
  • 网络obsolescence;literature obsolescence
  1. 文献老化B-K方程的计量学方法

    The Metrology Method of the B-K Equation of Literature Obsolescence

  2. 文献老化研究现状的分析

    Analysis of the Present Situation of the Study on Literature Obsolescence

  3. 关于科技文献老化B-K方程的多项式回归分析

    Polynomial Regression Analysis of the B-K Equation of the Aging of Sci . - Tech. Documents

  4. 科技文献老化半衰期的计算方法

    On Half Obsolescence Life Calculation Methods of Science and Technology Documents

  5. 半衰期一直是衡量文献老化的主要指标。

    The half-life has been the key indicator of literature aging .

  6. 科技文献老化的灰色预测与分析

    Grey Forecast Analysis of the Obsolescence of S T Document

  7. 科技文献老化过程的数学辨识模型

    A Mathematical Model of the Aging of Scientific Documents

  8. 中文生物学期刊文献老化的分析

    Tie Analysis of Literature Obsolescence of Chinese Biological Periodicals

  9. 文献老化的新定义。

    The new definition of obsolescence of literature .

  10. 科学文献老化规律的分析与建模

    Analysis and Modelling of Scientific Literature Obsolescence Law

  11. 关于文献老化概念的讨论

    The Discussion about the Concept of Literature Obsolescence

  12. 科技领域内期刊出版延时对文献老化的影响

    The influence of publication delay on the aging of literature in the science field

  13. 文献老化的负指数过程

    The Negative Exponential Process of Literature Obsolescence

  14. 文献老化理论研究

    Study on the Theory of Document Obsolescence

  15. 文献老化B&K方程分析

    Analysis on B-K Equation of Document Ageing

  16. 情报源的价值不是衡量文献老化的标准;

    The value of information resource is not the criterion for measuring the obsolescence of literature ;

  17. 从文献老化、语种与类型分布等方面揭示了该学科文献流的某些内在规律并予以评价。

    Some internal rules of literature stream on this subject field are revealed , and literature aging , type and language distribution are discussed .

  18. 科技文献老化同时法与历时法的对比研究

    Contrasting Skill The Comparative Study Between the Method of Seme Time and the Method of Experienced Time of Obsolescence of S & T Document

  19. 这些规律包括布拉德福定律、文献老化律和科学生产律(即文献与作者的关系)。

    Thais rules are Bradford law , the law of document ageing and the law for scientific productivity ( a relationship between articles and authors ) .

  20. 高职院校图书馆信息资源建设存在的主要问题是信息资源积累总量少、利用率偏低、科技文献老化等。

    The main problems in vocational college library information resources construction is few accumulation quantity and low utilization ratio of information resources , literature of science and technology aging .

  21. 分析研究了几种科技文献老化数学模型,讨论了引文年代分布数据统计中引文频次的采样误差。基于过程辨识理论,提出了科技文献老化的数学辨识模型,即传递函数模型。

    In this paper , the authors analyze several mathematical models of the aging of scientific documents , discuss errors in the sampling of citation frequencies in the statistics of date distribution data , and propose a mathematical recognition model based on the process recognition model .

  22. 科技文献经典老化模型的新修正

    A New Amendment to the Classical Obsolescence Models of Scientific Literature

  23. 摘要文献的老化规律揭示了文献工作的规律和科学发展的特徵。

    The obsolescence principle of the literatures library reveals the characteristics of the library materials and its development .

  24. 论文引用文献的新颖性较低,使用寿命较长,文献老化的速度较慢。

    The novelty of the thesis references is low , service life is long , literature aging at a slower speed .

  25. 运用文献计量学方法,对1954-2003年SCIE收录的106种力学专业期刊近20万篇文献文末所附的2856324条参考文献进行研究,考察了力学专业领域文献老化速度在50年间的变化趋势。

    This paper uses bibliometrics to research ( 2 856 324 ) references of nearly ( 20 000 ) documents in 106 mechanics journals from SCIE , and explores mechanics literature obsolescence trend over the past 50 years .