
  • 网络Butterfly specimens
  1. 那家博物馆里有一些蝴蝶标本。

    There are some butterfly specimens in the museum .

  2. 他们在山上了一些珍贵的蝴蝶标本。

    They collected some precious butterfly specimens on the mountains .

  3. 他所有的业余时间都用于采集蝴蝶标本了。

    The collection of butterfly specimens takes up all his spare time .

  4. 他的业余爱好是采集蝴蝶标本。

    His hobby is collecting butterfly specimens .

  5. 蝴蝶标本的采集与制作

    Collection and Making of the Butterfly Specimen

  6. 在许多博物馆里都有来自全世界的各种蝴蝶标本。

    Huge collections of butterflies from all over the world are found in many museums .

  7. 杰克喜欢收集蝴蝶标本。

    Jack has a butterfly collection .

  8. 作者通过多年对云南及邻近省区的野外考察采集,共获蝴蝶标本30000余只。

    Based on about 30 , 000 butterfly specimens collected in Yunnan Province and its neighboring areas , 432 species were determined .

  9. 然而,我们无法留住美好时光,无法像钉蝴蝶标本一样把它钉在墙上。

    which is , that we can 't trap the wonder of such wonderful times and pin it like a butterfly to a wall .

  10. 单调乏味的职员工作使他精神极度空虚,养成了制作和收藏蝴蝶标本的嗜好,这种剥夺动物生命的嗜好后来畸变为对他人自由的剥夺。

    His tedious work makes his spirit empty , and he gradually develops a hobby of collecting butterfly specimens . This hobby of killing is further develops from depriving the life of animals to the freedom of humans .

  11. 蝴蝶干标本DNA的提取及RAPD分析

    Extraction of genome DNA from dried specimens and RAPD-PCR reaction of butterfly

  12. 这位姑娘十分喜欢摆蝴蝶作标本。

    The girl likes very much to set a butterfly .

  13. 海男《蝴蝶是怎样变成标本的》意蕴分析

    A semantic analysis of How the Butterfly Changes to the Sample by Hainan

  14. 为了保护环境,减少昆虫资源的浪费,介绍表面皿标本、琥珀标本、蝴蝶珍藏卡等标本制作方法。

    To protect environment and reduce the waste of insect resources , insects can be made into specimens . Methods to make three kinds of insect specimen , namely glass-surface vessel , butterfly card and amber vessel , are given .

  15. 了解不同种类蝴蝶的一种方法是去看蝴蝶标本收藏展。

    One way to study different butterflies is to look at a butterfly collection .

  16. 对海口地区的蝴蝶资源进行了调查,共采集蝴蝶标本280余号,经室内整理、制作、鉴定,海口地区有蝴蝶7科36属59种;

    The butterfly resource in Haikou area was investigated in this article . 280 butterfly samples were collected . After management and study indoor , it was found that they belonged to 7 families , 36 genera and 59 species .

  17. 本文介绍了中国东北北部地区蝴蝶的研究历史,并对该区蝴蝶标本进行分类,鉴定,共整理出蝶类标本7科113属263种。

    The research history of butterfly on north area in northeast of China is introduced in this paper , and at the same time , 7 families , 113 genera and 263 species have been classified and identified .