
  • 网络Culture Strategy;Cultural Strategy;CORPORATE CULTURE STRATEGY
  1. 音乐在企业文化战略中运用的可行性初探

    On the Feasibility of Music Applied in the Enterprise Culture Strategy

  2. 政府再造之行政文化战略选择

    Discussion on the Choice of Administrative Culture Strategy towards Government Reengineering

  3. 运用SWOT战略分析和战略形成模型进行研究,提出云南茶叶产业发展应选择:调整茶业结构战略和发展产业文化战略两大战略来促进茶叶产业发展的结论。

    It draws the conclusion that " Two Big Strategies ", or regulating tea structure and developing tea culture should be applied to promote the tea industry in Yunnan province through using SWOT strategic analysis and strategy formation model .

  4. 网络时代高校校园文化战略建构

    Strategical Construction of University 's Campus Culture in the Network Times

  5. 论在市场经济中实施公关文化战略

    Discussion on the Implementation of Public Relation Strategy in Marketing Economy

  6. 这是21世纪人类唯一可行的文化战略。

    This is the only feasible cultural strategy for the21th century .

  7. 软实力与中国文化战略的发展走向

    Soft Strength and the Development Trend of China 's Cultural Strategy

  8. 中国可持续发展与国家安全文化战略的新对策

    New Countermeasure for Strategy of Chinese Safety Culture and Sustainable Development

  9. 我国商业银行服务营销文化战略体系的构想

    Strategic System of Service and Marketing Culture of Chinese Commercial Banks

  10. 民航运输企业实施安全文化战略的分析

    Strategic Analysis on Implementing Safety Culture in Civil Aviation Enterprise

  11. 论湛江建设区域性中心城市文化战略

    On The Cultural strategy of Construction of the key city In Zhanjiang

  12. 红河州全面建设小康社会的文化战略思考

    On Cultural Strategy of The Construction Of Well-off Society In Honghe Prefecture

  13. 实施中国文化战略的目标和途径

    The Objective and Way of Implementing Chinese Culture Strategy

  14. 21世纪的新道学文化战略&中国道家文化的综合创新道家·道教·道学

    21st Century Strategy for Neo-Daoism Taoists , Taoism And The Theory Of Dao

  15. 绿色管理战略(包括绿色营销和企业绿色文化战略);

    The green management ( includes green marketing strategy and enterprise green culture strategy );

  16. 近年来,我国大力实施“走出去”的文化战略。

    In recent years , vigorously implement the " going global " cultural strategy .

  17. 企业文化战略实施研究

    Research on the Implementation of Corporate Culture Strategy

  18. 企业文化战略提出了企业文化的作用和实施框架。

    In the company culture strategy , the effect and implement frame were mentioned .

  19. 中国应该建立跨世纪的文化战略,坚持文化的开放性与民族性的统一;

    China must build the cultural strategy .

  20. 企业文化战略是企业制胜的法宝

    The Strategy of corporation culture is a Magic weapon for Success of corporations in competition

  21. 试析冷战后美国的文化战略

    Analysing American Cultural Strategy of Post-Cold-War

  22. 企业文化战略。

    The strategy of enterprises culture .

  23. 而中国采用一个聪明的经济外交和文化战略来实现其目标。

    Rather China has adopted a clever economic diplomatic and cultural strategy to achieve its goals .

  24. 确立文化战略;

    To establish culture strategy ;

  25. 五是加快战略升级,包括产业战略升级、品牌战略升级、营销战略升级和文化战略升级。

    Quickening strategic upgrade for distilleries including industry upgrade , brand upgrade , marketing upgrade and cultures upgrade .

  26. 文化战略:海峡西岸新农村建设的一个新视角

    Culture strategy , another perspective of building a new socialist countryside on the west side of the Straits

  27. 最后,作者也提出中国作为世界大国之一,在全球化趋势下的文化战略。

    In the end , the author also brings forward cultural strategies of China under the influence of globalization .

  28. 20世纪中后期美国对外文化战略与《史记》的两次英译

    American foreign cultural strategies in the mid-and late 20th century and the two translations of Records of the Historian in America

  29. 只有具备以上基础,才能真正实现我国影视产业的可持续发展,完成我国的影视文化战略。

    Only on above foundation , the sustained development can be carried out and our coutry 's showbiz culture can be finished .

  30. 政府把汉语国际推广作为文化战略之一,建立孔子学院。

    It is one of the strategies that The Government spread Chinese to the world , and the establishment of Confucius Institute .