
  1. 第三章从学生管理理念、习惯管理、德育管理、课程管理和健康管理方面分析了我国中学学生管理的现状、问题及原因。

    For the third part , it analyses the status quo and issues of the current students ' management from the view of school concept , student , morality , curriculum and health . Again , it analyses the reasons for the phenomenon .

  2. 习惯是管理好时间的关键。

    Habits are the key to good time management .

  3. 因此,学生应养成健康的消费习惯来管理开支。

    As such , students should learn to manage their expenses by developing healthy consumption habits .

  4. 类似印度这样的卫生系统必须转变以习惯于管理长期疾病并关注全新的(慢性病)患者群体,他说。

    Health systems like India 's must adapt to managing long-term illnesses and accessing a completely new patient group , he says .

  5. 陈建斌指出,习惯于管理大规模生产活动和复杂供应链的大型科技制造企业的参与,可能会让成本以更快的速度下降。

    Costs could be lowered even faster with the involvement of large tech manufacturers used to managing large-scale production and complex supply chains , Mr Chen says .

  6. 航天企业正处于转轨变革时期,原有人事管理的思维习惯和管理模式正慢慢被打破,但还不能适应市场经济的要求。

    Even though original way of thinking and management mode of human resource management is gradually being broken , it still could not satisfy the requirements of the market economy .

  7. 使矿山现行的无底柱分段崩落法作业习惯、管理操作经验和原有的机械设备能得到充分利用,提高了矿石回收率,增强了生产的安全性。

    As a result , the current sublevel caving operation practice , the management and operation experiences and the existing mechanical equipment have been fully utilized , the ore extraction ratio improved and the production safety increased .

  8. 所以在解决中国电子商务技术障碍的时候,这些标准和产品都相继暴露出不符合中国企业商业习惯和管理特点等方面的问题,缺乏灵活性、可用性及可伸缩性。

    Been used to solve our country 's electronic commerce technical problem , we find these standards and products can not match the business habits and management characteristics of nowadays Chinese enterprises causing lack of flexibility , practicality and elasticity .

  9. 其三,论文对东莞莫仕公司物流管理的现状和存在的问题进行了研究,提出东莞莫仕公司物流体系优化问题的解决路径,认为问题的主要成因是企业发展中形成的文化习惯和管理提升滞后。

    Thirdly , the article made the research for current status and existing problem of Logistics management in Molex DG , and advise the solution for Logistics system optimization issue in Molex DG , think the root cause is that culture habit and management upgrade lag .

  10. 他们很快就习惯了交通管理条例。

    They have just got accustomed to the traffic control regulations fast very much .

  11. 良好习惯:易管理、功能专一的方法

    Good habit : Manageable , focused functions

  12. 一旦我习惯了使用管理单元的链接,我发现我不能没有它。

    Once I got used to using Snap Links , I found that I couldn 't live without it .

  13. 对基于用户习惯的设备管理算法和多机器人调度算法进行了测试,并对结果进行了分析。

    At last , the equipment management algorithm based on user habits and the multi-robot scheduling algorithm were tested and analyzed the results .

  14. 虽然业务用户可能不习惯于发布管理概念,但不允许他们在任何时间做出更改。

    Although business users may not be accustomed to release management concepts , they shouldn 't be allowed to make changes all the time .

  15. 而对于已经习惯于在管理型政府下工作的政府公务员来说,要在全新的服务型政府内认真履行职责。

    For the civil servant who was already accustomed to working under the management government , must fulfill the responsibility earnestly in the brand-new service government .

  16. 建立一种面向质量的思维习惯是最高管理层的职责,但这需要软件开发组织采用并执行此思维习惯。

    Establishing a quality-oriented mindset is a top management responsibility , but it is up to the software development organization to adopt and execute on that mindset .

  17. 本门课程的设计是为了指引学生认识例如有效的学习习惯,时间管理,个人理财和人际关系等技巧。

    This course is designed to introduce students to practical skills such as effective study habits , time management , personal financial management and inter-personal communication skills .

  18. 上海不同级别医院糖尿病控制、生活习惯及自我管理状况2型糖尿病患者自我管理行为与抑郁的相关性研究

    Diabetes control , patient habit and self-management in hospitals of different levels : a pilot study in Shanghai Correlation of Self-management Behavior and Depression in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

  19. 自主性学习的课堂教学活动可以使学生转变学习观念与态度,形成自主学习习惯,学会管理自己的学习方法,从而有效地监控自己的学习进程。

    Autonomous class teaching activities can make students change their concepts and attitudes , learn to manage their learning and monitor their progress so as to take charge of their own learning .

  20. 伴随着读写活动,他们在学生时代有充实、丰富的精神生活,养成良好的行为习惯,学校管理也进入无为而治的状态。

    Have the rich , rich cultural life in school days being accompanying read-write activity , their , form fine behavior habit , school manages the state being unable to enter " govern by non-interference " . 5 .

  21. 上海不同级别医院门诊糖尿病患者情绪调节与心理调查分析上海不同级别医院糖尿病控制、生活习惯及自我管理状况

    The investigation on the self emotion management and psychology status of diabetic patients in different tiered hospitals in Shanghai . Diabetes control , patient habit and self-management in hospitals of different levels : a pilot study in Shanghai

  22. 结合多年的班级管理经验,总结出了抓好班级管理的四个重要环节:养成习惯、自我管理、差生转化、理想激励。

    This article , based on personal experience of class management , concludes the four central links to the effectiveness of class management as follows : good habit 's development , self-management , poor students ' changing , ideal inspiration .

  23. 从生到习惯,从时间管理到个人的方式,家长形成了自己孩子的特点的基础。

    From hygiene to habits , from time management to personal manner , parents form the foundation of their children 's characteristics .

  24. 许多员工不习惯新老板的管理方式,因此很辛苦的自我调适。

    Many employees are not used to the management style of the new boss after acquisition and having a hard time to adjust themselves .

  25. 在某些特定的企业中,清单和流行的商业习惯、主要的管理实践及规划的艺术化非常吻合。

    In their particular enterprise , the checklists fit well with the prevailing business culture , general management practices , and state-of-the-art for program management .

  26. 但由于教师并未对时间管理其做过系统的了解和有意识地学习,教师的时间管理行为还未能经形成一种自觉的、习惯化的时间管理技能。

    However , never has the system understanding and awareness of learning , resulting in teachers ' time management behaviors have not been a sort of self-conscious , habits of time management skills .

  27. 传统物流管理通常习惯于把物流运作划分为运输、储存、搬运、装卸、流通加工及信息处理等六个功能,这种习惯容易造成物流管理的功能导向。

    Traditional theory divided the logistics into transportation , storage , packaging , assembling , circulate processing and logistics information processing six functions , etc. This classification easily leads to function-oriented logistics management .