
  • emergency;incident;emergency events
  1. 由于一个突发事件,他提前走了。

    His departure was hastened by an emergency .

  2. 一个男子正在告诉朋友们急救课是如何让他为突发事件做好准备的。

    A man was telling friends how first-aid classes had prepared him for an emergency .

  3. 他迅速处理突发事件。

    He deals with emergencies promptly

  4. 在自然灾害和突发事件中,对伤病人员和其他受害者进行救助;

    in cases of natural calamities and emergencies , to offer relief and assistance to the sick , the injured and other victims ;

  5. 第十四条在自然灾害和突发事件中,执行救助任务并标有红十字标志的人员、物资和交通工具有优先通行的权利。

    Article 14 In conducting relief operations during natural calamities and emergencies , personnel , goods and materials , and transportation vehicles marked with the sign of the Red Cross shall enjoy the priority of passage .

  6. 针对这些问题,方案均提出了应对方式。做好突发事件应急响应状态下对老年人的服务保障,包括完善“健康码”管理便利老年人通行、保障居家老年人基本服务需要。

    Improvements will include securing elderly services in emergencies , including optimizing the health screening procedure that requires health codes produced with mobile applications before entering public places , and offering basic services to senior citizens staying at home .

  7. 采用a+bi+cj型的网络计划方法,既考虑了确定性时间a,同时考虑了不确定时间bi和处理突发事件所需的时间cj。

    Certain time , uncertain time bi and unexpected incident time cj are considered in this method .

  8. 常用的应急服务设施选址模型主要有覆盖模型、p中心模型和p中值模型,这些模型并不适合重大突发事件的应急救援设施选址。

    The most used facility location models of emergency service include covering model , p-center model and p-median model . However , these classical facility location models of emergency service are not suited for the particular situations of large-scale emergency incidents .

  9. 介绍美国联邦突发事件管理局(FEMA)对1994年北岭地震中焊接钢框架节点破坏原因的正式解释,说明塑性铰外移的必要性。

    The explanations published in FEMA 350 on damage of connections in welded steel frames induced by Northridge Earthquake in 1994 are introduced .

  10. 而我国LNG运输起步比较晚、码头防污控制设施建设不完善、针对海上运输中突发事件的应急机制也不健全,所以就可能会发生由运输过程中LNG泄露引起的船舶污染事故。

    Because the shipping of LNG in our country starts late , the construction of facilities about terminal anti-pollution is not perfect , as well as the mechanism of maritime transport emergencies , which can cause ship pollution accidents by LNG leaking .

  11. 即媒体在进行突发事件报道时要形成科学的、可行的应对策略,运用危机公关里的3T原理,第一时间向外界提供尽可能详细的信息,把握舆论主导,保证民众的知情权。

    The media should establish a scientific and feasible strategy for reporting the emergencies , by utilizing the 3T principles in crisis PR , and providing information as detailed as possible at the first opportunity .

  12. 通过积极参与联合项目、双边和多边方案,粮农组织代表进一步致力于解决新兴问题以及通过国际合作帮助中国应对包括季节性干旱在内的突发事件,实现千年发展目标(MDGs)和人类发展。

    By active participation in joint programs , bilateral and multi-lateral initiatives , FAOR has further contributed to the One UN efforts and international synergy in assisting China with Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) and human development . Responding to the latest emergencies including the seasonal droughts .

  13. 用户自备应急电源应对电力突发事件

    The self-prepared emergency power sources to deal with sudden electric events

  14. 突发事件具有非常规性、复杂性、关注性的特点。

    These emergencies are characterized by unconventional , complexity and attention .

  15. 突发事件对档案的危害及应对策略

    On the harm of the thunderbolt to archives and its countermeasures

  16. 突发事件急救过程对设备器材需求保障系统建立

    Establishment of equipment demanding and supplying system in emergent first-aid course

  17. 第四部分分析高校突发事件的传播模式。

    The fourth part analyzes the communication models of university emergency .

  18. 基于处理突发事件的智能建筑数据系统集成

    Integrated System Platform of Intelligent Building Based on the Accident Occurring

  19. 我国城市突发事件下银行业资金动员的供求研究

    Research on Monetary Mobilization of Banks in City Crisis in Our Country

  20. 化学气体污染突发事件中的人群疏散:横断面调查

    Evacuation decisions in a chemical air pollution incident : cross sectional survey

  21. 该模型可以推广到一般的群体性突发事件,对研究群体性突发事件具有一定的借鉴意义。

    This model can be extended to explain general mass unexpected incidents .

  22. 处置萌芽状态突发事件的数学模型探讨

    On mathematical model in dealing with emergency at rudimentary stage

  23. 危机管理在中国公共卫生突发事件应急反应中的应用

    Crisis management in immediate response to emergent public health event in China

  24. 网络突发事件成为现代社会发展中一个新现象已经成为不争的事实。

    Network incident become a new phenomenon in modern society .

  25. 浅谈思想政治教育工作如何应对社会突发事件

    On the ideological and political education 's countermeasures against the abrupt event

  26. 意见请这一悲惨突发事件!

    Opinions please on this sad turn of events !

  27. 论中国地震政务网在地震突发事件中的作用

    Role of China Earthquake Administration website in earthquake emergencies

  28. 头颈外科在突发事件医疗救助中的重要作用

    Characteristics and treatment of head and neck surgery during the emergency trauma rescue

  29. 略论处理突发事件的方法和艺术

    On Method and Art in Handling Emergent Events

  30. 公共卫生突发事件时因特网医药信息搜索的方法与启示

    The Revelation about Search for Medical Information on Internet during the Public Health Emergency