
  1. 马相伯教育救国的思想与活动

    Ma Χ iangbo 's Thought and Practice in Saving the Country by Education

  2. 马相伯等人主张由中国主教主持教区教务,反对在修院教育中轻视中国文化的倾向。

    Ma Xiangbo and others proposed that Chinese bishops be allowed to preside over diocese affairs and tendencies to despise Chinese culture in seminary education be rejected .

  3. 马相伯在外语教学上的实践和理念是近代中国知识界探寻西方真理,追求文化现代化的一个缩影。

    Ma Xiangbo 's practices and ideas of foreign languages were the epitome of exploring truth and ideas and seeking cultural modernization in Chinese modem academic circles .