
  • 网络odd pricing;mantissa pricing;Tail Pricing;odd-ever pricing
  1. 我国企业在近20年中常用的一些心理定价策略有:尾数定价法、声望定价法、招徕定价法等。

    In recent twenty years , there have been some psychological pricing tactics commonly used by the native enterprises , which include odd pricing , prestige pricing and touting pricing , etc.

  2. 我在一篇文章中读到,超市正放弃以99便士作尾数的定价,转而选择整数价,因为这会让商品价格看上去更低一些,也体现出一种更诚实的商业行为。

    I read that supermarkets are abandoning the 99p price point in favour of a round pound as this makes the products appear cheaper and reflects a more honest business practice .