
xí guàn
  • habit;be used to;custom;practice;be accustomed to;rule;adjust;ritual;settle in;wont;be inured to;attuned;knack;acclimatize
习惯 [xí guàn]
  • [habit;custom;practice] 积久养成的生活方式。今泛指一地方的风俗、社会习俗、道德传统等

  • [be accustomed to] 通过实践或经验而适应

  • 习惯于做艰苦工作

习惯[xí guàn]
  1. 虽然GAE确实有一些您可能不习惯的规则,如30秒请求&响应准则,但是它也为处理这些规则提供了机制,如异步队列。

    While GAE does have some rules that you might not be accustomed to , like the30-second request-response guideline , it also provides mechanisms for handling them , like asynchronous queues .

  2. 他们和他们的心脏不是应该已经习惯于体力消耗了么?

    Wouldn 't they and their hearts be accustomed to the exertion ?

  3. 这与我所习惯的大不相同。

    It 's very different to what I 'm used to .

  4. 她最让人讨厌的习惯就是张着嘴吃东西。

    Her most annoying habit was eating with her mouth open .

  5. 我不习惯午饭吃那么多。

    I 'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime .

  6. 她习惯了男人投来的赞赏目光。

    She was used to receiving admiring glances from men .

  7. 他爱整洁的习惯是他当兵时养成的。

    His neatness is a carry-over from his army days .

  8. 病人会习惯某些治疗方式。

    Patients can become conditioned to particular forms of treatment .

  9. 过了一会儿他的眼睛习惯了黑暗。

    After a while his eyes adjusted to the dark .

  10. 他过了一段时间才习惯这个想法。

    It took him a while to accustom himself to the idea .

  11. 你会很快习惯这儿的气候的。

    You 'll soon get used to the climate here .

  12. 十年之后,我习惯了英国人的奇异习俗。

    After ten years I 'm used to the strange British ways .

  13. 婚姻破裂后,她便染上了酗酒的习惯。

    She took to drink after her marriage broke up .

  14. 她怎么想的就怎么说,这种习惯令人非常难堪。

    She had the disconcerting habit of saying exactly what she thought .

  15. 不用多久你就会习惯船上生活。

    It won 't take you long to find your sea legs .

  16. 她习惯了寒冷以后身体立即就好了。

    She was fine once she had acclimatized herself to the cold .

  17. 他没有盯着女人看个没完的习惯。

    He was not in the habit of ogling women .

  18. 这个节目介绍全国各地的风俗习惯。

    The programme was about customs in different parts of the country .

  19. 她不习惯和社会地位很高的人搅和在一起。

    She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank .

  20. 我不习惯让陌生人进我家。

    I 'm not in the habit of letting strangers into my apartment .

  21. 哲学家过去习惯不把艺术和科学区别开来。

    Philosophers did not use to make a distinction between arts and science .

  22. 她习惯了母亲装腔作势的样子。

    She was used to her mother 's histrionics .

  23. 你很快就会习惯这些小小的不便了。

    You soon get used to the little difficulties .

  24. 他养成了懒散邋遢的习惯。

    He grew lazy and slovenly in his habits .

  25. 研究显示,饮食习惯正迅速改变。

    Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast .

  26. 约翰没有兄弟姐妹,所以不习惯和他人分享东西。

    John had no brothers or sisters and wasn 't used to sharing .

  27. 我正试图改掉熬夜的习惯。

    I 'm trying to break the habit of staying up too late .

  28. 习惯吸烟的人口比重随年龄的增长而上升。

    The proportion of regular smokers increases with age .

  29. 摇滚歌星必须习惯歌迷要求签名的纠缠。

    Rock stars have to get used to being plagued by autograph hunters .

  30. 我这么做只是出于习惯。

    I only do it out of habit .