
  • 网络Proof of funds;POF;bank statement;BCL;Financial Statement
  1. 请买方提供LOI(购买意愿书)和BCL(资金证明)给卖方。

    Please buyer provides LOI and BCL to seller .

  2. 演出器材设备购置情况或者相应的资金证明。

    The purchase of performance facilities and equipment or the relevant fund certification .

  3. 如果价格在合理的话,他将再提供购买意向书和银行资金证明给我们。

    If the price is in range , he will deliver LOI and BCL .

  4. 你所需要提供的资金证明是由签证申请类别相对应的签证评估等级来决定的。

    The evidence you must provide to meet the financial requirement is determined by your assessment level .

  5. 由银行出具的建设资金证明和工程款的支付方式及预付款的百分比;

    Construction fund certificate , project payment method and percentage of advanced payment issued by a bank ;

  6. 尽早办理签证申请,一定确保询问代理如何提供关于资金证明等相关信息。

    Apply early , and be sure to ask the agency to guide you in preparing the financial documents required for the visa application .

  7. 英国签证及移民局保留以随机抽样的方式要求学生提交资金证明材料以及英语语言能力资格认证的权利。

    The UK Visas and Immigration said it reserved the right to request evidence of finances or language ability , and would do so for a random sample of applications .

  8. 中国学生在申请签证时将不需要提交资金证明材料以及英语语言能力资格认证或证明。此外,中国学生在中国或中国以外申请签证,都可以获益于新政策。

    The documents no longer required are evidence of finances , and qualifications or evidence of English language ability . In addition , Chinese students will be eligible to benefit from the new rule whether they apply for the visa from inside China or elsewhere .

  9. 验资报告,银行资金到位证明

    Capita Verification reports , bank deposit slip

  10. 资金信用证明、验资证明或者资金担保;

    A certificate of its credit worthiness , a certificate of the verification of its capital or a guarantee for its capital ;

  11. 快速增长的国际贸易规模和大量的资金流入证明了中国正在不断融入世界经济之中。

    The rapid expansion of its international trade and large capital inflows provide evidence of the increasing integration of China in the world economy .

  12. 资金信用证明是财政部门证明全民所有制企业资金数额的文件。

    Bankroll credit certificate is a document through which the financial department certifies the amount of the funds of the enterprises owned by the whole people .

  13. 但是科罗拉多大学只要求第一学年费用资金支持的证明即可。

    But the University of Colorado requires only evidence of financial support for the first year .

  14. 我可以转发该电子邮件詹姆斯和微型如果他们想看到,我们正在筹集资金,以证明文书。

    I can forward that email to James and Micro if they would like to see that paperwork as proof that we are looking to raise money .

  15. 这并非由于缺乏投资机会,有意在这些国家投资的大量外国资金便是证明,事实上,亚洲的高投资率更是证明了这一点。

    It is not because of a lack of investment opportunities , as is shown by the flood of foreign capital looking to invest in these countries and , indeed , by the high investment rates in Asia , in particular .

  16. 两家银行公布融资计划前,美联储(fed)表示,希望偿还tarp资金的银行必须证明自己有能力在公共股票市场融资,以及有能力在没有政府担保的情况下发行债券。

    The capital-raising plans came after the Federal Reserve said banks wishing to repay TARP funds must demonstrate they had access to public equity markets as well as the ability to issue debt without government guarantees .

  17. 资产来源、资金数额及有效证明文件,并载明产权;

    Valid documents verifying sources of assets and amount of capital , with clear statement of ownership ;

  18. 8%的存款准备金率是不够的,对这些银行进行清算所需的资金数额便能够证明这一点。

    An 8 per cent capital cushion is inadequate as the amounts for winding up these banks will show .

  19. 只有偿还了政府纾困资金、且能够证明提高股息不会影响其资金安全的银行,才能向投资者返还现金。

    Only banks that have repaid government bail-outs and can prove a lifted dividend will not compromise their safety will be allowed to return cash to investors .