
  • 网络Penetration Pricing;penetrating pricing;market-penetration pricing
  1. 我认为我们最好使用渗透定价。

    All right , we 'll use penetration pricing strategy .

  2. 通过分析,本文强调细分定价、目标收益定价法、渗透定价法对我国体育赛事门票的适用及重要性。

    Through analysis , this article emphasizes the pricing segmentation , target income pricing , penetration pricing on tickets for sports events and the importance of the application .

  3. 通过对联想和戴尔的价格策略分析,得出联想采取的是溢价定价策略,戴尔采取的是渗透定价策略。

    As to price strategy , Legend employs over-pricing while Dell employs penetration - pricing technique .

  4. 所采用的定价策略有渗透定价策略、差别定价策略和心理定价策略。

    Pricing strategy adopted by the infiltration of a pricing strategy , differential pricing strategy and psychological pricing strategy .

  5. 由此分析网络信息产品的定价策略,价格歧视定价、捆绑定价、渗透定价和免费定价策略是网络经济中最为行之有效的定价策略。

    Thus analyses network information product pricing strategy , price discrimination pricing , bundled pricing , penetration pricing and free pricing strategy is the most effective pricing strategy .

  6. 在定价策略上,存在组合定价、差别定价、渗透定价和时段定价4种,其中以时段定价为主,占到11个。

    Pricing strategy , there is combination of pricing , differential pricing , penetration pricing , and pricing of 4 hours , in which time-based pricing , accounting for 11 .

  7. 集团客户移动信息化产品定价策略,以渗透定价占领市场,结合多种定价策略组合带动业务推广,利用联合开发,降低成本提升竞争优势,最终实现规模化发展目的。

    Combined with a variety of pricing strategy for business promotion , joint development is employed to lower cost , strengthen competitive advantage , and achieve the final goal of scale development . 3 .

  8. 价格策略上针对不同产品采取渗透或心理定价策略,渠道上加强网络销售;促销方式上强调质而非量。

    According to different product Price strategy adopts the permeability or psychological pricing strategies ; For channels , strengthening the network sale is necessary .

  9. 这些定价政策被认为是最高利益获取价与价格渗透的组合,定价方法被视为需求导向。

    These pricing policies are considered to be the combination of price skimming and penetrating , while the pricing method is considered to be demand-oriented .