
shù liànɡ huà
  • quantify
  1. 以α-淀粉酶、糖化酶代替传统的拌曲工艺,将液化、糖化、发酵各个参数数量化,为工业化生产提供理论依据。

    Using α - amylase , glucoamylase instead of the traditional mix of songcraft in order to quantify the various parameters of the liquefaction , saccharification , fermentation and provide a theoretical basis for industrial production .

  2. 基于数量化II类的数据分析库的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Quantity II Class Based Analysis Library System

  3. 从数量化角度给出了异常数据的一般性定义,以Web服务器日志文件数据为依据,讨论了挖掘异常数据的方法和途径;

    This paper proposes the general definition of outlier data based on quantity , and then discusses the methods of mining outlier data on the basis of Web server log .

  4. 应用GIS和数量化I理论分析了王家沟流域造林立地主导因子土壤水分与微地貌之间的关系,建立了相应的数量模型。

    Based on relation of main restrict factor soil water , and microtopography by using GIS and quantification theory type ⅰ, to get quantity model .

  5. 利用GIS、RS和数量化理论,对厦门市水土流失进行快速调查。

    With the application of GIS , RS and quantification theory , fast survey of soil and water loss in Xiamen was accomplished .

  6. 基于PRA的数量化风险分析系统研究与实现

    Research and implement of numerical risk analysis system based on PRA

  7. 数量化理论Ⅰ在TBM施工围岩分类中的应用

    Application of quantitative theory ⅰ in the rock classification for the construction by TBM

  8. 也就是说,本ID的理论完全是数量化的,因此而就是精确化的,里面不存在任何含糊的地方。

    That is to say , the ID theory is completely quantitative , therefore is accurate , there does not exist any ambiguities .

  9. 建立了基于数量化理论、GIS和遥感技术的耦合土壤水模型的地下水动态模型;

    Secondly , models on groundwater dynamic condition coupling with soil water and groundwater are developed by the support of theoretical theory , GIS and Remote Sensing technology ;

  10. 数量化录入模型的设计不仅量化了条件组合,而且使形式趋于简单化,适用于以农业专家系统平台PAID为支持平台的多种鲜果的感官品质评定模型设计。

    The design quantizes the combination of conditions , and simplifies the form , which is the same with the design of evaluation model for quality traits of fresh fruit based on PAID .

  11. 在经典DEA模型中,假设输入(或输出)变量都是可以控制的、输入(或输出)变量的身份单纯、变量都可以数量化。

    In the classic DEA model , input ( or output ) variables are assumed to be controllable , of singular identity , and quantifiable .

  12. 采用层次分析法(AHP)对征选树种进行数量化评价,遴选出市树树种,并通过市树来建设城市森林文化。

    Using analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) to recruit for quantitative evaluation of trees . Selected species , and through linked to build urban forest culture linked .

  13. 在影响房地产价格的诸多因素中,目前已经数量化的因素是货币供应量M2和城镇居民人均可支配收入。

    Within the elements that affect the real estate price , the money supply M2 and per capita disposable income in urban residents have been quantified .

  14. 该方法使RAPD扩增条件优化过程实现了程序化和数量化,是获得RAPD优化条件的简便快速、经济实用方法。

    The method makes the optimizing process of RAPD amplification conditions a procedure and optimizing conditions expressed with quantity . It is a handy rapid economical practical met hod .

  15. 集中讨论在两类假设条件下,数量化市场风险的量度受险价值(VaR)的计算与应用,提出计算VaR的主要流程,这将有利于我国金融机构应用VaR控制市场风险。

    The article focuses on discussing the methods of calculation of VaR on two types of assumptions and applications . It will be helpful for our financial institutions to use VaR.

  16. 结论:DEXA对骨折端的BMD跟踪测定可客观准确地反映骨折端骨痂生长状况,从而使骨折愈合检测数量化。

    Conclusions : It implied that tracing test of BMD with DEXA at fracture ends could reflect accurately the state of fracture healing .

  17. 论证了PCA中不能使用编码数据的原因,并指出变量中若含有定性指标,应用数量化理论(Ⅲ)作分析比较妥当。

    Reasons why coded data cannot be used in PCA are discussed . It pointed out that it is suitable to apply quantitative theory (ⅲ) instead of PCA when qualitative components are included in the variances .

  18. 并利用土的胀缩比Cp值对地面沉降的地质环境质量进行分级,应用数量化理论探讨地面沉降的地质环境,进行地质环境质量评价。

    Swell-Shrinking ratio ( Cp ) can be used to describe the land settlement effect and divide the geological environmental quatity into four types . Quantization theory is applied to evaluate the geological environmental quality of land settlement .

  19. 第三阶段中,研究了建立产品意象造型评价系统的模糊聚类分析、数量化一类和人工神经网络等技术方法,其中人工神经网络包括BP神经网络、径向基神经网络和模糊神经网络。

    In the third stage , technical methods of establishing product image form evaluation were studied , including fuzzy clustering analysis , quantification - ⅰ and artificial neural network . Artificial neural network includes BP neural network , radial basis neural networks and fuzzy neural network .

  20. 文中采用了因子分析,数量化Ⅰ类理论统计聚类的方法,得到考虑消费者心理的数学模型,并用VB6.0与Access数据库编制了基于这个模型的商品选购专家系统。

    The methods of statistical cluster such as factor analysis , Quantification Theory I , are adopted to construct the AP model considering consumers ' psychology . Finally , we design the expert system of commodity choose based this model with VB6.0 and Access .

  21. 害虫管理中优势种天敌的数量化评价农药对害虫天敌的Hormesis效应研究进展

    The Mathematical Evaluation of Dominant Natural Enemies in IPM with Examples of Peach , Plum and Jujube Orchards ; Advances in the hormesis of pesticides to the natural enemies

  22. 教育测量学、教育统计学在理论上为考试的科学化和现代化奠定了基础,使得考试分析数量化,而SPSS社科统计软件又使广大教师使用计算机进行学业成绩考试信度的定量分析成为可能。

    The educational measurement and statistics provide a basis theoretically for scientization and modernization of tests and bring about numerical analysis of tests , and the social-science statistical software of SPSS makes it possible for many teachers to apply computer to the quantitative analysis of achievement-test reliability .

  23. 该体系从三个方面进行数量化结果比较,论证了DCC模型的优越性,分别是:套期保值组合的风险、套期保值组合的收益风险比,以及套期保值组合的效用值。

    Three aspects of the system volume from the comparison of the results , demonstrated the superiority of DCC model are : hedge portfolio risk , hedging risk than portfolio income , and the utility value of the hedging portfolio .

  24. 在经典金融理论中,有效市场假说(EMH)一直是数量化资本市场理论的核心,同时也是现代金融经济学的理论基石之一。

    Among classics financial theory , Efficient Market Hypothesis ( EMH ) is the core of the quantity capital market theory all the time , and it is one of the theoretical foundation of modern financial economics at the same time .

  25. 研究目的:采用BOLD-fMRI技术对视觉数量化的脑功能区进行定位,初步分析各脑功能区在数量认知和空间注意中的作用以及各脑区之间的相互联系;探讨功能像扫描参数的优化。

    Objective : To localize functional areas related to visual quantification with BOLD-fMRI , to investigate the roles of these areas for numerical cognition and spatial attention , and to explore the relationship among the functional areas .

  26. 结果表明,采用数量化回归途径建立马尾松林分生长的预测模型是可行的,且所建模型具有较高的预测精度,但用于拟合回归模型的数据以采用林龄为4a以上的测定资料为宜。

    The results show that adoption of the quantitative regression way is feasible for establishing such models , and prediction precision of the models is higher , but it is suitable that growth data of the plantation to be fitted the regression models should be more than 4 years old .

  27. 基于数量化理论的岩堆稳定性评价模型

    Model based quantification theory for stability assessment of rock debris slopes

  28. 小麦籽粒性状与产量和品质的数量化关系

    Quantitative Relationship between Grain Traits and Yield and Quality of Wheat

  29. 如何建立一个数量化的预警指标体系。

    How to found a quantitative early-warning system of risk indexes .

  30. 城市不同交通方式的出行成本数量化研究

    The Quantization Study of Trip Cost about Urban Different Trip Ways