
  • 网络Amount of funds;financing volume
  1. 从而就使股市因为资金量减少,股票价格下降。

    Make the stock market decreases because of financing volume thereby , stock price fall .

  2. 整个乳业行业资金量充足,财务风险较小,且市场价值估计偏低,具有良好的发展潜力。

    The dairy industry financing volume enough , financial risk is small , and the estimated market value is low , have good development potential .

  3. 本文利用SPSS软件对相关数据进行了回归分析,从而得出了可投入保险资金量的区间值。

    We get the range of insurance fund using a regression model which analyze relative data with software SPSS .

  4. 随着创业型企业的后期融资吸引了庞大的资金量——这类融资活动如今被称作迷你IPO——人们对创业型企业相关研究也产生了更多的需求。

    Demand for research on start-ups has grown as investment flows into big , late-stage fundraising rounds , which have come to be known as mini-IPOs .

  5. 瑞士信贷英国私人银行业务负责人杰里米•马歇尔(JeremyMarshall)说:这是个渐进的过程,但越来越多的客户正在减少投入股票和债券的资金量。

    It 's a gradual process but more and more clients are reducing the amount they would have in equities and bonds , says Jeremy Marshall , UK chief executive of private banking at Credit Suisse .

  6. 上周一和周二,南下资金量也明显处于低位。

    Similar low levels of southbound money were evident on Monday and Tuesday .

  7. 资金量会很快再次增大。

    The cash pile will quickly build up again .

  8. 资金量制约着土地开发的规模。

    The scale of land development is restricted by the amount of capitals .

  9. 传统的医学研究资助程序通常包括冗长的审批程序,资金量也要大得多。

    Traditional medical-research funding typically involves lengthy reviews and much larger amounts of money .

  10. 西部生态环境重建是一项复杂的系统工程,所需要资金量十分巨大,生态环境建设的公益性要求财政担负起主要职责。

    The reconstruction is a big systematic project that demands huge amount of capital investment .

  11. 对于资金量大且要求资本高流动性一些机构组织和要求低风险、稳定收益的中小投资者来说是一个不错的投资选择。

    Capital requirements for large and high mobility of capital and some organizations require low risk .

  12. 但是我会将自己可能发生的损失限制在那个时期我所拥有的资金量这一范围内。

    But I limit my losses to only the money I have in at that time .

  13. 分析了在此模式下,资金量与开发规模之间的关系。

    This paper analyses the relationship between the scale of land development and the amount of capitals .

  14. 因此,目前新兴市场基金流入中国的资金量,超出中国股市的权重。

    Thus China is getting more than its fair share of money flows from emerging markets funds .

  15. 而且,花旗可用于弥补潜在信贷亏损的资金量也增加了近10%。

    And the amount of capital it had to cover potential loan loses rose nearly 10 % .

  16. 但是,管理层收购所涉及的资金量一般比较大,远远超过了实际支付能力。

    But the fund involving the administrative purchase is so large that it is beyond the real ability of payment .

  17. 私募基金具有资金量大、风险承受能力强,投资分析能力高,善于发现企业价值等特点。

    In fact , these property exchanges are abundant in potential investment opportunities for capital fund especially private equity funds .

  18. 石油企业投资活动投入资金量大,建设周期长,同时存在较大的风险性。

    The investment of oil & gas enterprises usually needs a lot of fund , long cycle of construction and also exists risks .

  19. 中国证券市场中机构构投资者的资金量越来越多,并且已占据主导地位。

    Fund amounts of organization structure investors are more and more participate in Chinese bond market , and already occupy the leading position .

  20. 然而银行体系之外的市场流动性却十分充裕,社会和企业所需的资金量得到了较好满足。

    But the market has ample liquidity outside the banking system , and the demand of society and enterprises for money has been satisfied .

  21. 筹资数据的滞后性,使得私人股本公司受托管理的资金量的下滑显得比实际情况更为严重。

    A lag in the fundraising data makes the slide in the amount of cash committed to private equity look worse than it is .

  22. 国家外汇管理局的潜在资金量远超中投公司,后者目前只有约700亿至800亿美元可供直接投资。

    SAFE has potentially far deeper pockets than CIC , which has only about $ 70bn to $ 80bn to invest directly at the moment .

  23. 但银行认为能够贷出的资金量,与企业客户认为需要借入的资金量之间,并没有直接关联。

    But there is no direct link between what the banks feel able to lend and what their business customers feel they need to borrow .

  24. 房地产企业的开发项目属于资本密集型项目,占用资金量大,建造期长,建筑工艺复杂。

    The real estate development projects are capital-intensive items , which tie up funds , need a long period of construction and the complicated building processes .

  25. 每种投资工具的特点、所需投入的资金量以及投资周期、风险和收益都是不同的。

    The characters of every investment tool and the amount of capitals invested are different from each other as well as the cycle , risk and income .

  26. 他说,人们的期望值很高,尤其是当全球捐赠的大量涌入给该国这一领域带来了前所未有的资金量时,情况更是如此。

    Expectations are of course enormous , he says , especially as the outpouring of generosity across the globe placed unprecedented amounts of money into the system .

  27. 大宗商品银行家称,主权财富基金对自然资源的总投资额仍比较有限,不到其全部资金量的5%。

    According to commodities bankers , the total investment of SWFs in natural resources is still limited , at below 5 per cent of their total allocations .

  28. 产业资金量大、国内银行跨区域金融服务、提供货币业务和进行直接融资4个方面展现了上海与长三角地区其他城市之间的金融互动情况。

    The status of this interaction was discussed in four aspects : industrial capital , regional financial service of national bank , money market and direct financing .

  29. 仅仅九个月,余额宝的资金量就已相当于中国74.2万亿元人民币存款的0.5%。

    In just nine months , Alibaba 's Yu'E Bao has already attracted the equivalent of roughly 0.5 % of the country 's 74.2 trillion yuan worth of deposits .

  30. 对于林业而言,其需要的资金量大,并且投资回收期长等特点,都十分符合项目融资运作的特点。

    Much money is needed for forestry , and the circuit for the investment is long , which are all in line with the characteristics of project financing operations .