
  1. 进入这家的人将会受到爱的课程。

    Those who come in must learn the lessons of love ;

  2. 那是爱的课程还是关于现实的严酷的课程?

    Will you teach love or a harsh lesson of reality ?

  3. 把爱的课程传递给那些你爱的人和你伤害过的人。

    Pass this lesson of love on to those you love and to those you have hurt .

  4. 要平衡掌握你自愿付出多少私人时间,或者每个月愿意花多少时间上你最爱的课程。

    Strike a balance as to how much of your free time youll volunteer or donate to your favorite causes per month .

  5. 但是每一次心碎都会教授我们关于制造出我们真正想要的爱的有力课程。

    But every instance of heartbreak can teach us powerful lessons about creating the kind of love we really want .

  6. 我决定要做一些事去帮助那些需要感受到爱的人。我打算开一门关于爱的课程。

    I decided to do something to help others who needed to feel loved . I would teach a course on love .