
wén guān
  • civil service;civil servant;civil official
文官 [wén guān]
  • [civil official;civil servant;civil service] 非军事官员

文官[wén guān]
  1. 第二章论述清代文官衣饰制度的变迁。

    The second chapter discusses the vicissitude of civil official dress system .

  2. 从西方文官制度看建立有我国特色的公务员制度

    Establishment of Government Functionaries System with Chinese Features & Seen in Light of Western Civil Official System

  3. 特恩布尔勋爵(lordturnbull)曾任英国内阁秘书与国内文官首长

    Lord Turnbull is a former cabinet secretary and head of the home civil service

  4. 教育大臣迈克尔戈夫(michaelgove)认为,文官在他上任之初对他的工作造成了妨碍。

    Michael Gove , education secretary , believed his early days in office were hampered by civil servants .

  5. 新公共管理理念下的英国文官制度改革

    British Civil Service System Reform under the New Public Management Idea

  6. 南京国民政府文官考试制度评析

    The Comment on the Civil Officer Test System of Nanjing Government

  7. 1978年美国文官制度改革研究

    The Research on the United States Civil Service Reform of 1978

  8. 文官政府和军方之间还缺乏应有的良好协作。

    Civil-military cooperation does not work as well as it should .

  9. 其中尤以首次文官高等考试之影响最大。

    The first high civil servant examination was the most important .

  10. 美国文官制度变迁的历史分析

    A Historical Analysis to the Changes of American Civil Service System

  11. 重建文官政府也许要等很长时间。

    It may be long before civil government will be re-establish .

  12. 泰国文官制度的发展及其特点

    The Development and Characteristics of Civil Service System in Thailand

  13. 他提名罗斯福做了文官委员会的领导。

    And he named Roosevelt head of the federal Civil Service Commission .

  14. 他和他能干的同事们加强了文官制度。

    He and his able associates strengthened the Civil Service .

  15. 试论20世纪70年代美国文官制度的改革及其影响

    The Reform and Influence of America Civil Service in 1970s

  16. 20世纪美国文官制度的历史回顾

    A review of American Civil Service in the 20th Century

  17. 美国的高级文官制度

    On the Superior Civil Service System in the United States

  18. 论美国现代文官制度的形成

    The Establishment of the Modern Civil Service System in America

  19. 美国文官政治中立问题的历史考察

    The Historical Review on Neutrality of Civil Service in the United States

  20. 我叫他去做文官或补给官之类的。

    Make him a clerk or quartermaster , something of that sort .

  21. 他们听任军方挣脱文官控制。

    They are allowing the military to break free from civilian control .

  22. 文官是按照职位的等级制结构组织起来的。

    Civil services are organized in hierarchical structures of offices .

  23. 你站在被告的抢劫,他说,听到文官。

    You stand accused of robbery , he heard the bailiff say .

  24. 美国的军事力量由文官管理;将军没服从当选的领导人。

    The U.S.military is under civilian control ; generals defer to elected leaders .

  25. 清朝文官考绩制度及其实施状况

    Supervision on Civilian in Qing Dynasty and its Implementation

  26. 印度文官制度评论英国文官制度述论

    The Indian Civil Service : A Valuation A Comment on British Civil Service

  27. 摘要考试制度是美国联邦文官制度的核心。

    The civil service competitive examination is the core of American Civil service .

  28. 美国利益集团游说高级职业文官现象的历史考察

    Historical Review on Interest Groups Lobbying Higher Civil Servants in the United States

  29. 尼日利亚军人与文官关系试探

    An exploration of the relationship between the military and the civilian in Nigeria

  30. 宋代文官制度对瓷器设计的影响

    The Song-dynasty Official System 's Impact on Porcelain Design