
  • 网络customary price;eustomary priee;habitual price
  1. 他在购买地产时习惯把价格压得很低。

    It was his custom in buying real estate to offer a rather low price .

  2. 越来越多的网民习惯于价格透明和购买方便的网络购物。

    More and more Internet users are accustomed to the transparent price and convenience of online shopping .

  3. 与预期相反,这种习惯与价格无关--至少不是主要原因。

    Contrary to expectations , this habit is not about the price - at least not primarily .

  4. 截至2009年6月底,中国网络购物用户规模达8788万,越来越多的网民习惯于价格透明和购买方便的网络购物。

    Until June , 2009 , the population of online shopping consumer has achieved 87.88 million , increasing number of net citizens are accustomed to the price transparent and convenient net shopping .

  5. 互联网使得消费者可以不受空间和时间的限制,足不出户就可以买到自己满意的商品,越来越多的中国网民渐渐习惯于价格透明和操作方便的网络购物。

    Internet allows consumers to buy their satisfied goods never leaving home , free of the limits of time and space . More and more Chinese Internet users are accustomed to shopping online because of the transparent price and convenient purchase manner .

  6. 影响江苏省人均口粮、饲料粮消费的因素有全省城乡人口比、人均GDP、人均粮食生产以及全省居民饮食习惯、粮食价格等等。

    The factors affected the per capita ration and feed grain consumption are urban and rural population ratio , per capita GDP , per capita food production , eating habits of residents , food prices and so on .

  7. 为了品尝一杯时髦咖啡,中国人习惯支付的价格已经和西方人相差无几。除此而外,中国人正渐渐接受在订婚时使用钻戒的习俗。

    In addition to getting used to paying near-western prices for fancy coffee , the Chinese are still only just getting into diamond engagement rings .

  8. 咖啡上瘾者将要为每天必喝咖啡的习惯付出更高价格了由于收成欠佳,需求强劲,咖啡和糖的批发价格大幅上涨。

    Caffeine addicts face higher prices for their daily fix as the wholesale cost of both coffee and sugar rise sharply because of poor crops and robust demand .

  9. 如果客户习惯于以固定价格的模型购买开发工作,或者具有正式的指导原则,则采用敏捷开发流程对客户来说是非常大甚至不可能的更改。

    If the customer is used to buying development with a fixed price model , or has formal guidelines , it can be quite a big or even impossible change for the customer .

  10. 消费者使用乳制品考虑的因素依次为:个人消费习惯、口味、习惯、价格和品牌;

    The purchasing of consumer affected by the factor as follows : Nutrition , taste , individual consumption custom ;