
  • 网络digital information;digital resource
  1. 基于XML与WEBService的数字资源统一检索平台研究

    Research on Digital Resources of Retrieval Platform Based on XML and Web Service

  2. 设计研发了一套基于DC和XML的数字资源建设基础系统平台。

    A digital resources processing system based on the DC and XML has been established .

  3. 数字资源的管理在有关DRM实现的一节给出。

    Digital assets are managed in the section on DRM implementation .

  4. 非IBM价目及性能数字资源取自可公开获得的信息,包括供应商的声明和供应商的全球主页。

    Sources for non-IBM list prices and performance numbers are taken from publicly available information , including vendor announcements and vendor worldwide homepages .

  5. 远程访问是指突破IP地址的限制,从外部访问图书馆等机构的数字资源。

    Remote access is that breaking through the IP address limit and accessing to e-resources from the outside of a constitution , e.g. outside of a college .

  6. OPAC系统与馆藏数字资源整合研究

    The Research of Resource Integration in Library Based on OPAC System

  7. ENCompass是适用于分布环境下数字资源集成管理的系统,能够实现跨库检索、引文链接以及数字馆藏的管理。

    ENCompass is a practical system that has function of federated search , cited link and e-collection .

  8. 开放源代码的数字资源管理系统DSpace和Fedora的分析和比较

    Study and Comparison of Two Open Source Digital Resources Management Systems : DSpace and Fedora

  9. 数字资源整合;SFX;参考链接技术;

    Digital resources integration ; SFX ; Reference linking technology ;

  10. 利用CALIS系统统一检索的方式是适合安徽警官职业学院图书馆的一种数字资源整合方式。

    As to Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers , the CALIS online retrieval system is a better way to the digital resource integration .

  11. 本文首先分析了数字资源网络访问控制中所遇到的问题,并对本文研究的两大核心技术:高效的HTTP代理实现和多个代理服务器之间的负载均衡技术进行了讨论。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the problem faced by the network control of access to digital resources and discusses the two core technologies : highly efficient HTTP proxy realization and load balance of the multi-proxy servers ;

  12. 主要对ARK标识符的结构进行了剖析,阐述了如何利用ARK对数字资源进行命名,并介绍了ARK的特点及质量控制。

    This paper mainly anatomies the structure of ARK identifier , describes how to name the digital resources with ARK , introduces the character and quality control of ARK .

  13. PREMIS保存元数据与数字资源长期保存研究

    On the PREMIS Preservation Metadata and the Long Preservation of Digital Resource

  14. 介绍了OAI框架的主要内容,包括元数据、数字资源管理、收获结果的选择和OAI-PMH协议等,讨论了一个典型的基于OAI的资源搜索服务系统&ARC。

    This paper introduces the main contents of OAI framework , including metadata , managing repositories , selective harvesting and OAI-PMH protocol , In addition , ARC , a typical OAI Service Provider , is also introduced .

  15. 开放文献先导元数据收获协议(OAIPMH)通过元数据收获机制,将数据提供者与服务提供者有机地结合在一起,形成有效的数字资源管理与发布框架。

    The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting ( OAI-PMH ) has built a proper cooperation between data providers and service providers , and then set up a proper framework for digital resource management and publishing .

  16. 复合图书馆;信息服务整合;数字资源整合。

    Hybrid library ; Information service integration ; Digital resource integration .

  17. 面向专业和读者需求的数字资源的建设实践与思考

    Digital Resources Construction Based on the Requirements of Readers and Specialties

  18. 国外数字资源保存政策对我国的启示

    The Digital Resource Preservation Policies of Foreign Countries and its Enlightenment

  19. 数字资源长期保存存在的问题及对策

    Existing Problems of Long-term Preservation of Digital Resource and Its Countermeasures

  20. 高校图书馆数字资源评价指标体系初探

    Research on the Evaluation System of Digital Resources of University Library

  21. 数字资源长期保存中的图像格式选择分析

    Analyses and Choices of Digital Resource Image Formats in Long-term Preservation

  22. 高校图书馆数字资源的远程访问研究

    Study on the Remote Access of Digital Resource of University Library

  23. 对集团采购数字资源费用的思考

    Thinking of the costs for the consortium acquisition of digital resources

  24. 医院图书馆数字资源需求与服务的读者调查及分析

    Survey on Readers'Needs for Digital Resources and Service of Hospital Libraries

  25. 谈医学图书馆数字资源利用教育课程的设计

    Design of the course of medical library digital resources utilization education

  26. 冲出信息孤岛,实现数字资源共享

    Eliminate the Information Islands , Achieve the Digital Resources Sharing

  27. 数字资源的描述控制及书目组织;

    The description control and bibliographic organization of digital resources ;

  28. 基于数字资源的期刊联合目录数据库建设

    Construction of the Periodical Union Catalog Database Based on Digital Information Resources

  29. 高校图书馆数字资源采购步骤及策略研究

    Purchasing Steps and Strategies of Digital Resources in University Libraries

  30. 数字资源发布网站质量控制原则研究

    On the Quality Control Principles for Digital Resource Publishing Website