
  • 网络sovereign debt crisis;sovereign-debt crisis;Sovereign debt crises
  1. 欧盟(EU)的主权债务危机和社会动荡此起彼伏。

    The European Union is faced with a rolling sovereign debt crisis and social unrest .

  2. 之后欧洲央行(ECB)也如法炮制,以类似手段应对希腊及其他欧盟(EU)国家的主权债务危机。

    Afterwards , the European Central Bank did the same in response to the sovereign debt crisis in Greece and other EU states .

  3. 欧洲国家不应夸大imf在解决该地区当前主权债务危机中的作用。

    European countries should not overestimate the role of the IMF in solving their current sovereign debt crises .

  4. 新兴国家已经怀疑欧元区将imf用作应对自身主权债务危机的“储蓄罐”。

    The emerging world already suspected the eurozone of using the IMF as a piggy bank for its own sovereign debt crisis .

  5. 为履行其职责,IMF需要能够应对在某个大型经济体爆发的主权债务危机。

    To do its job , the Fund needs to be able to address a sovereign debt crisis in a large economy .

  6. wto表示,贸易放缓集中在发达经济体,尤其是欧洲,似乎表明与欧元区主权债务危机有关。

    The WTO said the slowdown in trade was concentrated in the advanced economies , particularly Europe , suggesting that it was related to the sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone .

  7. IMF内部的政策制定机构承诺,欧元区国家将采取一切必要措施解决欧元区主权债务危机。

    The body that sets policy at the International Monetary Fund promised that eurozone countries would do whatever is necessary to resolve the euro-area sovereign debt crisis .

  8. 恐慌性气氛是在欧洲市场休市后出现的,而欧洲央行(ECB)几乎未采取任何行动,来阻止投资者因担忧主权债务危机而逐渐信心崩溃。

    The febrile atmosphere came after European markets had closed and the European Central Bank had done little to halt the erosion of investor confidence fuelled by sovereign debt fears .

  9. 正如德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)所指出的,欧洲主权债务危机对欧盟的未来构成了威胁。

    As Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , has pointed out , the European sovereign debt crisis poses a threat to the very future of the EU .

  10. 新兴市场国家正致力于快速筹措资金,增强国际货币基金组织(imf)的有效火力,以期提升该机构在应对欧元区主权债务危机方面的作用。

    Emerging market countries are working on ways to contribute money rapidly to expand the effective firepower of the International Monetary Fund , with the aim of increasing its role in fighting the eurozone sovereign debt crisis .

  11. 这宗投资受到了NH的欢迎。该集团总部位于马德里,旗下367家酒店主要分布在欧洲,欧元区主权债务危机爆发之后,NH出现了资金短缺。

    The investment was welcome for NH , a Madrid-based operator of 367 hotels , mostly in Europe , that was left short of cash after the eurozone 's sovereign debt crisis .

  12. 主权债务危机发生于四个老龄相关开支升幅最大的经合组织(oecd)经济体希腊、葡萄牙、爱尔兰、西班牙,并非巧合。

    It is no accident that the sovereign debt crisis has come to roost in four OECD economies facing the largest expansion of age-related spending : Greece , Portugal , Ireland and Spain .

  13. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)周三警告称,全球金融复苏被欧美的政治和主权债务危机打乱,这加剧了欧元区银行体系的紧张。

    Tensions in the eurozone banking system were highlighted on Wednesday by the International Monetary Fund , which warned that the global financial recovery had been thrown off course by political and sovereign debt turmoil in Europe and the US .

  14. 在大西洋彼岸,若有人倡导宽松的财政政策,就有可能被欧洲央行(ecb)关进小黑屋,接受国际货币基金组织(imf)有关主权债务危机危险的再教育。

    On the other side of the Atlantic , any advocates of a loose fiscal policy risk finding themselves in a windowless cell under the European Central Bank , for International Monetary Fund re-education on the dangers of sovereign debt crises .

  15. 与此相反,OECD认为,经济增速逊于预期的主要原因并不是财政紧缩(处于主权债务危机早期阶段的欧元区或许是个例外)。

    Conversely , the OECD believes that – with the exception perhaps of the eurozone in the early stages of its sovereign debt crisis – austerity was not the main reason why countries did not grow as fast as expected .

  16. 它是英语单词“Greek”希腊和“exit”退出的合成词。希腊最终是否退出欧元区仍然是一个紧迫的问题,这个词让人们记住2015年上半年希腊的主权债务危机的严重程度。

    A combination of the English word for " Greek " and " exit , " it reminded people of the severity of Greece 's sovereign debt crisis during the first half of 2015 , as whether the country would exit the eurozone remained a pressing question then .

  17. 此外,各国央行再度采取了一些紧急流动性措施,以防止欧洲主权债务危机动摇银行业体系,欧洲央行(ecb)更是祭出了在危机最严重时都不曾考虑过的非常举措。

    Central banks have also reintroduced some of their emergency liquidity measures to prevent the European sovereign debt crisis undermining the banking system , and the European Central Bank has resorted to unorthodox measures that were not contemplated at the height of the crisis .

  18. APEC领导人会议在俄罗斯远东区的符拉迪沃斯托克举行,此时欧洲领导人正在想方设法遏制主权债务危机。该危机不仅影响到欧洲地区的经济增长,还引发人们对更广泛的全球经济放缓的担忧。

    The meeting of APEC leaders was held in Vladivostok in Russia 's far east , as European leaders grapple with ways to contain a sovereign-debt crisis which has eaten into economic growth in that region and sparked concern about a broader global slowdown .

  19. 上月,美联储主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)向国会表示,美国经济前景存在异常不确定性。美国经济受到欧洲主权债务危机、私人部门就业复苏迟缓和住房市场持续疲弱的打击。

    Last month , Ben Bernanke , Fed chairman told Congress there was unusual uncertainty surrounding the US economic outlook , which has been hit by the sovereign debt crisis in Europe , the sluggish pace of private-sector job creation and a persistently weak housing market .

  20. Brookings-FT指数在3月份见顶,此后,由于投资者担心南欧的主权债务危机会削弱全球信心,指数开始转向下行。

    The Brookings-FT index peaked in March and has turned down since as investors feared the sovereign debt crisis in southern Europe would undermine world confidence .

  21. 主权债务危机既是症状、也是病因。

    The sovereign debt crisis is symptom as much as cause .

  22. 主权债务危机源于银行业危机。

    The sovereign debt crisis was born of the banking crisis .

  23. 主权债务危机已经演变成一场银行业危机。

    The sovereign debt crisis has degenerated into a banking crisis .

  24. 持续不断的欧洲主权债务危机才是他们的主要议题。

    The major topic was the continuing European sovereign-debt crisis .

  25. 主权债务危机(尤其是欧洲主权债务危机)笼罩着市场。

    The sovereign debt crisis especially in Europe hangs over the market .

  26. 然而,主权债务危机的重新爆发在一定程度上逆转了这一趋势。

    But the resurgence of sovereign risks has partly reversed this trend .

  27. 一场银行业危机转化成的主权债务危机,最终有可能成为另一场银行业危机。

    A banking-turned-sovereign debt crisis could yet end up as another banking crisis .

  28. 只有这场主权债务危机得以控制,该目标才可能达到。

    This is possible only if the sovereign crisis is brought under control .

  29. 尽管欧洲主权债务危机仍挥之不去,但投资者正采取区别对待的方式。

    Although the sovereign debt crisis has persisted , investors are being discriminating .

  30. 从银行业危机到主权债务危机

    1   From banking crisis to sovereign debt crisis