
  • 网络Subregional cooperation;sub-regional economic cooperation
  1. 大湄公河次区域合作的能力结构与FDI

    Promoting the Cooperation in GMS : from Competence Structure and FDI

  2. 从现实性来考虑,可以借助APEC贸易投资自由化框架、次区域合作协定、区域内贸易的发展途径以及长期的经济合作基础和渠道来发展东亚区域内的投资合作。

    From practical considerations , we can improve investment cooperation in East Asia by drawing support from APEC trade and investment liberalization frame , and making use of the channels of sub-regional development cooperation , inner-region trade development and long-term economic cooperation .

  3. 随着中国西部大开发战略的实施和中国与东盟关系的全面发展,该次区域合作正面临前所未有的发展机遇。

    It is also faced with an unprecedented opportunity for development .

  4. 发挥博览会平台功能融入大湄公河次区域合作

    Exert the Platform Function of China-ASEAN Expo and Participate in GMS Cooperation

  5. 中国&东盟区域及次区域合作研讨会报告

    Report on the Forum of China-ASEAN Regional and Sub-Regional Cooperation

  6. 大湄公河次区域合作及中国的对策研究

    Great Mekong Subregion Cooperation and the Countermeasure Study in China

  7. 地方政府在参与次区域合作中能起到什么样的作用?

    What are the functions of local governments in the sub-regional cooperation ?

  8. 最后,大力加强次区域合作,培育和谐的地区环境。

    Finally , reinforcing sub-regional cooperation and cultivating harmonious regional environment vigorously .

  9. 第三,推进次区域合作和部分产业的合作。

    Third , encourage sub-regional cooperation and industry cooperation .

  10. 澜沧江&湄公河次区域合作发展战略研究

    Research on the Cooperation and Development Strategies of Yunan and Lancang-mekong River Subregion

  11. 基于中日韩贸易圈效应的次区域合作模式探讨

    A Study on the Model of Sub-regional Cooperation Based on Trade Circle Effect

  12. 发展替代产业推进澜沧江&湄公河次区域合作

    Develop the Substitute Industries and Promote the Subregional Cooperation along Lancang River-Mekong River

  13. 东盟次区域合作模式中的问题与展望

    Problems Arisen & Its Prospects in the Model of the ASEAN Sub-Regional Cooperation

  14. 大湄公河次区域合作背景下的中泰经贸合作研究

    A Study on the Sino-Thailand Economic and Trade Cooperation under the Background of Mekong Sub-regional Cooperation

  15. 加强次区域合作,可大大缓解各方现有国土面积对规模经济的制约作用。

    Strengthening cooperation can greatly lighten the restriction that the land dimensions impose on the scaled economy .

  16. 论大湄公河次区域合作在中国&东盟自由贸易区建设中的重要载体作用

    Important Carrie of Cooperation in Big Mekong River ' Sub-region for Construction of Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Zone

  17. 当前,经济全球化深入发展,亚太区域,次区域合作快速推进。

    At present , in-depth development of economic globalization , the Asia-Pacific region , sub-regional cooperation rapidly progress .

  18. 以云南省参与次区域合作进程物流对策作为研究对象。

    So , the research subject is the countermeasures of Logistics in Yunnan in the process of sub-region cooperation .

  19. 澜沧江水资源系统变化与大湄公河次区域合作的关联分析

    Analysis on the Changes of Water Resource System of the Lancang River and its Impacts to Great Mekong Sub-regional Cooperation

  20. 湄公河次区域合作的多元化整合模式对中国西部开发的启示

    The Pluralistic Model of Regional Integration in the Greater Mekong Subregion and its Inspirations for the Development of West China

  21. 中国&东盟博览会的成功举办是广西作为正式成员参与大湄公河次区域合作的重要因素。

    Hosting China-ASEAN Expo successfully is a key factor of Guangxi participating as a regular member in the cooperation of GMS .

  22. 大湄公河次区域合作为地缘经济学提供了一份难得的“蝴蝶效应”案例。

    And Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program ( GMS ) is a good case of " butterfly effect " in geography economics .

  23. 大湄公河次区域合作开展以来,合作范围日趋扩大,机制也越来越多样复杂。

    Since its implementation , the scope of the greater Mekong subregional cooperation has been increasingly expanding , and its mechanism diversifying and complicating .

  24. 中国将积极参与亚洲区域合作进程,坚持推进同亚洲之外其他地区和国家的区域次区域合作。

    China will take an active part in Asia 's regional cooperation process and promote regional and sub-regional cooperation with non-Asian regions and countries .

  25. 基于地缘政治与地缘经济视角的云南省参与大湄公河次区域合作研究

    A Study on the Participation of Yunnan Province in the Greater Mekong Sub-region ( GMS ) Cooperation & From the Geo-political and Geo-economic Perspective

  26. 亚洲同世界其他地区的区域次区域合作展现出勃勃生机和美好前景。

    What is more , Asia 's cooperation with other regions of the world at regional and sub-regional levels has great vitality and promising prospects .

  27. 而东盟意识的扩展促进了次区域合作意识的形成与巩固。

    Therefore ASEAN consciousness extended promoted the formation of consciousness sub-regional co-operation with consolidate , the Asian development bank are leading the GMS economic cooperation .

  28. 进入21世纪后,湄公河次区域合作面临前所未有的机遇,湄公河次区域也成为诸多国家竞争的焦点。

    In the 21st century , the Mekong sub-regional cooperation is facing unprecedented opportunities , the Mekong sub-regional competition has become the focus of many countries .

  29. 第三章,研究中国与东盟在澜沧江&湄公河次区域合作并对该区域的经济合作开发的前景进行探讨。

    Chapter 3 , ASEAN - China cooperation continued in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region ( GMS ), ASEAN Mekong Basin Development Cooperation and the Mekong River Commission .

  30. 经济全球化继续发展,各种区域和次区域合作蓬勃展开,世界经济形势总体看好。

    Economic globalization has progressed continuously , various types of regional and sub-regional cooperation has developed vigorously and , in general , the global economic situation shows an optimistic future .