
  • 网络Breakthrough Management
  1. 打造一个富有战斗力的营销服务体系,成为突破管理与发展瓶颈的明智选择。

    The good choice of breakthrough management and development bottleneck is building a rich marketing service system .

  2. 知识管理是当代企业经营的主线,须突破传统管理模式,实施三C创新模式;

    The knowledge management is the main argument of the enterprise operation in this era . It must break throngh the traditional management model and carry out the " 3C " creativity model .

  3. 该院按照上级检察机关的要求,突破传统管理理念、改变传统管理模式,将现代管理理论ISO9000族标准与检察工作结合起来开始了实践。

    According to the requirements of the procuratorial organs , break through the traditional management idea , change traditional management mode of modern management theory , the standard of ISO9000 and procuratorial work together began practice .

  4. 突破营销管理瓶颈,增强企业核心竞争力

    Improving manage and administration to rise company 's competitive power

  5. 勇改革获突破强管理求发展

    Be Brave in Reform to Breakthrough Strengthen Management to Develop

  6. 突破电源管理瓶颈,国半推出新电源控制器

    New Power Controller to Break Through Bottleneck of Supplies

  7. 通过引入人本管理,来突破制度管理所带来的局限,并设计相应解决方案。

    The paper adjusts limit from the system management and designs the solution through introducing the people focused management .

  8. 研究运用何种管理工具来提高大型房企的软实力突破现有管理瓶颈具有很强的现实意义。

    So it has strong practical significance for researching what management tools can be used to improve softpower of real estate enterprise groups .

  9. 在体制机构上要突破传统管理型政府的模式,科学界定政府职能,将权力下放到地方,建立完善的考核机制。

    Government agencies should break through the traditional management government mode , scientifically define the government functions , decentralize power to basic level , establish and improve the assessment mechanism .

  10. 现今我们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,这主要功归于突破传统管理模式的信息高速公路,它是以计算机网络技术为核心、软件技术为支持的新方式。

    With the core of computer network technology , The development of information superhighway which supported by the software technology has broken through the traditional management mode , and it makes our lives changed greatly .

  11. 随着全球经济环境的巨大变化,科学技术的重大突破以及管理方法和制度不断创新与变革,传统的成本控制模式已经很难与之相适应。

    With the great changes of global economic environment , major breakthrough of science and technology and continuous innovation of management method and system , the traditional cost control model has been difficult to adapt to it .

  12. 了解生产现场管理的基本理论和实践方式,突破生产管理中的约束点,推行精益生产理念和全面生产维护管理方式,实现有效的生产计划规划和看板管理模式。

    To understand the basic theory and practice method on manufactory working site management , break through the restriction of manufactory management , implement the lean production theory and production maintenance management method , realize effective production plan and Kanban management .

  13. 但是,不管是ABC,还是平衡计分卡,从根本上突破了原有管理会计所依赖的信息系统,要取得应有的效果,就必须对管理会计所依赖的信息系统进行有效的重新设计。

    ABC or BSC , however , can not work on the accounting system that the traditional management accounting systems are based on . It is necessary to redesign the basic information system to acquire the effectiveness of new systems .

  14. 整体论的局限与总体论的突破:政府管理思维的范式革新

    Limitations of Holism and Breakthrough of Totalism : A New Thinking Paradigm of Government Management

  15. 目的之二是探索突破传统的管理模式,帮助遵义市军队离休退休干部服务管理中心优化业务流程。

    The second purpose is to explore break through the traditional mode of management , help the army retired cadres retires service management center business process optimization .

  16. 标准化生产没有在全省果园得到实质性突破,果园管理水平仍有较大的提升空间。4、组织化程度不高。

    There is still no substantive breakthrough on standardized production in orchards in the province , and have more room to improve in orchard management.4.The low degree of organization .

  17. 民营企业要突破资金、管理、信任资源限制的瓶颈而获得自身的发展,要求一种有效率的企业所有权安排。

    Private enterprises want to break the bottleneck of funds , management and trust resources restriction to acquire their development , which demands a kind of efficient firm 's ownership arrangement .

  18. 应突破现行财政管理模式,一方面统一财政资金管理口径,另一方面建立公共性财政和经营性财政二重预算管理模式。

    The paper suggests to unify the managerial standard on one hand and to set up a dual model of budget management for public finance and commercial finance on the other hand .

  19. 智能文档是电子政务、电子商务的重要应用,也是突破传统文档管理系统局限,消除信息孤岛的一个关键技术。

    Intelligent Document is an important application of E-business and E-government . It is also a key technology of breaking through the limits of traditional documents management and eliminating the " information island " .

  20. 绩效评估作为一种新型的管理工具,已经突破了企业管理的范畴,应用于政府和非政府组织中并已经取得良好的效果。

    Performance evaluation has broken through the areas of business management as a new type of management tool , which began to be used in government and non-governmental organizations and has achieved good results .

  21. 有鉴于此,本文突破传统压力管理理念,基于情境领导理论对员工工作压力进行研究,从管理者领导方式与员工发展阶段的匹配这一角度分析工作压力问题。

    In view of this , this paper broke through traditional stress management idea , based on the situational leadership theory studied work stress , analyzed work stress problem In terms of matching of managers leadership and employee development stage .

  22. 新时期家族制私营企业谋求发展壮大的关键是突破人力资源管理定势,实行对人力资源的人本管理、知识化管理、专业化管理以及制度化管理,优化人才配置,留住智力资源。

    At new era , the key to development of family-style enterprises is to break through human resources management custom and to implement human-based management , knowledge-based management , specialization management and systematic management in order to optimize talents resources and to own intellectual resources .

  23. 智力资源管理研究涉及认知科学、复杂性科学、跨文化的思维方式比较研究等多个领域,需要采用某些不同于逻辑分析思维的研究方法,以期突破以往知识管理研究中的障碍。

    Involved in varied domains such as acknowledge-ment science , complexity science and comparative analysis of inter-cultural thinking modes , the study of Intelligence resource management should adopt approaches that differ from logical analysis , in order to crack the obstacles in the study of knowledge management .

  24. 管理理念上,需要突破传统的客户管理思想,将企业的竞争重点逐渐转移到以客户为中心的竞争上;

    As management ideas concerns , traditional customer management need be broken . The focus of competition should be gradually centered on customers .

  25. 从而突破原有的物资管理模式,建立一个符合四川石油物资总公司的现代物流体系。

    Taking all this actions is to change the old fashions in logistics management and establish a new and modern logistics system for SCPM .

  26. 许多年以来,中国煤炭生产企业的职业卫生安全管理效果不明显,其根本原因就在于没能突破陈旧落后的管理方式。

    But for many years our management on colliery 's occupational health and safety has not been effective because of the stereotyped and backward management style .

  27. 但这一促进作用也存在一定的局限性,对于突破性技术、管理创新尤其如此。因此,现阶段中国制造业较宜采取外包推动下的自主创新模式。

    Because of the limitation of promotion driven by subcontracting , it can be a good choice for Chinese manufacturing industry to follow a self-motivated innovation pattern driven by subcontracting .

  28. 基础教育如何转变教育观念、更新教育思想、创新教育理念,以实现教育机制、模式和手段的新突破,是教育管理者和工作者们探讨的问题。

    What educational administrators discuss in elementary education is how to transform educational ideas and renew educational theoretical concepts in order to achieve some new educational mechanism , mode and means .

  29. 并从生产者和使用者两方面对生命周期成本提出思考,以期有助于企业突破其边界成本管理体系的建立。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    Calculating of life cycle cost , and points out significance from the enterprises and customers , so as to help enterprises break through the foundation of the enterprise boundary cost management system .

  30. 近年来,行政管理研究突破了现实行政管理的视野和境界,从传统行政管理研究的范畴进入了一个新的涉及心理管理的领域。

    This Since the party congress , administrative management research broke through the reality of administrative management in view and state , from traditional administrative management research category entered a new involves psychology management field .