
  1. 其中一大部分热播剧是由人气颇高的湖南广播电视台旗下的电视剧制作公司湖南经视文化传播有限公司(ETVMediaCulture)制作的。

    A large share of these hit dramas are produced by ETV Media Culture , a production arm of Hunan province 's popular satellite broadcaster .

  2. 普特文化传播有限公司(普特翻译),是国内享有盛誉的普特英语旗下的大型综合语言解决方案提供商(LSP)。

    PUT Culture & Communication Co. , Ltd. ( PUT Translation ) is a comprehensive language solutions provider in southwest China .

  3. 比格文化传播有限公司很荣幸可以成为中国网球协会以及ITF的承办方来运营这次的戴维斯杯的比赛。

    It is without a doubt a tremendous privilege honor for our company , Beijing International Group , to be the management group for the China Tennis Association ITF for Davis Cup in China .

  4. 广州市一唯文化传播有限公司是一家专业的品牌创意设计公司。

    Guangzhou ONEWAY Cultural Diffusion Co. , Ltd is a professional creative design company brand .

  5. 深圳凯谛文化传播有限公司是国际化模特时尚传播机构。

    Kay . D Models is an international model fashion spreading organization under Shen Zhen Kay .

  6. 北京世纪风采文化传播有限公司;

    Beijing century style culture Media Co.

  7. 而「曜锋文化传播有限公司」的主要业务包括艺人管理及音乐会制作。

    The major business of'AMA Culture and Media Ltd'is major in Artist Management and Concert Production .

  8. 上海赛瀚文化传播有限公司!

    Shanghai Saihan Cultural Communication Co.

  9. 三创影媒隶属于东营三创文化传播有限公司。

    San Chuang Film & Television Media Co. , Ltd is affiliated with Dongying Culture Communication Co. , Ltd.

  10. 上海造欣文化传播有限公司是影视制作服务及活动策划执行公司。

    Shanghai Zaoxin Culture Media Co ' . LTD is a movie making and event planning and execution company .

  11. 吴江市盛典文化传播有限公司-致力于为企事业单位承办各类广告策划,展览及庆典活动。

    Wujiang ShengDian cultural spreading limited-to contractors for all types of enterprises and institutions planning advertisements , exhibitions and celebrations .

  12. 天津鼎顺艺术文化传播有限公司是一家投资于艺术文化领域,注重信誉与专业的商业机构。

    Tianjin Dingshun Arts Culture Media Company Limited is a business organisation , invests and focuses on arts and cultures .

  13. 上海海涵文化传播有限公司是一家专业从事平面设计、制作及出版印刷;

    Shanghai Haihan Culture & Media Co Ltd is a comprehensive company specialized in graphic design , making and printing ;

  14. 广东原创动力文化传播有限公司是一家集影视制作、卡通动漫创作于一体的专业影视制作公司。

    Creative Power Entertaining ( CPE ) is a professional AV production house with a special strength in animated cartoon creation .

  15. 北京比格文化传播有限公司全体员工祝您在新的一年中身体健康,万事如意!

    All of us associated with China tennis wish to extend our sincerest wishes to all for a healthy & prosperous new year !

  16. 苏州正轩文化传播有限公司是一家集形象设计、礼仪庆典、影视动画、广告战略合作为一体的专业性文化传播企业。

    Suzhou Zhengxuan Culture Communication Company is a professional Culture Dissemination Enterprise which integrates image designing , ceremonial celebration , animation and advertises .

  17. 由中国网球协会主办,北京比格文化传播有限公司全程运营的2011梅赛德斯-奔驰“明日之星”国际训练营教练阵容最终敲定。

    The CTA & BIG formally announced the international coach lineup for the2011 Mercedes-Benz " Swing for the Stars " Junior Tennis Development Program .

  18. 宁波海曙瑞河文化传播有限公司是一家由经验丰富的管理专家组成的专业培训供应机构。

    Ningbo Lucky River Cultural communication is a professional training & service vender formed by a group of senior consultants with rich management experience .

  19. 最后,我们还要感谢上海世纪出版集团北京世纪文景文化传播有限公司使我们有机会将知识与读者们分享。

    Finally , we would like to thank Horizon Media Co. , Ltd for giving us the opportunity to share our knowledge with the readers .

  20. 互加文化传播有限公司的商务部的吴巍介绍到,公司在11月份开始了这个占地78平方米的日托中心。

    Hujia Cultural and Communication opened the 78-square-meter day-care center in November , said Wu Wei , an employee in the company 's marketing department .

  21. 李琮洲是北京奥哲维文化传播有限公司的首席执行官,该公司是中国国家大剧院直播节目的唯一分销商。

    Li Congzhou is the CEO of Beijing-based ATW Culture Media , which is the sole distributor of the National Theater Live program in China .

  22. 玉德文化传播有限公司,打造玉德品牌,彰显如玉般自然的美、智慧的美。

    Jade virtue culture communication Co. , LTD. , make jade virtue brand , reveal the beauty of nature , like the supposed beauty of wisdom .

  23. 富缘剪纸社隶属于淄博金昌文化传播有限公司,是经工商局批准登记注册的正规文化艺术传播经贸实体。

    Authorized by Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Zibo , Fortune and Luck Paper Tole Arts Club is a regular economics and business entity communicating culture and arts .

  24. 艾斯柏高文化传播有限公司的全体成员致力于为尊贵的客户提供可媲美五星级酒店服务及氛围的完美就餐体验。

    As the professional catering Service Company in Shenzhen , the shining sparkle team is always trying the best to supply the fantastic dining experience to our guests .

  25. 2008年奥运会他在北京的一个月,常常拜访北京比格文化传播有限公司,并独自游览了古城西安。

    He spent one month in Beijing attending the2008 Olympic Games , visiting the BIG offices daily , as well as traveling by himself to exotic locations like Xi'An .

  26. 展望未来,上海赛瀚文化传播有限公司必将以自身独具的特色在中国出版史上写下浓重的一笔。

    Looking into the future , Shanghai Saihan Cultural Communication Co. , Ltd is bound to write a glorious page in China 's history of publishing with its unique characteristics .

  27. 昆明顶立广告文化传播有限公司:顶立始创于2004年,公司专业从事各类文化活动和商务活动的策划、组织和管理。

    Kunming Dingli Cultural Communication Co. , Ltd. : Founded in2004 , the top legislature , the company specializes in all kinds of cultural activities and business planning , organization and management .

  28. 在过去的20年里,上海的大部分公司都削减了员工的日托服务。但上海互加文化传播有限公司却没有跟随趋势,而是坚持将贴心的日托服务发展下去。

    The company , Shanghai Hujia Cultural and Communication Co Ltd , bucks the trend as most companies in the city have cut back on day-care services for employees over the last two decades .

  29. 今年3月份,阿里巴巴收购了影视剧制作公司文化中国传播集团有限公司(ChinaVisionMedia)的多数股权。

    In March , Alibaba acquired a majority stake in ChinaVision Media , a film and television production studio .