
  • 网络Data warehouse
  1. 基于WEB的数据仓库技术在电信网络管理系统中的研究

    Telecom Network Management System Research Based On Web-based Data Warehouse Technology

  2. 基于Web的数据仓库技术及其在商业银行中的应用

    Web-based Data Warehouse Technology and Its Application in Commercial Banking Industry

  3. 基于Agent的Web数据仓库技术在发电厂报价系统中的应用

    Application of Agent Technology in Web Based Data Warehouse within Bidding Decision System of Power Supplier

  4. 基于Agent的数据仓库技术

    Agent-Based Data Warehouse Technology

  5. 基于oracle数据仓库技术构建医院统计资源库

    Constructing Hospital Statistic Resource Database Based on Oracle Data Warehouse Technology

  6. 基于RFID和数据仓库技术的仓库管理系统研究

    Research of RFID and Data Warehouse in WMS

  7. Informix®WarehouseAccelerator将数据仓库技术与传统的关系数据库技术相结合。

    The Informix Warehouse Accelerator combines new data warehouse technology with traditional relational database technology .

  8. 为了在进行报价决策时向发电厂提供足够的信息,Web数据仓库技术已逐渐被应用于发电厂报价系统中。

    In order to provide enough information to power plant during its bidding decision , the Web based data warehouse is gradually applied in power plant 's bidding system .

  9. 因此可以利用Web数据仓库技术,将办公自动化系统中的海量数据重组,构成可用、可控、可扩展的数据组织,以满足企业各级主管和办公、业务人员分析决策的信息需求。

    In order to meet analysis decision information demands of director and office man , it could use Web data-warehouse reform great date to form useable patulous manipulative date .

  10. 数据仓库技术在发达国家正逐渐成为仅次于Internet之后的又一技术热点,成为今后数据库市场的一个主要增长点。

    Data Warehouse becomes just gradually major increase point of database market and a technique hot spot which second only to Internet in the advanced country from now on .

  11. 数据仓库技术在SDH配置管理中的运用

    Data Warehouse Technique on SDH Configuration Management

  12. 数据仓库技术和OLAP在社会保险信息系统中的应用

    The Application of Data Warehouse Technology and OLAP in the Information System of Social Insurance

  13. 介绍了一个基于J2EE框架和数据仓库技术的决策支持系统的解决方案。

    Introduces a solution of the decision support system to the banking industry based on the J2EE architecture and the data warehouse technology .

  14. 随着数据仓库技术不断的成熟,面向辅助决策分析的联机数据分析(OLAP)技术也取得了长足的进步。

    As data warehouse technology developed maturely , OLAP technology of assistant decision-making oriented also achieved considerable progress .

  15. 数据仓库技术是OLAP与数据挖掘技术的基础,良好的数据仓库的设计和规划是OLAP和数据挖掘成功的保证。

    A good design and layout of data warehouse is a good guarantee of OLAP and data mining .

  16. 本文提出将数据仓库技术与企业资源规划(ERP)技术相结合,创建基于数据仓库的ERP系统。

    This paper presents combination the technology of data warehouse and enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) to create the ERP system based on data warehouse .

  17. 本文是在理想信息技术研究院开发的家校互动教育平台基础上,与数据仓库技术和OLAP技术相结合,是一种特别的教学研究活动。

    It is a special kind of teaching research activities with the data warehouse technology and OLAP technology combined .

  18. 针对这种现状,本文在设计中引入设计模式,并结合数据仓库技术和J2EE技术,从而构建出高可复用的企业级决策支持系统平台。

    So we introduced design patterns into our paper , integrated with Data Warehouse and J2EE , to design a high reusable enterprise DSS platform .

  19. 面对3G业务的快速发展和上网流量的屡创新高,此次网管中心自主研发了基于面向分析数据仓库技术的3G基站流量分析系统。

    The Network Management Center researched and developed the WCDMA base station traffic analysis system based on the analysis of data warehouse technology independently .

  20. 在电建企业项目管理中热点信息技术是:虚拟现实技术、Intranet和数据仓库技术。

    The popular information technologies in project management of power construction enterprises are : virtual actual technique , Intranet and data base technique .

  21. 在ERP环境下,建立基于数据仓库技术的商务智能系统是一种行之有效支持决策的方案。

    In the ERP environment , establishes Business Intelligence system based on Data Warehouse , is to be the scheme of a kind of effective support decision .

  22. 介绍了系统设计和功能结构,阐述了数据仓库技术、GIS技术在Vague集决策支持系统中的应用。

    This paper describes its design , function , and structure and describes the application of data warehouse , GIS , and Vague set theory in this system .

  23. 数据仓库技术、OLAP技术和数据挖掘技术对决策支持系统的有力支持使其成为数据库技术领域一个研究的热点和重点。

    There have been growing interests in the techniques of date warehouse , OLAP and data mining since they strongly support the decision-making .

  24. 文中对数据仓库技术在CRM中的应用进行了详细的讨论,其中包括,数据仓库在CRM中应用、OLAP联机数据分析在CRM中的应用以及数据挖掘在CRM中的应用。

    The article makes particular discussion of the application of data warehouse technology in CRM which includes the applications of data warehouse , OLAP and data mining .

  25. 介绍了基于Web的数据仓库技术,探讨了用ASP/ADOMD技术实现Web与MSSqlServer数据仓库接口的方法,给出了程序实例。

    After introducing the Web-based data warehouse , ASP / ADO MD is employed to build the interface of Web and MS SQL Server data warehouse , and a program as an example is given .

  26. 然后,本文介绍了在构建销售模块时的一些主要实现技术,包括分布式计算体系结构和数据仓库技术等在构建过程中的具体应用,并提出了适合自建营销渠道企业的VPN网络建设方案;

    At same time this paper introduces the main implement technique about constituting distribution module , which includes distributed computing system and data warehouse , and brings forward some VPN Building Schemes .

  27. 客户服务中心系统是一个利用现代通讯技术、计算机网络技术、数据仓库技术,集电话接入技术、人工座席、自动语音应答、Internet网络服务为一体,面向客户提供全方位个性化服务的组织机构。

    CallCenter System is an integrative organization which utilizes the technology of communication , computer network & dataware house , includes computer telephony integrated technology , customer service representative , interactive voice response technology , internet technology and supports the customers with full-oriented , individual service .

  28. 在CRM系统中,销售信息是企业关注的焦点,将数据仓库技术与CRM系统结合,针对销售信息数据仓库的具体实施进行了研究。

    In CRM system , the enterprise focuses on the sale information . The thesis did some research on the execution of Data Warehouse for sale information , combining Data Warehouse technology with CRM system .

  29. 从大规模定制企业的环境出发,基于Web的数据仓库技术,通过数据仓库的设计和实现,建立了面向大规模定制企业的基于Web的数据仓库解决方案,并展望了其应用前景。

    Basing on the circumstances of mass customization enterprises , the paper integrates data warehouse and the Web technology , by designing and realizing a data warehouse , it builds the web-enabled data warehouse resolvent for mass customization enterprises , is also puts forward the prospect of application .

  30. 在进行商务智能实例的开发过程中,完成的工作有:将数据仓库技术应用于ERP系统,实现子一个辅助汾析洲铺助决策的商务智能实例:设计了整个商务智能实例结构;

    During the course of Business Intelligence example development , completed work has : Apply the Data Warehouse technology into ERP system , realizes a example of supplementary analysis and supplementary decision ; Designs entire Business Intelligence example structure ;