
  1. 本文介绍一种以SL-1程控数字用户交换机为核心组建的中文数字计算机通信网&XJDNET。

    This paper presents a Chinese displayed digital computer communication network , XJDNET , based on SL & 1 PABX .

  2. 中文数字“八”会让拉菲葡萄酒业已不菲的价格进一步飙升吗?

    Will the Chinese character '8'boost the already high prices of Lafite ?

  3. 言语信息激活对中文数字空间表征的影响

    The Impact of Verbal Information on the Spatial Representation of Chinese Verbal Numbers

  4. 建立全球中文数字图书馆势在必行

    Necessity of Establishing Global Chinese Digital Library

  5. 基于师范院校特色的中文数字资源建设的思考&以湖南第一师范学院为例

    A Thinking on Construction of Chinese Digital Resources Based on the Characteristics of Normal University and College & for an Example Hunan First Normal School

  6. 本文基于正弦波的相关理论,根据文本数字水印的不同应用领域,对中文数字水印技术进行了深入的研究。

    This paper performs an in-depth research on Chinese digital text watermarking in different application fields , which is based on the sine wave theory .

  7. 实验一主要采用数值大小比较任务,验证了中文数字词表示形式的数字对是否会影响数字加工,是否会出现典型的数字效应。

    Experiment one makes use of numerical comparison tasks to verify whether Chinese form of the number will affect the number processing , whether there are typical effects of the number .

  8. 听觉刺激为1000ms随机间隔的中文数字2到9,任务要求被试者听到奇数(靶信号)快速按键,听到偶数(非靶信号)不按键。

    The task involved verbally given Chinese digit number from two to nine with 1 000 ms random interval . Subjects were asked to push the button for the odd numbers ( target ) and withhold to the even numbers ( non-target ) .

  9. 如在引进西洋数学时,没有把西洋数学中优秀的思想方法和便于书写的阿拉伯数码全部引进来,而是采用中文数字的竖写形式;

    This Argument can be exemplified by the fact that excellent thinking and methods and handy Arabic numbers were not totally introduced into China during the introduction of the western mathematics , while the Chinese-style writing numbers downward from the top was still adopted ;

  10. 基于正弦波的中文文本数字水印技术研究

    The Research on Chinese Text Digital Watermarking Technology Based on Sine Wave

  11. 我想学中文的数字表达。

    I would like to learn the numbers in chinese .

  12. 利用声调提高中文连续数字串语音识别系统性能

    Improving the Performance of Continuous Mandarin Digit String Recognition System by Using Tones

  13. 一种新的中文文本数字水印加密方法

    A new digital watermarking encryption method for Chinese text

  14. 中文原生数字资源管理模式和技术问题探讨

    Research on the Management Model and Technique of the Chinese Raw Digital Information Resources

  15. 全球数学数字图书馆的发展与中文数学数字图书馆的建设

    The Global Development of Digital Mathematics Libraries and the Construction of the Chinese Mathematics Digital Library

  16. 在亚洲,人们往往认为数字4不吉利,中文中数字“4”的发音跟“死”的发音相近,所以人们听到“4”就很自然的联想到了“死”。

    In Asia , it 's four which is considered bad luck . The number four in Chinese sounds remarkably similar to the word for death . Naturally , people don 't like to associate with anything that sounds like death .

  17. 在匹配状态下,阿拉伯数字、中文简写数字、听觉汉语普通话数字距离主效应显著,线性拟合主效应显著,反应正确率随数字距离增加而递增。

    Under matching state , the main effects and linear fitted main effects in distance of the Arabic numbers , Chinese simplified characters and numbers in auditory Chinese putonghua were significant , and the correct rate of reaction was enhanced with the increased number-distance .

  18. 设置参数中文提示,数字输入。

    Set up information of parameter in Chinese , digital input .

  19. 此外,如果某些网站想打入国际市场,那么就不宜使用中文,所以数字就是个很好的选择。

    Plus , for web sites that want to expandinternationally but don 't want to alienate foreign audiences with unfamiliarcharacters , numbers are a decent compromise .

  20. 在中文里,数字9听起来很像“永久”,于是在周日的中国广州,一位男子将99部崭新的iPhone6排列成心形,借此向其伴侣求婚。

    In Chinese , the number 9 sounds like " forever , " so on Sunday a man proposedmarriage to his partner in Guangzhou , China by lining up 99 brand new iPhone 6s intothe shape of a heart .

  21. 中文WORD文档中数字水印的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Digital Watermark in Chinese Word Document

  22. 中文信息处理在数字图书馆中的应用

    Application of Chinese Information Processing in the Digital Library