
  • 网络Resource Science
  1. 试论资源科学的发展与任务

    On the development and assignment of resources science

  2. 资源科学的学科体系&关于资源科学学科建设的研讨

    Disciplinary system of resources science & On the study of disciplinary construction of resources science

  3. 国家科技发展规划与中国的资源科学

    National Scientific and Technological Plan and Resource Science Development in China

  4. 资源科学的研究对象、学科体系与建设途径

    Research object , discipline system and development approaches of resource science

  5. 资源科学的历史观:人类&资源关系的演进历程

    Historical conception of resource science : evolution of man resource relation

  6. 郑州市超深层地热资源科学钻探工程

    Scientific Drilling for Ultra - deep Geothermy Resources in Zhengzhou

  7. 生态水利与城市水资源科学配置

    Ecological water conservancy and scientific allocation of urban water resources

  8. 最大熵原理在水文水资源科学中的应用

    Principle of Maximum Entropy and Its Application in Hydrology and Water Resources

  9. 关于东海渔业资源科学分析的探讨&与黄传平、臧祖林两位同志商榷

    A Study on Scientific Analysis of Fisheries Resources in East China Sea

  10. 水资源科学发展观哲学浅析

    Philosophical Analysis on the Water Sense of Scientific Development

  11. 资源科学研究的历史进程

    On the historical process of the resource science research

  12. 国土资源科学数据共享平台的框架研究与设计

    The study and designing of the framework of land and resource science - data sharing platform

  13. 资源科学研究的现在与未来

    Present and future of resources science

  14. 资源科学的内涵与发展

    Connotation and development of resources science

  15. 国防科技数字信息资源科学配置策略研究

    Research on Strategies for Scientific Allocation of Digital Information Resources in Defense Science and Technology Field

  16. 湿地生态功能区划分是进行湿地资源科学管理的基础和科学依据,也是湿地生态系统管理的重要途径。

    The ecological functional regionalization is the base and approach of management of wetland ecosystem and resource .

  17. 本文研究认为:资源科学是一门建立在各分支资源科学基础上的综合性学科。

    This paper considers that resources science is a comprehensive discipline based on its various branch subjects .

  18. 水循环是水资源科学评价与合理开发利用的基本依据。

    The water cycle provides an essential foundation for scientific assessment and rational development of regional water resources .

  19. 资源科学是一门新兴的综合性学科,其发展仍然面临着一系列需要探讨的理论问题。

    As a new discipline , resources science is faced with a series of theoretical problems which need to be discussed .

  20. 我国现行的城乡二元土地制度的弊端已经成为土地资源科学利用的最大障碍。

    The existing urban-rural dual land system constitutes the biggest obstacle to the scientific utilization of land resources in the country .

  21. 一种渔业资源科学调查常用的适应性抽样方法是适应性分配抽样方法,这种调查方法一般应用于分层随机抽样调查。

    An adaptive approach is often used in fisheries surveys to allocate sampling efforts , which usually follows stratified random design .

  22. 因此,发展与建设综合性的现代资源科学的学科群,具有理论与实践的双重意义。

    For this reason , modern Resources Science must be developed and constructed , which has dual significance of theory and practice .

  23. 我国陆地生态信息空间化技术研究和数据产品的开发是生态学、资源科学和环境科学发展的迫切需求。

    The developments of ecological , resources and environmental sciences imperiously call for spatia-lization technology research and data product exploitation of Chinese terrestrial eco-information .

  24. 三是提高我国资源科学、高效利用水平,促进国内磷化工向高技术产业化发展。

    Thirdly , it improves scientific and efficient utilization of Chinese resources and promotes Chinese phosphate chemical industry in the development of hi-tech industrialization .

  25. 资源科学是一门研究资源的形成、演化、质量特征与时空规律性,及其与人类社会发展之相互关系的科学。

    Resources science is a discipline on the formation , quality characteristics , distribution regularity of resources and the interrelations between resources and social development .

  26. 文中对资源科学的重要分支&资源信息科学及其技术的产生、理论基础以及在资源科学研究中的应用做简要介绍。

    This article gives a brief introduction to the resources information science and technology including its emergence , theoretical base , and application in resources research ;

  27. 二是实现磷资源科学利用、节能降耗,满足我国食品级磷酸及食品级磷酸盐工业的需求;

    Secondly , it realizes scientific application of phosphate resources and energy saving and satisfies the demand of Chinese food-grade phosphoric acid and food-grade phosphate salts .

  28. 本文以腾冲地景资源科学信息的发掘、提取、表达和传播作为主要研究内容。

    The primary content of this article is how to dig , distill , express and diffuse the science information of geological landscape resources in Tengchong .

  29. 遥感技术具有的宏观、综合、动态、快速的特点,成为现代资源科学研究中最有效的手段之一。

    Remote sensing technology has been one of the most effective approaches for resources science study with advantages of large scale , integration , dynamics and fastness .

  30. 论文在充分借鉴资源科学理论的基础上,在研究中加以引申,从而确立分析和解决城市公共资源问题理论框架和理论基础。

    Paper reference theories of resources and scientific , the author established conceptual framework and theoretical foundation to analyze and solve the problem of distribution public resources .