
  • 网络Cultural Relics Management;Administration of Cultural Relics;heritage management
  1. 等到它们被运到坎布里奇(Cambridge),也就是它们现在被保存的哈佛艺术展览馆(HarvardArtMuseums)的时候,它们保存的状况非常糟糕,文物管理人员费了好大功夫才移动了那些被浇水浸透了的壁画。

    By the time they reached Cambridge , where they are now in the Harvard Art Museums , they were in a very bad state of preservation , and the conservator had a difficult time removing the glue-soaked pigment .

  2. 第四节妨害文物管理罪

    Section 4 crimes against control of cultural relics

  3. 文物管理的目的是为了对文物实施科学有效的保护,文物的维修也是为了保护文物。

    The purpose of management and maintenance of cultural relics is to exercise scientific and effective protection .

  4. 代锋说,周三文物管理局下达通知,要求朱建平的厂移址。

    Dai said the relic management bureau issued a circular on Wednesday calling for the relocation of Zhu 's plant .

  5. 数字信息技术应用于文物管理与研究领域,使科研人员极大改善了工作效率和效果。

    The Information technology applied in the field of relic management and research greatly improves work efficiency and research progress .

  6. 如果某件物品要出口,必须要有文物管理部门所加的腊封标记。

    If a certain object is to be exported , a wax seal of the Administration must be labeled on it .

  7. 以色列文物管理局说,耳环似乎采用来自罗马时代埃及的画像中所描述的类似技术制成。

    The Israel Antiquities Authority said the earring appeared to have been made using a technique similar to that depicted in portraits from Roman-era Egypt .

  8. 负责保护中国古迹的机构国家文物管理局否认曾批准此次《图兰多》一剧的演出。

    The State Cultural Relics Administration , the institution responsible for protecting China 's ancient monuments , denies having granted permission for the Turandot shows .

  9. 因此,对山东省文物管理体制中存在的问题进行研究并提出解决问题的方法,具有非常重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , conducting the research to the Shandong Provincial cultural relic management system problems and putting forward the solution to the problem has very important realistic significance .

  10. 当地的一名文物管理官员代锋说,在20世纪60、70年代时农民从墙上取土在当地的一家砖厂造砖。

    Dai Feng , a local relic official , said that farmers took clay from the wall in the 1960s and 70s to make bricks at a local brick factory .

  11. 随着科学技术的进步,文物管理也发生了翻天覆地的变化,从手动管理已经转为由电子计算机进行管理。

    With the development of science and technology , cultural relic management has also undergone tremendous change which is converted from manual management to be managed by an electronic computer .

  12. 国家文物管理局副局长张建新说,克里斯蒂的拍卖是不可接受的,中国不应该被要求买回(这些文物)。

    Zhang Jianxin , deputy director of the museum department with the State Administration of Cultural Heritage , says the Christie 's auction is unacceptable and China should not be asked to buy them back .

  13. 行营位于重庆市渝中区,该区的文物管理所所长徐晓渝告诉记者,复建工作将从8月开始,现在进行的拆除工作也是保护项目的一部分。

    Restoration work will begin in August , said Xu Xiaoyu , a heritage protection official in Yuzhong District where the compound is located . We are dismantling it for the purpose of its preservation .

  14. 序言认为研究少数民族文化遗产对于许多行业和部门,诸如民族学、法学、人类学、文物管理、博物馆来讲,都是很有必要的。

    In the preface I think it is the necessity to study the national minority cultural heritage because most of many professions and section , such as the ethnology , law , anthropology , the cultural object management , and museums , have the necessity to carry on the research .

  15. 华清宫文物旅游管理体制优化研究

    A Study of Optimizing Cultural Relics and Tourism Managerial System in Huaqing Palace

  16. 随着我国信息化建设的进一步发展,文物保护管理的信息化建设变得十分迫切。

    With the redevelopment of informationization in our country , it becomes very imperative to informationize in the field of cultural relic management .

  17. 实现了文物变动管理,并具有普通查询、指标变动追溯和变更对比分析等功能。

    It realizes cultural relic changing management which has the functions such as general inquiries , retrospective index changes and changing and comparative analysis .

  18. 第六条文物保护管理经费分别列入中央和地方的财政预算。

    Article 6 The expenses for the protection and control of cultural relics shall be listed in the budgets of the central and local governments .

  19. 首先,图书、档案、文物集中式管理具备悠久的历史,一种历史悠久且不断被传承、使用的管理方法,必定具备存在的合理性和应用的可行性。

    Firstly , as a long-history managerial approach , the Centralized Management of Books , Archives and Cultural Relics has transferred for so many years .

  20. 一九六一年国务院颁发的《文物保护管理暂行条例》即行废止。

    On that same day , the Provisional Regulations on the Protection and Control of Cultural Relics promulgated by the State Council in1961 shall be invalidated .

  21. 在此基础上,国家文物行政管理部门要编制全国国有馆藏文物总目录。

    On this basis , the Department of administration of cultural relics of the state should compile general catalogs of the state-owned collections of cultural relics nationwide .

  22. 主要职能:保护毗卢寺文物安全管理和维护毗卢寺古迹和文物对社会开放接待来宾和游客。

    The main functions : the protection of cultural relics Birobong Temple Birobong safety management and maintenance of monuments and relics of the temple society open reception guests and tourists .

  23. 图书、档案、文物集中式管理(以下简称集中式管理,加引号的除外)是图书、档案、文物信息资源共享的实现途径之一,意在通过信息载体的地域集中,实现信息内容的共享。

    As a way of realizing the information resources sharing of books , archives and cultural relics , Centralized Management intends to realize the information sharing through the concentration of the carriers .

  24. 文物保护管理和博物陈列展览有了长足进展;“歌舞之乡”的民族文化艺术卓有成效地走向全国、走向世界。

    Heritage management and museum exhibition on display have been making considerable progress ;" song and dance of the rural " culture of the arts effectively to the country , into the world .

  25. 国家和各省、治区、辖市文物行政管理部门应分别确定并建设好一批重点博物馆。

    The departments of administration of cultural relics of the State and all provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should respectively determine and build a number of major museums .

  26. 地方各级人民政府要健全、完善所辖地区的文物保护管理制度,加强文物行政管理部门的力量。

    People 's governments at all levels must perfect the rules for the administration of the protection of cultural relics in areas under their respective jurisdiction and build up the strength of the departments of administration of cultural relics .

  27. 按照文化部2003年颁布的《文物保护工程管理办法》的规定,文物保护单位应当制订专项的总体保护规划,文物保护工程应当依据批准的规划进行。

    The cultural relics conservation unit has prepared a comprehensive plan for the work on the garden in conformity with regulations on conservation work issued in 2003 by the Ministry of Culture , and so the project should be approved .

  28. 大遗址保护规划中基础文物信息采集与管理方法初探

    Basic informatin acquisition and management for protection planning of large cultural relics

  29. 文物典藏机构危险管理的研究

    A Study on the Risk Management for Preservation Organization of Cultural Collections

  30. 上海博物馆采用了先进的消防安保、电化教育、文物图书资料电脑管理和楼宇自动化管理等系统。

    The museum is installed with advanced security and fire alarm systems , multimedia educational facilities , a computerized resources library and building maintenance automation system .