
  1. 主持和领导资政院工作的总裁(议长),在资政院有其特殊的地位和权力。

    The president had special position and authority in State Council for political Consultation .

  2. 皇帝的答复只是下旨设立一个资政院。

    In reply to it the Emperor decreed merely that an advisory council be created .

  3. 汪精卫因无实权而在1932年8月初请辞行政院长职。主持和领导资政院工作的总裁(议长),在资政院有其特殊的地位和权力。

    He submitted his resignation of being the President of Administrative Council in early August 1932 owing to his powerlessness . The president had special position and authority in State Council for political Consultation .

  4. 再加上革命形势的发展,民族危机的严重,清末立宪失去其阶级基础而走向失败,资政院随之退出历史舞台。

    With revolutionary situation developing and national crisis being more serious , the constitutionalism in late Qing failed because of losing class foundation . Then the State Council stepped down from the stage of history in China .