价格令突尼斯水果商心情沮丧,令埃及人愤懑不已,

    The frustrations of Tunisian fruitsellers and the seething anger of Egyptians over the price of basic foodstuffs were ignored by the rest of the world then

  26. 近7年江苏省蔬菜价格总体呈上涨态势,基本上价格较高的蔬菜,增长也较快。

    In recent 7 years the vegetable price level in Jiangsu is rising generally . The price grew faster in vegetables with high price level . 4 .

  27. 第12步将是亏损、资本减少、信贷收缩、被迫清算和以低于基本面价格廉价出售资产的恶性循环。

    Step 12 would be a vicious circle of losses , capital reduction , credit contraction , forced liquidation and fire sales of assets at below fundamental prices .

  28. 人就象钻石,有一个基本市场价格,但是只有经过加工,世界将付给他们真正的价值。

    People , like diamonds , have a basic market value , but it is only after they have been polished that the world will pay their real value .

  29. 今年基本金属价格的回升势头在最近几个星期停滞不前,因为市场日益担心,发达国家的消费是否将回升到足以抵消中国需求短期走软的程度。

    The rally in base metal prices this year has stalled in recent weeks as concerns mount over whether consumption in the developed world will pick up enough to offset any short-term weakening in Chinese demand .

  30. 在最近的几个星期里,菲律宾当局正努力寻求增加大米储存量。印度尼西亚官员警告飞速上涨的基本食品价格会引发社会动荡。

    Recent weeks have seen Philippine authorities scramble to augment rice stocks in the country , Indonesian officials warn of possible social unrest due to skyrocketing prices for basic foodstuffs , irate Egyptians protesting bread shortages ,