
  • 网络butterfly theorem
  1. 从Desargues对合定理到蝴蝶定理

    From the Desargues ' Involutory Theorem to the Butterfly Theorem

  2. 蝴蝶定理的几种初等证法及其比较分析

    Several Elementary Proof Methods of Butterfly Theorem and the Comparative Analysis

  3. 从蝴蝶定理的证明看高等几何对初等几何的作用

    The butterfly theorem under higher geometry viewpoint

  4. 蝴蝶定理的射影证明及其推广

    Projective Proof and Extension of Butterfly Theorem

  5. 直线型蝴蝶定理的推广

    Extension of the Butterfly Theorem for Linearity

  6. 关于高维蝴蝶定理

    The Butterfly Theorem in High Dimensional Space

  7. 蝴蝶定理的衍变推广

    Development and Generalization of the Butterfly Theorem

  8. 利用距离几何方法将古典的蝴蝶定理推广到n维欧氏空间一般二次超曲面情形,同时也得到高维蝴蝶定理的逆定理。

    The classical butterfly theorem is extended to the case of general quadratic hypersurface in n-dimensional ( Euclidean ) space , and the inverse of this theorem is given .