
  • 网络Chinese Editors Journal
  1. 《中国编辑》之特色研究

    Study on the Features of the Chinese Editors Journal

  2. 尽管榜单明显偏重于英语世界国家,但每个大洲都有代表,其中包括中国编辑胡舒立和高举法国知识分子旗帜的雅克阿塔利(jacquesattali)。

    Despite an inevitable bias to the English-speaking world , there are representatives from every continent including Hu Shuli , a Chinese editor , and Jacques Attali , carrying the banner for French intellectuals .

  3. 媒介演变与文化传播的独特景观&中国编辑出版史的认识价值

    Media Transformation and a Special Scene of Cultural Dissemination

  4. 《新青年》:中国编辑出版史上的一座丰碑

    The New Youth : a Milestone in the Chinese Publishing and Editorial History

  5. 论中国编辑的文化使命

    On the cultural mission of the Chinese Editors

  6. 这位中国编辑说,新回忆录如果能在中国出版几乎肯定也会畅销。

    The latest memoir would almost certainly be a big seller in China if it were allowed to appear , the Chinese editor said .

  7. 论述了中国编辑和中华民族文化密不可分的关系,并阐明了以下论点:21世纪的中国编辑是先进文化的传播者,是编辑文化的创新者,是社会大众的文化代言人;

    The thesis expounds the close relations between Chinese editors and the culture of the Chinese nation . The viewpoints are as follows : the Chinese editors of the 21st century are the carriers of advanced culture , innovators of editorial culture and mouthpieces of a popular culture in society ;

  8. 中国古代编辑出版的美学追求

    The Pursuit of Aesthetics of Editing and Publishing in Ancient China

  9. 上下几千年,中国古代编辑出版的成就灿烂辉煌。

    The achievement of editing and publishing in Ancient China is brilliant .

  10. 试论《中国学报编辑学导论》的特色

    Tentatively Talking about the Features of Chinese Journal Editing Introduction

  11. 论中国古代编辑出版发展史的基本特征

    On the Essential Features of Editing and Publication Development History in Ancient China

  12. 中国古典编辑活动特点浅论

    Analysis of Chinese Classical Editing Activity Features

  13. 中国的编辑出版活动有着数千年的发展历史,积淀了丰厚的媒介文献和研究资料。

    China boasts of a long history of edit and press activities , accumulating abundant documents and research fruits .

  14. 中国的编辑活动经历了收藏编辑、著述编辑、出版编辑和电子编辑四个阶段。

    Chinese editing activities experienced four phases such as collection editing , writing editing , publication editing and electronic editing .

  15. 在中国,编辑活动与出版活动具有深厚的历史根源。

    In China , the editor study has rooted in the deep history , and the publication study also has developed for over a thousand years .

  16. 编辑加工是中国古代编辑活动的核心内容,编辑加工的艺术水平体现了中国古代编辑出版艺术成就。

    Editing processing is the core content of editing in ancient China . The artistic standard of editing processing reflects the artistic achievement of editing and publishing of ancient China .

  17. 本文试图从历史与理论分析两个视角,对中国古代编辑的生存状况进行全面观照,以期对当代编辑活动有所启示。

    The paper , from two visual angles of history and theory , attempts to give ancient Chinese editors'living condition a comprehensive survey and present some inspiration to contemporary editorial activities .

  18. 7月24日,《ELLE中国》的编辑和工作人员发布了几张章子怡在洛杉矶为该杂志拍摄照片时,与设计师唐毅、摄影师冯海的合影。

    On July 24 , editors and crew from ELLE China published several photos of Zhang doing a photoshoot for the magazine in Los Angeles , along with stylist Tang Yi and photographer Feng Hai .

  19. 中国内燃机学会编辑委员会

    Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines Editorial Board

  20. 中国学术期刊编辑的现代写作学特征是批判性、逆向性、延续性。

    The modern writing future of Chinese academic journal editing should be critical , reversal and continual .

  21. 中国在基因编辑技术上投入巨资,将生物技术列为2016年宣布的五年规划(十三五规划)的重点之一。

    China has invested heavily in gene-editing technology , making biotech one the priorities of its Five-Year Plan announced in 2016 .

  22. 中国的期刊编辑和科研人员似乎更加关注于期刊影响因子这一论题的讨论。

    In particular , the topic of journal impact factors seem to be on the minds of many Chinese editors and researchers .

  23. 技术支撑体系由大型设备分析测试中心、单抗实验室、实验动物中心、《中国病毒学》编辑部、网络信息中心组成。

    Supporting departments include an Analytical Equipment Center , an Animal Experiment Center , the Editorial Office of Virologica Sinica and the Computing Center .

  24. 但是几年后,引文索引法引起了中国学者、编辑以及科研管理者越来越大的兴趣。

    Over the years , however , citation indexing has been increasingly of greater interest to Chinese scholars , editors , as well as research administrators .

  25. 靳以(1909&1959),中国现代作家、编辑家。

    Jin Yi ( 195 0-1959 ), Chinese modern writer , famous editor .

  26. 《中国水稻科学》编辑委员会

    Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Rice Science

  27. 在分析原因的基础上,根据《中国农业科学》编辑部的实践,提出了加强审稿专家队伍动态管理的措施。

    By analyzing the reasons , some countermeasures of dynamically managing the reviewers are proposed .

  28. 这是中国大陆首次尝试编辑文化论著研读类选修教材。

    This is the first time for mainland to try to compile elective textbooks on culture treatise .

  29. 加强审稿专家队伍的动态管理&《中国农业科学》编辑部的实践西部矿山大尺度采空区衍生动力灾害是目前煤矿开采中面临的最大技术难题。

    It is the most important research for west coal mining presently to control the derived dynamical disasters of large scale mined-out area .

  30. 西方学科分类意义的博物学概念在近代传入中国,据此,中国编辑出版了新式博物学教科书和辞书。

    As natural history concept in western subject classification was introduced to China in modern times , new textbooks and dictionaries on natural history were published .