
  1. 大多数蝴蝶会在秋天的第一场霜冻来临时纷纷死去。

    Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn .

  2. 一般人相信黄色的蝴蝶会为他们带来幸运。

    There is a belief that yellow butterfly brings good fortune .

  3. 奔赴墨西哥的蝴蝶会先去路易斯安那州的密西西比地区。

    those heading for Mexico go first for the Louisiana Mississippi region .

  4. 拥有彩虹翅膀的蝴蝶会引导你一条通向秘宝的道路。

    A butterfly with rainbow wings will lead the way to secret things .

  5. 但那些在24小时连续光照环境中的蝴蝶会一直朝着太阳飞去,它们完全失去了对时间的感觉。

    But those flying in 24-hour light headed straight towards the sun . They no longer had any sense of time .

  6. 每年蝴蝶会,四方白族青年男女都要到这里,“丢个石头试水深”,用歌声找到自己的意中人。

    Butterfly each year , the Quartet Bai young men and women to be here ," lost a stone depth examination ", with songs find their own matches .

  7. 承诺是一只蝴蝶,会翩然起舞,也会折断翅膀。

    Commitment is a butterfly , dancing will also broken wings .

  8. 譬如,嗯,无毒的蝴蝶,会在一段时间内,渐渐看上去跟有毒的类型一个样了。

    Oh , like non-poisonous butterflies that have come to look like poisonous ones .

  9. 很多鸟类和蝴蝶都会光顾你的后院,而其中的一些会就在你的后院里面建筑巢穴、繁殖后代。

    Many will visit , and some may actually stay to nest and rear their young in your backyard .

  10. 在一些特殊区域中,最终的演化结果对于初始分布条件十分敏感,所谓的蝴蝶效应会发生。

    In some area , the evolvement is quit sensible to the initial distribution and so called butterfly effect can be found .

  11. 如果你抓住蝴蝶,你会像我伤害你一样伤害它。

    If you caught the butterfly , you would hurt it as I did hurt you .

  12. 如果在衣服上系上一个金色的蝴蝶结,会让你增加流行元素。

    If the clothes on a golden bowknot , will make you popular element is increasing .

  13. 妈妈:因为毛虫姊姊能变成蝴蝶,天空会保护她啊。

    Mother : Because the caterpillar sister can become a butterfly , the sky will protect her .

  14. 通常我们会觉得其它物种极其难看,有些人近距离观察蝴蝶或者蚂蚁都会觉得恶心。

    Oftentimes , we consider other species to be hideous . A close look at a butterfly or ant would disgust many people .

  15. 那里的舞池充满朋克摇滚乐手、戴蝴蝶结的联谊会女孩、同性恋男孩、女同性恋,以及各种各样的人,我很喜欢那里。

    The dance floor there was filled with punk rockers , bow heads ( sorority girls ) , gay boys , lesbians and every kind of person under the sun , and I loved it .

  16. 不论你是把蝴蝶结系在腰上还是胸前,蝴蝶结都会为你的婚纱加分哦!

    Either a bow around your waist or tied on your chest totally enhances the beauty of your dress .

  17. 老人继续观察着蝴蝶,因为他期望着这样一个时刻的到来:蝴蝶的翅膀会变大,大到能支持它的身体,而蝴蝶的身体届时也会缩小。

    The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that , at any moment , the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body , which would contract in time .