
This year , the creation of such mechanisms was put on the legislative agenda of China 's parliament , the National People 's Congress .
Earlier this month , the national people 's congress , china 's parliament , passed the country 's first law to protect private property .
The Provincial Assembly , as the important foundation of the local parliamentary system in the modern China , was the product of the constitutional movement in the late Qing Dynasty , and played a significant role on the political stage of that age .
It is of course possible that , if he wins , he may be true to his promises and convoke a Parliament for all China ; but it is at least equally possible that he may not .
The first parliament held in the initial stage of the Republic of China in April 1913 was a parliament organization learned from the Western Separated Three Authorities founded in China , and it was an important event in the political history in modern China .
Both bourgeoisie parliamentary thoughts and its system 's carrying out in China are passive ones .
Recently we worked in close cooperation to bring the Chinese New Year into the European Parliament , and very soon the core group of the Delegation will pay another visit to China .