
cì shù
  • number of times;frequency;order number
次数 [cì shù]
  • (1) [number of times]∶同一个动作或事件重复出现的回数

  • (2) [order number]∶指扭转冲击回数或振动回数,例如对于发动机曲轴的扭转振荡,指轴每旋转一周的冲击回数或振动回数

次数[cì shù]
  1. 如何实现限制VISUALFOXPRO应用程序安装次数

    How to Control the Number of Times of Installing Visual FoxPro Applications

  2. Calls是对象被其它对象调用的次数。

    Calls are the number of times the selected object was invoked by any other object .

  3. 持有乘车证可乘坐市内所有的公共交通工具,次数不限。

    The pass allows unlimited travel on all public transport in the city .

  4. 劳资矛盾加剧,罢工次数增多。

    Conflict between employers and workers intensified and the number of strikes rose .

  5. 这个程序可以统计任何单词在文本中出现的次数。

    The program counts the number of occurrences of any word , within the text .

  6. 她打电话的次数减少了。

    Her calls became less frequent .

  7. 数据记录仪还能迅速查明机械故障,减少维修次数。

    Data recorders also pinpoint mechanical faults rapidly , reducing repair times .

  8. 进泳池的次数是没有限制的。

    You 'll also have unlimited access to the swimming pool

  9. 3个月内旷课次数超过一次就可能有麻烦了。

    Cutting school more than once in three months is a sign of trouble .

  10. 要求车主们减少驾车出行的次数。

    Car owners were asked to cut down travel

  11. 上一周对首都的袭击次数已经减少了。

    The number of attacks on the capital had gone down over the past week

  12. 我现在见托尼的次数不多。

    I don 't see much of Tony nowadays

  13. 珍妮特的丈夫和她的姐姐发现厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞,而且次数愈发频繁。

    Janet 's husband and sister noticed that small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity .

  14. 练习的次数越多,熟练的程度越高。

    The more you practise , the more skilful you 'll become .

  15. 祖母向我们一次次地讲那个故事,次数之多我简直记不清了。

    I 've lost count of the times granny has told us with that particular story .

  16. 她建议人们下载Instant或Moment等应用程序来记录自己每天打开于机的次数。

    She suggests downloading the Instant or Moment apps to see how many times you turn on your phone each day .

  17. 2013年一项关于大学生的研究发现,有80%的学生在课上使用手机或笔记本电脑,在一堂平常的课上,平均每个学生查看数码产品的次数高达11次。

    One 2013 study of college students found that 80 % of students use their phones or laptops during class , with the average student checking their digital device 11 times in a typical class .

  18. 实际上所有的专家都认为以治疗次数而非质量和效果作为医生的回报机制的医疗费用体系是医疗费用高昂的主要原因。

    Virtually all experts agree that the fee-for-service system — doctors are rewarded for the quantity of care rather than its quality or effectiveness — is a primary reason that the cost of care is so high .

  19. 另外的一些调査会问调査对象自己叫错别人名字的次数。

    The other surveys asked about times when subjects had themselves called someone close to them by the wrong name .

  20. 面试次数应该能解答你所有的疑问。

    That number of interviews should give you all the answers you need .

  21. 这意味着女性一般比男性患病的次数少、严重程度低。

    This   means   that   women   generally   ger   sick   less   often   and   less   seriously   than   men .

  22. 普通感冒这个例子足以说明这点:女性平均感冒的次数比男性少。

    The   common   cold   is   a   good   example :   women ,   on   average ,   get   fewer   colds   than   men .

  23. 剑桥大学赢的次数更多。

    The Cambridge has won more .

  24. 环境通常以每秒浮点运算次数(FLOPS)加以度量

    HPC environments are often measured in terms of FLoating point Operations Per Second ( FLOPS ) . HPC

  25. 很少见,还不如太阳穿透当地阴沉天空的次数,一星期太阳或许还能露出一次笑脸。

    Rarer than the sun that cracks the cheeks Of the gaunt sky perhaps once in a week .

  26. 祖克曼先生命令鲁维把威伯的吃饭次数从一天三次增加到四次。

    Mr. Zuckerman ordered Lurvy to increase Wilbur 's feedings from three meals a day to four meals a day .

  27. 英国的封锁政策已导致使用自动取款机取款的次数下降了60%,尽管人们提款的总额有所增加。现金提款量的急剧下降是由于越来越多的人不得不在网上购物。

    The dramatic1 drop in cash withdrawals2 is the obvious result of more people having to do their shopping online .

  28. 一个人的端粒越长,他们的细胞理论上能够分裂的次数就越多。

    The longer a person 's telomeres are , the more times their cells could hypothetically still divide , research has shown .

  29. 现在,科学家们已经研究了五大洲的多种语言,发现没有人比英国人表达感激之情的次数多。

    Now scientists have looked at languages across five continents and found that officially no one expresses gratitude more than the British .

  30. 但实际次数可能没你想的那么多,我们只在七分之一该表达感谢的场合中说“谢谢你”。

    But not as much as you may think – we only say ' thank you ' just one in seven occasions2 that we should do .