
  • 网络Document Management System;DMS
  1. 基于JAVAWeb组件技术的软件项目文档管理系统

    A Software Project Document Management System Based on Java Web Component Technology

  2. 文章介绍了根据MVC模式以及当前流行的Web应用程序框架而设计和实现的一个功能较为齐全的软件文档管理系统。

    It introduces a software document management system based on the MVC model and the currently prevalent WEB frame .

  3. Web下的文档管理系统研究及应用

    A Research and Application on the Documents Management System in Web

  4. 基于Web的水电厂图文档管理系统设计与实现

    Design and implement of Engineering Drawing Management System of the hydropower plant based on Web

  5. 基于Web的油田基建项目文档管理系统的开发

    The Development of File Management System for Base Construction Project in Oil Field Based on Web

  6. 课题正是从这一现实出发,设计和开发一个基于Web数据库的文档管理系统。

    This issue is to research and exploit a file managed system based Web database from this fact .

  7. NET平台下使用组件技术和PDF表单技术实现了基于PDF的项目文档管理系统。

    NET component technology and PDF form are used to implement the system .

  8. 基于PDM的图文档管理系统中查询功能的研究与实现

    Study and realization of inquiring functions of document management system based on PDM

  9. 本文还介绍了作者开发基于PDF的项目文档管理系统。

    This article introduces the Project Documents Management System based on PDF .

  10. 可重用文档管理系统使用组织结构模型和文档数据模型从不同角度对文档数据管理的业务特征进行描述,使用XML作为业务模型的描述语言。

    This solution use organization model and data model to describe business characters of document management , and use XML as the language of the description .

  11. 在此基础上,文章结合B/S结构的特点提出一个开放的分布式的基于Web的射频仿真项目软件文档管理系统的解决方案。

    Based on those , and with the characteristics of the B / S architecture , an open and distributed frame of document management system in software developing is brought forward .

  12. 最后,使用UML建模语言与部分代码展示了文档管理系统中主要模块的实现。

    At last , describes the implementation of main module of distributed document management system in UML and C # source .

  13. 电子文档管理系统(EECS)是一个基于C/S结构的应用系统。

    Electric document management system is an application based on C / S structure .

  14. 在分析了现有文档管理系统不足的基础上,描述了一个Internet环境下新型文档管理系统的设计与实现。

    The paper analyzes the deficiency of existing document management system , and then the design and implementation of a new kind of document management system is discussed on Internet environment .

  15. 方法通过分析基于PDF的项目文档管理系统的结构,在。

    Methods The structure of project documents management system based on PDF is analyzed , and .

  16. ACME正在研究采用一个文档管理系统来管理保险单文档。

    ACME is investigating adopting a document management system for managing policy documents .

  17. IBMLotusDominoDocumentManager(以前称为LotusDomino.Doc)是一种文档管理系统,可以查看、审批和存档文档。

    IBM Lotus Domino Document Manager ( formerly called Lotus Domino . Doc ) is a document management system that handles document review , approval , and archiving .

  18. 历史上,文档管理系统和CMS系统是有区别的,最终这两个系统合并了。

    Historically there has been a difference between document management systems and CMSs ?, but mostly these two systems have converged .

  19. 基于MIS的输变电设备智能巡检和修试ABC规范化文档管理系统的开发及应用

    Development and application of ABC standardized document management system of intelligent inspection tour , repair and test for the transmission and transformation electricity equipment based on MIS

  20. 第二部分对IP多播桌面视频会议文档管理系统所采用的三层软件结构、多媒体信息管理、分布组件对象模型等关键技术进行详细论述。

    In the second section , the author discuss the key technologies such as DCOM , three-tier architecture , multimedia database , Active Template Library and ADO adopted in the Conferencing Document Managing System ;

  21. Wikis取代了复杂的文档管理系统,并且非常易于创建和维护。

    Wikis replace the complex document management systems and are very easy to create and maintain .

  22. 针对现有C/S文档管理系统的缺点和文档管理的实际需求,提出了以Web和J2EE技术为集成框架,实现分布式文档管理系统功能;

    In view of existing C / S documents management system management system shortcoming and documents management actual demand , Proposes take Web and the J2EE technology as the integrated frame , Realizes the distributional documents management system .

  23. 本文介绍了基于VB的文档管理系统的设计与实现。着重阐述了ADODate控件以及如何与本地和远程数据库进行连接等问题。

    The paper introduce Design and Implement of Document Management System Based on VB . And especially expound ADO Data control and how to join with local database or remote database .

  24. PODS是UCLA文档管理系统extendedSOA(xSOA)的患者信息源。

    In the bigger picture , PODS is a critical source of patient information for the UCLA document management system extended SOA ( xSOA ) .

  25. 就此研究开发的文档管理系统,采用业界流行的B/S模式,使用先进的JAVAWeb组件技术,为软件开发组织提供了一个很好的项目管理工具。

    According to this , the software project document management system is researched and developed , which adopts popular B / S mode and uses the advanced Java Web component technology , and provides a good project management tool for the software development organization .

  26. CMIS(图1)是AdvancementofStructuredInformationStandards(OASIS)管理的一个开放标准,该标准定义了一个使用Web协议控制不同文档管理系统和存储库的抽象层。

    CMIS ( Figure 1 ) is an open standard administered by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards ( OASIS ) that defines an abstraction layer for controlling diverse document management systems and repositories using web protocols .

  27. 本文是以四川省水利水电勘测设计研究院协同设计管理系统为背景,深入的讨论了工作流和J2EE技术在搭建企业文档管理系统中的应用。

    On the background of CSCW ( Computer Supported Cooperative Work ) item of SWHI ( Water Resources And Hydropower Design And Research Institute Of Sichuan ), in this paper , the application of J2EE and workflow techniques on constructing enterprise documents management system is discussed .

  28. 针对模具企业对模具生产过程中的实际需求,提出了基于AutoCAD的模具制造文档管理系统的功能结构,给出了系统数据库的设计,并描述了系统的功能和实现的主要技术。

    The paper puts forward the architecture of management system for mould manufacturing documents based on AutoCAD according to effective requirements of product development process in the mould enterprise . The design of database is proposed , and the functions of management and main tech-nique of realization is described .

  29. 某企业图文档管理系统的研究与实现

    Research and realization of electronic data management system for an enterprise

  30. 文档管理系统中小粒度授权机制的研究

    Research of Fine Granularity Authorization System in the Document Management System