
  1. 当前我国实施的MBO中大都采用每股净资产作为定价依据,该定价方法缺乏合理性,造成了国有资产的流失,同时损害了中小股东的利益。

    This paper argues that it is not reasonable of the present pricing way for the price is decided according to the Net Asset Per Share . As a result , many State-owned assets are lost and the benefits of minor stockholders are damaged .

  2. 各国估价机构先后提出一系列估价方法,为饭店交易提供定价依据。

    Many valuation agencies advance a lot of valuation methods and provides valuation basis for hotel merger .

  3. 也将为国有资产流通转让提供重要的定价依据。

    At the same time , it will provide important pricing basis for the circulation and transfer of state-run assets .

  4. 结合以上两方面,会存在一个使两者满意的均衡状态,从而也可得出违约金的合理定价依据。

    From above two aspects , there will be a satisfied balance between demand and supply , which can also be bases for penalty pricing .

  5. 信用评级作为提示金融风险的工具和金融产品的定价依据,在国际金融领域中发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Credit ratings is playing an irreplaceable role in the field of international finance as a warning tools of financial risks and the pricing basis of financial products .

  6. 公司应对关联交易的定价依据予以充分披露。当以公司或假名进行交易时也负有披露义务。

    The company shall fully disclose the basis for pricing for related party transactions . Disclosure is also required if a bankrupt is trading under a firm or assumed name .

  7. 接着以信息产品的定价依据及影响因素为基础,探讨了信息产品的价格策略和定价方法。

    Then resting on and affecting the factor , taking the information product fixed price as the foundation , the part has discussed the information product price strategy and the fixed price method .

  8. 生均标准成本被目前教育界认为是一种合理的高等教育定价依据,既能为政府确定财政拨款和制定收费标准提供重要参考,又能促进高校树立成本意识、加强内部管理、提高办学效益。

    Per-student standard cost as a basis for rational pricing of higher education , which not only provides reference for the government determining finical allocation and tuition , but establishes cost consciousness , strengthens internal management and improves school effectiveness .

  9. 结论为:①以点影子价格为农业水资源的定价依据可以提高水资源的利用效率,激励对灌溉系统的投入;②根据点影子价格定价农业水资源有助于构成完整的水市场;

    Some results are given in this paper : The pricing system of agricultural water resources based on spot shadow price can raise utilization efficiency of water resources , attract input to irrigation system , and be helpful to form complete water market .

  10. 所以对于蚕茧品质的精确评价,不仅可以作为蚕茧定价的依据,还可以根据不同等级的蚕茧原料生产不同品质的生丝。

    So the the precise evaluation of the cocoon quality was useful for pricing and grading .

  11. 信息产品是边际成本极低的经验品,其定价核心依据是客户的价值判断。

    Information goods are experienced goods with low marginal cost and the core element of their pricing is customers ' judgment of product value .

  12. 在此基础上,分析情报商品的价格构成、定价的依据以及影响价格的因素,并提出了几种计算情报商品价格的方法。

    Then the constituents and basis for the price fixing are analysed , and several calculation methods for the price are given as well .

  13. 如发现存在问题,评估师会提出整改意见并告知相关费用,该意见可作为房产调价和最后定价的依据。

    If problems or symptoms are found , the inspector may recommend further evaluation , and they can also be used in setting the final price of the home .

  14. 从绿色住宅的特征入手,分析了绿色住宅的成本追加因素,提出了绿色住宅定价的依据及方法。

    Starting from the features of the green residence , this paper analyzes on the factors of additional cost of the green residence , and advances the bases of and methods for the pricing of the green residence .

  15. 通过算例分析对模型的适用性进行了初步检验。说明本模型所确定的决策价格可以作为快递企业实际定价的依据,具有一定的参考价值。

    Conducted a preliminary test on the applicability of the model through a numerical example , description of the price of this model to determine the decision-making can be used as the basis of the actual pricing of the express delivery companies , has a certain reference value .

  16. 利率是宏观经济中最重要的经济变量和经济指标之一,利率是社会经济活动的融资成本,反映着社会市场资金的供给和需求状况,也是债券定价的依据。

    Interest rate is one of the most important economic variables and economic indicators in macroeconomic , which is also the financing cost of the social economic activities . Interest rates reflect the supply and demand situation of the social market money and determine the price of bonds .

  17. 论文最后从市场角度出发对AGC机组调节过程中的固定成本、机会成本及热效率损失成本等几个方面进行了理论分析和模拟计算方法,为市场条件下AGC服务的成本定价问题提供依据。

    Finally , the basic analysis and calculation model of fixed costs , opportunity costs and costs due to loss of thermal efficiency are discussed , providing the basis for cost pricing of AGC service in the ancillary service market .

  18. 拉格朗日乘数u0和λ0具有相同的数值,分别等于排污企业的边际削减成本和边际排污收益,它们可以作为排污权交易市场定价的重要依据。

    The Lagrange multipliers and have the same value , and are equal to the marginal cost of reduction and the marginal profit of emission , Both of them can be the important basis for appraisal in the market of emission permits deals .

  19. 体育服务市场定价的客观依据与模式

    Objective foundations and models of fixing price in sport service market

  20. 产品档次的划定或档次归属的类分,很大程度上由生产者赋予,并往往被厂家作为产品定价的主要依据。

    Product-grade is endued by producers to great extent , and is used mainly to determine the sale price of goods .

  21. 首先,作者简述了现代商业银行贷款定价的理论依据:信贷配给理论、利率的逆向选择、利率的激励效应和贷款担保理论。

    Firstly , the author discusses the loan pricing theory , this means credit rationing , converse selection and inspirit effect , etc.

  22. 综合定价法是依据现代金融数学及相关的资产定价理论、金融工程理论、信息经济学理论提出的针对单个国债品种的国债定价方法。

    According to modern financing mathematics and finance engineer theory synthetically pricing method educed a series of synthetically treasury security pricing method .

  23. 目的采用类成本比值法对等级护理实际成本进行核算与分析,为等级护理合理定价提供科学依据。

    Objective To calculate and analyze the actual costs of graded nursing , so as to provide a scientific basis for reasonable pricing of graded nursing service .

  24. 燃料成本分摊是热电联产项目热、电定价的重要依据,对原有计算方法进行适当改进,以适应新的条件。

    Fuel cost apportionment is an important basis for the pricing of heat and electricity of cogeneration project . The original calculation method should be appropriately revised for adapting the new conditions .

  25. 目前国际上调整关联企业之间的转让定价主要是依据独立企业原则和总利润原则,但这两种原则都有其自身固有的不足。

    The chief principle for adjusting transfer Price of the associated enterprises now depends on the principle of independent enterprise and the principle of gross profit , both of which have its deficiency .

  26. 针对我国目前缺乏合理的管道运价定价原则、依据和程序的现状,借鉴国外经验,在我国天然气管道运价设计中引入服务成本定价模式。

    Aiming at default of rational principle , basis and procedure for pipeline transportation pricing , learning from international experience , to introduce cost-of-service pricing model into China 's gas pipeline transportation pricing design .

  27. 通过以边际成本定价理论为依据,对铁路客运高峰负荷定价问题进行分析,初步计算了我国铁路客运高峰运价综合水平。

    In this paper , the theme of the peak pricing of the railway passenger transport is analyzed based on marginal cost theory , and the specific price level of the railway passenger transport in peak and off-peak is calculated .

  28. 以边际成本定价理论为依据,对公路旅客运输高峰期运价进行研究,并将研究成果应用到四川省公路旅客运输高峰期运价制定实际中。

    Based on the theory of marginal cost pricing , research is made on the tariff of passenger transport in the high peak , and applied those research result into the tariff of passenger transport in the high peak of Sichuan province .

  29. 希望本研究能够为信用担保机构的担保定价提供科学依据,为我国中小企业信用担保行业的发展提供理论上的指导。

    The researching contents of this paper are expected to provide powerfully scientific basis to guarantee pricing of credit guarantee institutions , and provide theoretical guidance to the development of the industry of small and medium enterprises credit guarantee in our country .

  30. 当价格状态不可数时,特别当价格服从Brown运动规律,价格过程与交易点过程相互独立时得到了参数的估计式,为期权定价计算提供了依据。

    When trade prices are uncountable , and Brown motions , price process and transaction arrival time process are independent each other , we have estimated parameters of sample function density , and taken Guan Dian Dian Zi stock as example to do empirical analysis .