
  • 网络Senses;5 senses;The Five Senses
  1. 在阿西法·马吉德(AsifaMajid)和史蒂芬·C·莱文森(StephenC.Levinson)的带领下,他们配置了一个工具包,用来系统化地刺激传统的五感:对视力,使用色卡和几何形状;

    Under the leadership of Asifa Majid and Stephen C. Levinson , they made up a kit of systematic stimuli for the traditional five senses : for sight , color chips and geometric forms ;

  2. 这就是五感图的工作方式。

    And that 's how the five senses graph works .

  3. 自从亚里斯多德时期以来,五感的解释一直没有改变。

    This list has remained unchanged since the time of Aristotle .

  4. 绝大多数人认为,它是五感中最不起眼的一个。

    Most people say it is the least important of our five senses .

  5. 年少的时候,我们就了解人类拥有五感。

    From childhood , we are taught that the human body has five senses .

  6. 因此要是在所有我们的设计中开始用五感理论呢?

    So what if we started using the five senses theory in all of our designs ?

  7. 这些著名的镶板被运到那里,并被饰以描绘五感的佛罗伦萨镶嵌画。

    The famous panels were transported there and were enriched with Florentine mosaics representing the five senses .

  8. 好,现在这种完美体验在五感图上会是什么样?

    OK . Now , what would the perfect experience look like on the five senses graph ?

  9. 五感信息是演员产生体验的基本素材,来源于五觉对于世界的感知。

    The information collected by the five senses is the rough material for actors to produce experience .

  10. 尽管物理世界还在继续,但却不再有输入从五感进入意识。

    Although the physical world continues on , there is no input into consciousness from the five senses .

  11. 同时追求五感极致协调,到达人车一体的驾驭境界。

    The car is a pursuit of creating total harmony of the five senses and delivers an excellent driving experience .

  12. 我确信每个人都能不假思索的解释五感:视觉,听觉,触觉,味觉和嗅觉。

    I 'm sure we can all recite them : sight , hearing , touch , taste , and smell .

  13. 所以我决定从五感的角度评估我生活中的不同体验。

    So I decided to evaluate different experiences I had in my life from the point of view of the five senses .

  14. 时尚杂志设计中的解构设计手法,强调时尚杂志的五感和时尚杂志设计的物质性、时间性和空间性,反对简单化、模式化。

    Deconstruction of fashion magazines emphasizes in senses of magazines , design techniques and in timing and spatial , instead of simplistic modeling .

  15. 每当生活中有了难忘的体验,我会像记五感日记一样,在这张图表上记下来。

    Anytime I had a memorable experience in my life , I would record it on this graph like a five senses diary .

  16. 你会注意到五感理论不只改变了我们用这些产品的方式,也改变了它们外形设计的方式。

    you 'll notice that the five senses theory doesn 't only change the way we use these products but also the way they look .

  17. 从书籍五感出发,强调对书籍形式、技术中各个因素与内容统一起来呈现出的整体效果。

    From book five sense , emphasis on the form of books , technology and content of different factors in the unite show overall effect .

  18. 因此得出的结论是,我已发现五感理论是一个很有用的工具,来评估我生活中不同的体验,

    So in conclusion , I 've found the five senses theory to be a very useful tool in evaluating different experiences in my life ,

  19. 注意你的大脑能很清楚的意识自己手的方向,即使你不使用五感来感知它。

    Note that your brain was well aware of your hand 's position , even though none of the " classic " five senses were currently detecting it .

  20. 表演中的倾听是一个广义的概念,指演员接受五感信息,通过内心产生藉以驱动反动作的体验的过程。

    In acting , listening is a generalized concept , referring to the process during which an actor receives information through all the five senses and generates with his heart the experience needed for reactions .

  21. 对一部分人而言描摹想象的画面更容易些,而另一部分人则善于描述感触,更有一些乐于描绘“五感”之感者。

    For some people it is easier to see mental pictures , others find it easier to imagine a feeling , and some are more comfortable imagining the sensation of one of the five senses .

  22. 这看起来古怪,但不管这只是简单的灵敏的五感还是我们人类所没有的第六感,都没有什么不正常或是不自然的。

    As odd as this seems , whether it 's simply the acuteness of the five known senses or a sixth sense that we humans don 't possess , there 's nothing paranormal or unnnatural about it .

  23. 本文从书籍设计大师杉浦康平先生提出的的五感论出发,讲述从视觉到触觉,材质与工艺对书籍设计产生的效果。

    Based on the theory of five senses proposed by the prominent book designer Mr. Pu Kangping , this thesis discusses the effects on book design from sense of sight to sense of touch , and from material to craft .

  24. 为做到这一点,我设计了一个叫五感图的东西。沿y-轴从0到10来打分,沿x-轴当然是五种感觉。

    To do this , I devised something called the five senses graph . Along the y-axis , you have a scale from zero to 10 , and along the x-axis , you have , of course , the five senses .

  25. 五感在景观设计中的运用该是我们设计师努力实践的方向,我们应该不断探索景观规划设计新途径,创造更美好,更适合人类生活的环境。

    Five senses in the use of landscape design should be our efforts to practice the designer should be the direction that we should constantly explore new ways of planning and designing the landscape to create a better , more suitable for human living environment .

  26. 松毛虫赤眼蜂雌性触角五种感器的超微结构(膜翅目:赤眼蜂科)

    The Ultrastructure of Five Kinds of Sensilla in the Female Antenna of Trichogramma dendrolimi ( Hymenoptera : Trichogrammatidae )

  27. 应用五孔感头测定沿程截面内气流的切向角、轴向速度、气流静压和旋流数的分布。

    A five hole probe is used for measuring the tangential angle of flow 、 axial velocity 、 static pressure of flow and swirl number in the flow sections of the conveying system .

  28. 五种化感物质对人参幼根皂苷含量的影响

    Effects of Five Allelochemicals on Ginsenosides in Ginseng Seedling Roots

  29. 我才刚结束一段五年的感�

    I just got out of a five-year relationship .

  30. 你花了五分钟整理感�

    And it took you five whole minutes