
  • Fuzzy computer;blurring computer
  1. 隧道窑温度模糊计算机控制系统

    A Fuzzy Computer Control System for the Tunnel Kiln Temperature

  2. 模糊控制计算机辅助分析系统

    The Computer-Aided Analysis System of Fuzzy Control

  3. 应用模糊推理的计算机辅助位置误差补偿

    Computer aided positional error compensation and correction using fuzzy inference

  4. 约束流体模糊神经智能计算机的建模研究

    Research on Building Mold of Restraint Fluid Fuzzy Neural & Intelligence Computer

  5. 模糊决策在计算机性能评价中的应用

    Fuzzy decision and its application in the evaluation of the computer system

  6. 数码相机模糊图像的计算机修复

    Computer Restoration of Distorted Images Generated by Digital Cameras

  7. 木材铣削加工模糊控制的计算机仿真研究

    A Study of Fuzzy Control for Wood Milling Processing

  8. 利用模糊集合进行计算机情报检索

    Computerized Information Retrieval by Use of Fuzzy Set

  9. 基于模糊数学的计算机性能评价和销售预测的研究

    Study on the Evaluation of the Computer Performance and Distribution Forecasting Based on Fuzzy Mathematics

  10. 模糊聚类及计算机程序

    Fuzzy Cluster and It 's Program

  11. 模糊数学与计算机应用

    Fuzzy Mathematics and Computer Applications

  12. 模糊图象的计算机复原

    Computer restoration of blurred image

  13. 给出了用于按照空间关系进行模糊查询的计算机物理实现的数据结构。

    Data structure for computational physical implementation used for fuzzy query according to spatial relations is given .

  14. 埋弧逆变自动焊机的单片微机模糊逻辑控制计算机仿真技术在逆变焊接电源中的应用


  15. 据说,模糊逻辑使计算机能够最好地理解人们在想些什么,从而模拟他们的行为。

    It is said that fuzzy logic offers computers the best chance of making sense of what people are thinking and then of reproducing their behaviour .

  16. 构建评价指标体系,借助模糊数学和计算机,对重庆市锰矿产业可持续发展能力定性定量研究,使结论更有可靠性。

    Construction of evaluative index system , using fuzzy mathematics and computer industries to make qualitative and quantitative research on sustainability development of manganese industry in Chongqing , makes the conclusions more reliable .

  17. 本系统集通信、网络、模糊控制、计算机、自动化、远程控制等诸多先进技术于一体,充分体现了现代信息技术和自动化技术在城市供水系统中的应用。

    The system integrating with communication , networks , fuzzy control , computer , automation , remote control and many other advanced technologies , fully embodies the modern information technology and automation technology in the urban water supply systems .

  18. 文中提出的评估方法、系统功能有助于建立开放、多层的基于模糊技术的计算机辅助舰船技术状态评估系统,从而提高舰船技术状态评估的准确性,促进舰船技术状态评估趋向科学化、规范化。

    The evaluation method and system functions offered in this paper help to found open multilevel computer aided ship technical condition evaluation system based fuzzy technique , which can enhance the veracity , scientificalness , standardization of the ship technical condition evaluation .

  19. 本文结合湿法造纸过程控制对一类具有前馈、大滞后反馈、多输入、多输出的模糊控制器及其计算机辅助设计进行了讨论,给出了设计和调整算法,使此类控制器的设计变得简便易行。

    This paper analyses the control of the hydro papermaking process , proposes a certain kind of fuzzy controller which has feedforward , long time lag feedback , multi input and multi output and presents a CAD arithmetic of the fuzzy controller .

  20. 根据目前医学诊断中存在的问题及不同医学诊断的各自特点,设计了基于模糊逻辑的计算机辅助医学诊断系统,主要介绍了其中采用的动态模糊逻辑和加权模糊逻辑相结合的方法。

    According to the problems of medical diagnosis at present and the features of different medical diagnosis , design the computer assistance medical diagnosis system based on fuzzy logic . The method of the combination of dynamic fuzzy logic and weighted fuzzy logic is mainly introduced .

  21. 基于MATLAB的自适应模糊PID控制系统计算机仿真

    Computer simulation of the self-adaptive fuzzy PID control system based on MATLAB

  22. 调整系统控制量的模糊PID控制器的计算机设计与仿真

    Computer Design and Simulation of Fuzzy PID-Type Controller of Adjusting System Control Quantity

  23. 基于Visualc++6.0编制了模糊汽车模型的计算机仿真软件,并就计算机仿真结果与实验值进行了比较,结果基本上是趋于一致的。

    Based on Visual C + + 6.0 , the computer simulation software is developed by the authors to simulate the vehicle model using Fuzzy logic theory . The result shows good consistency between the computer simulation and the road experiment .

  24. 模糊控制系统的计算机设计与仿真的研究

    Research on the Computer Design and Simulation of Fuzzy Control System

  25. 基于模糊综合决策的计算机入侵检测技术探析

    Research on the Intrusion Detection Technology Based on Fussy Integrated Judgment

  26. 模糊数据流程的计算机辅助分析方法

    Computer Aided Analysis Method of Fuzzy Data Flow

  27. 模糊评定的通用计算机方法

    General Computer Method for Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  28. 草甘膦合成过程模糊控制策略与计算机控制系统集成研究

    Study on Fuzzy Control Strategies for Process of Glyphosate Synthesis and the Integration of Computer Control System

  29. 目的探讨模糊数学在胸部计算机X线摄影影像评价中的应用价值,进一步提高胸部计算机X线摄影照片质量。

    Objective To study the application of fuzzy mathematics in imaging evaluation of chest CR images , to improve the quality of CR images .

  30. 介绍了模糊评价方法结合计算机技术运用于环境质量测评的典型实例&农业部环境数据分析系统;

    This paper describes a typical example illustrating the application of fuzzy evaluation method and computer technology to the field of environmental quality evaluation , i. e.