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  • The Butterfly Effect
  1. 谈蝴蝶效应理论对警务工作的启示

    On Inspiration of " The Butterfly Effect " on Police Work

  2. 历史的讽刺力&谢晋遭遇了蝴蝶效应之后

    A Satiric Power of History & After Xie Jin Encountered the Butterfly Effect

  3. “蝴蝶效应”一词因同名电影以及更早的《侏罗纪公园》(JurassicPark)而闻名。

    The term " butterfly effect " was made popular by the film of the same name , as well as by the earlier Jurassic Park .

  4. TheButterflyEffect《蝴蝶效应》蝴蝶效应是混沌理论中的一个重要概念,它是指对初始条件敏感性的一种依赖现象:输入端微小的差别会迅速放大到输出端。

    The title refers to the metaphorical butterfly effect , a popular principle in chaos theory which states that in any dynamic system , small initial differences may over time lead to large unforeseen consequences 。

  5. 键盘上的每个按键都产生了新的“蝴蝶效应”,造就了MacBook的独特输入体验。

    Each key features a new " butterfly mechanism " that provides for a unique typing experience .

  6. 最后,绘制出验证蝴蝶效应的图形以观察初始条件的微小变化对Lorenz吸引子产生的影响。

    Finally , a figure of the verification of the butterfly effect is plotted in order to observe the influence of the minute differences of the initial information on the Lorenz attractors .

  7. 蝴蝶效应指通过触发中介机制而引起目标反应的效应,中医治疗疾病多数通过蝴蝶效应而取效。

    Butterfly Reaction is the objective reaction derived from medial mechanism .

  8. 试论建筑问题背后所带来的蝴蝶效应

    The discussion about the butterfly effect brought by the architectural problems

  9. 银行危机的蝴蝶效应、负外部性及其防治

    Butterfly Effect , Negative Externalities of Banking Crisis and Remedies

  10. 风险有类似蝴蝶效应的加速效应,是内因和外因作用的结果。

    The butterfly-effect of risk-acceleration results from the endogenesis and exogenous causes .

  11. 突发事件下人的心理演化过程是蝴蝶效应的心理耦合。

    The evolution process of psychology of emergency couples the Butterfly Effect .

  12. 蝴蝶效应,我能说什么?

    Butterfly effect thing . What can I say ?

  13. 公允价值计量的蝴蝶效应本质探析

    Research on the Butterfly Effect of Fair Value Measurement

  14. 透视美国金融危机中的金融创新蝴蝶效应

    On " Butterfly Effect " & A Financial Creation of Financial Crisis in U.S.A

  15. 蝴蝶效应教学策略的设计与应用

    The Desing and Application of Butterfly-effect Instructional Strategy

  16. 原因是蝴蝶效应。

    The Butterfly Effect is the reason .

  17. “蝴蝶效应”表明,对复杂系统做出预测是不可能的。

    The " butterfly effect " illustrates the impossibility of making predictions for complex systems .

  18. 整个过程就如同蝴蝶效应一样无法控制和阻止。

    The whole process is same as the butterfly effect , cannot be controlled and stopped .

  19. 那就像是蝴蝶效应,你永远不知道最后的结果是什么。

    Its just like the Butterfly Effect and you never know what is at the end .

  20. 反蝴蝶效应浅析

    On anti - butterfly effect

  21. 金融危机的爆发及随之产生的蝴蝶效应使我国经济受到了不利影响。

    The outbreak of the financial turmoil and the resulting butterfly effect makes our economy adversely affected .

  22. 那就像是“蝴蝶效应”,你永远不知道最后的结果是什么。

    It 's just like the Butterfly Effect and you never know what is at the end .

  23. 影评人指责他在2004年的科幻惊悚片《蝴蝶效应》中的亮相(这是不好的)。

    Critics slammed his dramatic debut in the2004 sci-fi thriller The Butterfly Effect ( it was bad ) .

  24. 蝴蝶效应无疑起因于最高法院过去判决的结果,尽管没有人能查明它们。

    Butterfly effects undoubtedly have arisen as a consequence of past Supreme Court decisions , although one can never pinpoint them precisely .

  25. 在一些特殊区域中,最终的演化结果对于初始分布条件十分敏感,所谓的蝴蝶效应会发生。

    In some area , the evolvement is quit sensible to the initial distribution and so called butterfly effect can be found .

  26. 此前类似的研究表明智能手机能对使用者产生“大脑蝴蝶效应”,从而造成精神混乱。

    Similar research has previously showed smartphones can have a " butterfly brain effect " on users that can cause mental blunders .

  27. 大湄公河次区域合作为地缘经济学提供了一份难得的“蝴蝶效应”案例。

    And Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program ( GMS ) is a good case of " butterfly effect " in geography economics .

  28. 在更基础的层面上,蝴蝶效应体现了关于任何判决的长期影响的考虑为什么是被误导的。

    At a more fundamental level , the butterfly effect shows why calculations about the likely long-term impact of any decision are misguided .

  29. 蝴蝶效应使得游戏不会有相同的剧情,而唯一不变的是,这款游戏十分惊悚。

    The Butterfly Effect technology ensures that no two games will be played the same . The one constant is that the game is scary .

  30. 蝴蝶效应是物流供应链发展中存在的一种普遍现象,是近年来许多企业在实际运作中深感头疼的问题。

    Butterfly effect is a common phenomenon occurred in the development of logistic supply chain and has been the operational hardcore in many enterprises in recent years .